Visual Studio property sheets for rapidly configuring a project to build a MEX file.
The usage of the property sheets (.props files) is described at In short, just set the `MATLAB_ROOT` and/or `MATLAB32_ROOT` environment variables (for 32-bit and 64-bit versions, respectively), and include the property sheet (MATLAB.props) into your DLL project:
![add MEX property sheet to Visual Studio project](
The relevant settings configured automatically by the property sheet include:
1. Adding `$(MATLAB_ROOT)\extern\include` to the `AdditionalIncludeDirectories` paths (with inherited paths from parent configurations) -- the location of mex.h.
2. Adding `$(MATLAB_ROOT)\extern\lib\win64\microsoft` to the `AdditionalLibraryDirectories` paths -- the location of libmex.lib, etc.
3. Listing the libraries: `libut.lib;libmx.lib;libmex.lib;libmat.lib`.
4. Exporting `mexFunction` (it's a shared library): `/EXPORT:mexFunction`.
5. Setting the output file extention (e.g. `.mexw64` for x64).
6. Sets MATLAB_MEX_FILE (helpful to signal to your own headers if they are being used in a MEX file).
7. Turns on generation of data required for profiling.
The files MATLABx64.props and MATLABx86.props are for 64-bit and 32-bit MATLAB, respectively. MATLAB.props is supposed to work for either 32-bit or 64-bit MATLAB using conditional expressions, but I have not tested it extensively.
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