# Bar Chart Race Plot
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Copyright (c) 2020 Michio Inoue
This repository provides a function that generates a bar chart race plot.
### Requirements: R2019b
# Syntax
`barChartRace(X)` draws the animation of the bar chart for each rows of `X`. `X` can be numeric array, table, or timetable.
`h1 = barChartRace(X)` returns a handle (`h1`) to the figure with bar chart.
`[h1,h2] = barChartRace(X)` returns a handle (`h2`) to the figure with the data description in addition to `h1`.
`[ __ ] = barChartRace(X, Name, Value)` to use some Name-Value Pair Arguments.
# Name-Value Pair Arguments
**'Time':** A vector (numeric or datetime) that represents the time for each raw of `X`. The default is `1:size(inputs,1)`
**'LabelNames':** A cell or string vector of the variable names, each element corresponds to each columns of `X`. The default is `"name" + string(1:size(X,2))` if `X` is a numeric array or the name of varialbes if `X` is a table or timetable.
**'ColorGroups':** A cell or string vector of color group name. Each element corresponds to each columns of `X`. The default is `"name" + string(1:size(X,2))` if `X` is a numeric array or the name of varialbes if `X` is a table or timetable. Example: With `'ColorGroups' = ['g1','g1','g2','g1','g2']`, the bars of 1st, 2nd, 4th column of inputs will the same color. The default color order will be used.
**'NumDisplay':** A number of variable to display from the top. The default is all, `size(X,2)`.
**'NumInterp':** A number of datapoints to be generated between each time stamp of `X`. The larger the value is the smoother/slower the transtion. The default is 2.
**'Method':** A method for above interpolation. The default is 'linear', but can be 'spline' for more dynamic bar transition.
**'GenerateGIF':** If TRUE, GIF animation of bar chart race will be generated.
**'Outputfilename':** Output GIF file name
**'XlabelName':** The XLabelName, the defaultis "" (emtpy)
**'IsInteger':** If TRUE, the text shown next to each bar will be arounded to interger value. The default is TRUE.
**'FontSize':** Axes fontsize, the default is 15.
**'DisplayFontSize':** The fontsize of the time stamp display, the default is 15.
**'YTickLabelRotation':** The angle of the y-axes label text, the default is 0.
**'Position':** Location and size of the drawable area, specified as a vector of the form [left bottom width height]. The deafult is 'DefaultFigurePosition'
**'GIFDelayTime':** Delay before displaying next image. Delay before displaying next image, in seconds, a scalar value in the range [0,655]. The default here is 0.05 (see imwrite for details)
**'Footnote':** String text to display at the bottom right corner of the axes. For multiple lines of text, use a vector of strings. Default is "visualized by MATLAB"
# Example
See `barChartRace.m` for the detail options.
Here's a toy data set and its transition of rankings. The variable A starts from 5th place and move to 1st place in the end.
% Some toy (time series) data set
maxT = 45;
time = 0:50;
x0 = 1:5; % initial data
rate = (5:-1:1)/100*2; % growth rate
data = zeros(length(time),length(x0));
data(1,:) = x0;
for ii=2:length(time)
data(ii,:) = data(ii-1,:).*(1+rate);
[h1, h2] = barChartRace(data);
% The gif at the top will be generated by the following setting
names = ["A","B","C","D","E"];
# Scripts
There are also some sample scripts which will generate a bar chart race plot. These can be a good example to work through the basic ideas behind the bar chart race animation with graphics object of MATLAB. These script can work with the earlier version of MATLAB.
- `barChartRace_UniColor.m`: Single color version
- `barChartRace_multiColor_oneBar.m`: Multi-color version with one bar object.
- `barChartRace_multiColor_multiBar.m`: Multi0color version with multi-bar objects (for users with R2017a or earlier.)
Note: The implementation of a function `barChartRace` is similar to that of `barChartRace_multiColor_oneBar.m` but many additional options.
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