# DrugResponse
Analysis of drug response based on cell staining
## Deep Dye Drop based cell cycle gating
### Installation via conda/mamba
If necessary, install mamba:
conda install mamba
Create a conda environment with the necessary dependencies:
mamba env create -n deep_dye_drop --file=env_conda.yaml
Activate the new conda environment
conda activate deep_dye_drop
Install the cell_cycle_gating package and other necessary packages through pip
pip install git+https://github.com/datarail/datarail.git
pip install git+https://github.com/datarail/gr_metrics.git#egg=gr50\&subdirectory=SRC/python
pip install git+https://github.com/datarail/DrugResponse.git#egg=cell_cycle_gating\&subdirectory=python
Open Jupyter Lab:
If Jupyter Lab doesn't automatically open in your browser, visit http://localhost:8888/
Select the "deep-dye-drop" conda environment for the Python kernel.
### Installation via docker
Pull the docker image
docker pull labsyspharm/deep-dye-drop
Change to the directory you would like to mount via docker
cd <your directory>
Create a docker container running on port 7777 (you may choose any free port)
docker run -d -p 7777:8888 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work --name ddd_notebook labsyspharm/deep-dye-drop start-notebook.sh --IdentityProvider.token=''
This will mount the current working directory to the "work" folder within the container, giving you access to the files and jupyter notebooks therein.
Note: "jovyan" is the default username used by the [Jupyter Docker Stacks](https://jupyter-docker-stacks.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) docker images upon which our docker image is built.
Open Jupyter Lab in your browser at http://localhost:7777/ or on the port of your choosing.
Select the "deep-dye-drop" conda environment for the Python kernel.
### Cell cycle gating example
See the "python/cell_cycle_gating/examples/DDR_example.ipynb" notebook.
### Getting started
* cd into the directory that contains the object level data folders.
* Start a Jupyter notebook or Ipython session.
* For each plate (object level folder), use the template below to compute live/dead status and cell cycle phases of individual cells.
* The dataframe `df` returns well-level summary of number of live/dead cells and fraction of cells in each phase of the cell cycle.
* The script saves a pdf showing the gating on each DNA v EDU scatter plot for review.
* The dataframe `df` is also saved as a .csv file with the same name as the object level folder.
from cell_cycle_gating import run_cell_cycle_gating as rccg
obj = 'path_to_object_level_data_folder'
df = rccg.run(obj)
![Alt text](python/cell_cycle_gating/example_plots/example_plot.jpg?raw=true "Title")
Deep Dye Drop's automated gating package is currenlty available under the MIT license .The package was developed with funding from U54 grant HL127365, "The Library of Integrated Network-Based Cellular Signatures" under the NIH Common Fund program, and NCI U54 grant CA225088 for the Harvard Medical School (HMS) Center for Cancer Systems Pharmacology (CCSP).
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1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2021a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
基于细胞染色的药物反应分析matlab代码.zip (284个子文件)
CStr2String.c 9KB
summary_180306_185009-V[20849].csv 7KB
EX_01_metadata.csv 299B
working_code_jake.ipynb 213KB
manual_gating_example.ipynb 3KB
manual_gating_v2_example.ipynb 3KB
DDR_example.ipynb 2KB
example_plot.jpg 851KB
CCphases.m 26KB
CellCycleClassification.m 20KB
dr.m 16KB
DataHash.m 15KB
uTest_CStr2String.m 15KB
hpdd_exporter.m 14KB
DeadCellFilter.m 13KB
Process_CellCountData2.m 10KB
Annotate_CellCountData.m 9KB
Import_PlatesCellCountData2.m 9KB
TreatmentDesign.m 8KB
Import_PlatesCellCountData.m 8KB
collapse_.m 8KB
GR_OverTime.m 7KB
ICcurve_fit.m 7KB
hpdd_importer.m 7KB
Process_CellCountData.m 7KB
DrugDesignToTable.m 7KB
TestPlateBias.m 7KB
CellCycleReClass.m 6KB
plot_multidims.m 6KB
AddPlateInfo_RawData.m 6KB
pH3Filter.m 6KB
table2ndarray.m 6KB
Import_SingleCell.m 6KB
DrugDesign_plot.m 6KB
TreatmentTableToDrugDesign.m 5KB
dscatter.m 5KB
process_args__.m 5KB
MatrixToDrugDesign.m 5KB
ExtractCombowSingleCell.m 5KB
Import_IncucyteCellCountData.m 5KB
Import_CyCIFData.m 4KB
slice1_.m 4KB
XMLElement.m 4KB
Merge_CyCIFcycles.m 4KB
Merge_CellCountData.m 4KB
ExtractCurves_CellCountData.m 4KB
EvaluateBliss.m 4KB
tsv2table.m 4KB
TimeMerge_CellCountData.m 4KB
ExtractCurves_CellCountData2.m 3KB
EdgeCorrecting_CellCountData.m 3KB
sort_table.m 3KB
CStr2String.m 3KB
DrugDesign_Vstack.m 3KB
DrugDesign_Hstack.m 3KB
PlateFilterByFocus.m 3KB
TimeCourse_DivRate.m 3KB
export_DrugDesign.m 3KB
example_modified_hpdd_file.m 3KB
Import_CTGData.m 3KB
DrugResponseTableToCombo.m 3KB
ImportAnnotate_DGEdata.m 3KB
collapse.m 2KB
round_Doses.m 2KB
TestBias_multiplates.m 2KB
estimate_rates_endpoint.m 2KB
keyed_matrix_copy.m 2KB
ndarray2table.m 2KB
tsvwrite.m 2KB
collapse_meanSEM.m 2KB
parseCellCycleInputs.m 2KB
get_DesignDrugs.m 2KB
nancorr.m 2KB
ndarraymap.m 2KB
table2tsv.m 2KB
calculate_steady_state.m 2KB
group_rows_.m 2KB
matrix_from_table.m 2KB
DefineFixedControlPositions.m 2KB
length_.m 2KB
Write_DesignTreatment_summary.m 1KB
TextDesignFile_importer.m 1KB
make_test_table.m 1KB
MovingWindow.m 1KB
plot_singleCell_combo.m 1KB
tomaxdims.m 1KB
tsv2cell.m 1KB
Write_D300_summary.m 1KB
nr.m 1KB
DrugDesign_PutOnPlate.m 1KB
index.m 1KB
ExtractMatchedKeys.m 1KB
mktbl.m 1KB
cartesian_product.m 1KB
rate_optimization_endpoint.m 1KB
err_allrates.m 1KB
ImportCheckPlateInfo.m 1KB
fill_missing_keys_.m 1KB
eqtable.m 1KB
cartesian_product_table.m 1KB
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