function [Matrices] = ORASchafferShrinkageNetworkInference(data,OraSch,LocalFdr,VarInModel)
Computing Adjacency Weighted Matrices for networks by using the ORA-Quantile procedure proposed in Pagliarini et al.,
shrinkage covariace matrix computation plus Local-FDR (Pagliarini et al.),
and quantile correlation and partical correlazion plus network deconvolution.
data: a n*p matrix, where n is the number of samples and p the number of
OraSch: name of the method for the shrinkage estimator of the covariance
matrix. If OraSch = 'Sha' the the method is the one proposed in J. Schaefer and K. Strimmer. 2005,
OraSch = 'Ora' the method is the one proposed in Chen et al. 2010.
LocalFdr: name of the method for network pruning. If LocalFdr = 'Q'the
approach is correlation/partial correlation quantile test as described in
Pagliarini et al. If LocalFdr = 'L'the approach is the one described in J.
Schäfer, K. Strimmer 2005. If LocalFdr = 'N'the approach is correlation/partial correlation quantile test as described in
Pagliarini et al. plus network deconvolution developed in Feizi et al.
VarInModel: name of the variables/nodes. This input can be empty.
Output: a struct array that contains these fields:
GGMatrix: the matrix associated with the Graphical Gaussian Model;
GGMatrixThre: the pruned GGMatrix;
GGMatrixCorrThre: the matrix associated with the output of the ORA-Quantile Algorithm, or with the select pruning method;
CorrMatrix: the correlation matrix;
OraSch: the input OraSch parameter;
LocalFdr: the input LocalFdr parameter;
VarInModel: name of the variables/nodes, if this input is not empty.
function [Matrices] = ORAShrinkagePartialCorr_V5(data,ShrCov,VarInModel)
Computing Adjacency Weighted Matrices for networks by using the ORA-Quantile procedure proposed in Pagliarini et al.
and other threshold approached described in the same paper.
data: a n*p matrix, where n is the number of samples and p the number of
ShrCov: name of the method for the shrinkage estimator of the covariance
matrix. If ShrCov = 'Sha' the the method is the one proposed in J. Schaefer and K. Strimmer. 2005,
otherwise the method is the one proposed in Chen et al. 2010.
VarInModel: name of the variables/nodes. This input can be empty.
Output: a struct array that contains these fields:
GGMatrixCorrThre: the matrix associated with the output of the ORA-Quantile Algorithm;
CorrMatrixThreLocalFDR: the correlation matrix obtained by using Local-FDR threshold;
GGMatrixThreLocalFDR: the matrix associated with the Graphical Gaussian Model obtained by using Local-FDR threshold;
GGMatrix: the matrix associated with the Graphical Gaussian Model;
CorrMatrix: the correlation matrix;
CorrMatrixThre: threshold correlation matrix based on pval t-test;
GGMatrixThre: graphical Gaussian model matrix obtained by using the Quantile thresold;
GGMatrix_zscore: Graphical Gaussian Model Matrix z-score threshold. Values with absolute value of z-score < 1.96 are set to 0;
GGMatrix_2sigma: Graphical Gaussian Model Matrix 2-sigma threshold. Values with absolute value < mu+2*sigma are set to 0,
where mu is the mean and sigm is the standard deviation;
PvalCorrMatrix: matrix of p-values associated with correlation matrix computed by applying t-test;
VarInModel: name of the variables/nodes, if this input is not empty.