# Descriptions
This repo contains the matlab code to generate the results in the paper entitled:
**Target localization and pursuit with networked robotic vehicles: theory and experiments**
*Authors*: Nguyen Hung, Eduardo Cunha, Francisco Branco, Antonio Pascoal, Institute for System and Robotic, IST, Lisbon
*Status*: Under review at the IEEE robotics automation letters
Contact: hung.seadc@gmail.com
# Simulation and Animation
To see simulation results and animations, run
- For 2D: SLAP_2D_3Trackers_ETC.m
- For 3D: SLAP_3D_3Trackers_ETC.m
# Reference
If you find the code useful and would like to cite, please reference to the following paper:
Authors: Nguyen Hung, Eduardo Cunha, Francisco Branco, Antonio Pascoal, Institute for System and Robotic, IST, Lisbon
The paper was submited and under review at IEEE robotics automation letters
More information:
- 粉丝: 3w+
- 资源: 7814
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