License: GPLv2
Version: 0.02
****A tutorial for matlab now in tutorial_ClassRF.m****
Ways to generate Mex's and Standalone files
rfsub.o is compiled using fortran from rfsub.f. In case cywin or a fortran
compiler is not present just copy the appropriate (depending on OS)
rfsub.o from precompiled_rfsub directory to the current directory
___STANDALONE____ (not exactly standalone but an interface via C)
An example for a C file using the twonorm dataset for classification
is shown in src/twonorm_C_wrapper.cpp
This is a standalone version that needs to set right parameters in CPP file.
Compiling in windows:
Method 1: use cygwin and make: go to current directory and run 'make twonorm -f'
in cygwin command prompt. Need to have gcc/g++ and g77 (in cygwin)
installed. Also the custom makefile differs from the linux version which has -lgfortran
whereas the windows version doesn't. Will generate twonorm_test.exe
Method 2: use DevC++ (download from ).
Open the file which is a project file which has the sources
etc set. Just compile and run. Will generate twonorm_C_devcpp.exe
Compiling in linux:
Method 1: use linux and make: go to this directory and run 'make diabetes'
in command prompt. Need to have gcc/g++ and fortran installed. Will generate diabetes_test.
run as ./diabetes_test
generates Mex files that can be called in Matlab directly.
Compiling in windows:
Use the compile_windows.m and run in windows. It will compile and generate
appropriate mex files. Need Visual C++ or some other compiler
(VC++ express edition also works). Won't work with Matlab's inbuilt compiler (lcc)
Compiling in linux:
Use the compile_linux.m and run in windows. It will compile and generate
appropriate mex files.
Using the Mex interface:
There are 2 functions classRF_train and classRF_predict as given below.
See the sample file test_ClassRF_extensively.m
%function Y_hat = classRF_predict(X,model)
%requires 2 arguments
%X: data matrix
%model: generated via classRF_train function
%function model = classRF_train(X,Y,ntree,mtry, extra_options)
%requires 2 arguments and the rest 2 are optional
%X: data matrix
%Y: target values
%ntree (optional): number of trees (default is 500)
%mtry (default is max(floor(D/3),1) D=number of features in X)
%there are about 14 odd options for extra_options. Refer to tutorial_ClassRF.m to examine them
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
1、资源内容:基于Matlab实现几十个神经网络相关仿真(源码+数据+说明文档).rar 2、适用人群:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业或毕业设计中的部分功能,作为“参考资料”使用。 3、解压说明:本资源需要电脑端使用WinRAR、7zip等解压工具进行解压,没有解压工具的自行百度下载即可。 4、免责声明:本资源作为“参考资料”而不是“定制需求”,代码只能作为参考,不能完全复制照搬。不一定能够满足所有人的需求,需要有一定的基础能够看懂代码,能够自行调试代码并解决报错,能够自行添加功能修改代码。由于作者大厂工作较忙,不提供答疑服务,如不存在资源缺失问题概不负责,谢谢理解。
基于Matlab实现几十个神经网络相关仿真(源码+数据+说明文档).rar (638个子文件)
chapter1_1.asv 4KB
chapter22.asv 3KB
chapter8.2.asv 3KB
chapter42_2.asv 2KB
chapter42.asv 349B
test.asv 278B
svm.cpp.bak 61KB
svmtrain.c.bak 11KB
10_2.bmp 173KB
10_5.bmp 173KB
9_5.bmp 173KB
2_5.bmp 173KB
3_2.bmp 173KB
4_4.bmp 173KB
8_5.bmp 173KB
1_2.bmp 173KB
6_1.bmp 173KB
6_2.bmp 173KB
1_4.bmp 173KB
1_3.bmp 173KB
10_3.bmp 173KB
9_4.bmp 173KB
5_1.bmp 173KB
2_4.bmp 173KB
5_4.bmp 173KB
6_3.bmp 173KB
6_4.bmp 173KB
4_2.bmp 173KB
9_3.bmp 173KB
1_5.bmp 173KB
6_5.bmp 173KB
7_5.bmp 173KB
7_1.bmp 173KB
7_2.bmp 173KB
3_3.bmp 173KB
5_5.bmp 173KB
10_4.bmp 173KB
8_4.bmp 173KB
8_2.bmp 173KB
4_5.bmp 173KB
10_1.bmp 173KB
2_3.bmp 173KB
5_2.bmp 173KB
7_3.bmp 173KB
7_4.bmp 173KB
1_1.bmp 173KB
8_1.bmp 173KB
4_3.bmp 173KB
3_4.bmp 173KB
3_5.bmp 173KB
9_2.bmp 173KB
8_3.bmp 173KB
9_1.bmp 173KB
2_1.bmp 173KB
3_1.bmp 173KB
2_2.bmp 173KB
4_1.bmp 173KB
5_3.bmp 173KB
num3_2.bmp 7KB
num4_3.bmp 7KB
num0_1.bmp 7KB
num3_3.bmp 7KB
num4_1.bmp 7KB
num0_2.bmp 7KB
num7_2.bmp 7KB
num2_3.bmp 7KB
num6_1.bmp 7KB
num1_2.bmp 7KB
num9_1.bmp 7KB
num8_2.bmp 7KB
num1_3.bmp 7KB
num2_1.bmp 7KB
num4_2.bmp 7KB
num0_3.bmp 7KB
num2_2.bmp 7KB
num1_1.bmp 7KB
num6_3.bmp 7KB
num7_3.bmp 7KB
num6_2.bmp 7KB
num5_2.bmp 7KB
num3_1.bmp 7KB
num8_1.bmp 7KB
num9_2.bmp 7KB
num9_3.bmp 7KB
num5_3.bmp 7KB
num8_3.bmp 7KB
num5_1.bmp 7KB
num7_1.bmp 7KB
svmtrain.c 11KB
svmpredict.c 9KB
svm-train.c 9KB
svm_model_matlab.c 8KB
svm-scale.c 7KB
interface.c 6KB
svm-predict.c 5KB
qsort.c 5KB
qsort.c 5KB
libsvmread.c 4KB
libsvmwrite.c 2KB
main.c 398B
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