� Welcome to 80XXX Snippets! �
� 80X0393 - March 1993 �
All the code I put into 80XXX Snippets for distribution is Public Domain
or free to the best that I can determine. Since 80XXX Snippets includes
both public domain and free code, be sure to carefully read each header
or *.doc file for any free license restrictions which may apply.
Some changes have been made(I hope to the better) since the last release
of the Snippets:
- All FAQ's have the extension *.FAQ
- Textfiles have the extension *.TXT
- Documentation to source files have the extension *.DOC
Filedate and filetime reflect the release:
Jul 92 snippets: 07-30-92 07:00
Sep 92 snippets: 09-30-92 09:00
Mar 93 snippets: 03-30-93 03:00
I know, nothing spectacular just gives (me) a better overview. :)
This time there will be no Diff file (80X0393D.ZIP). I did so many
changes and reorganization that it is highly recomended to get the
complete 'collection'.
BTW, you are more than welcome to contact me for any comments, ideas or
suggestions to improve 80XXX Snippets.
80XXX Snippets have been released for the first time in July 1992.
Distribution (usually) will be in two files:
80Xmmyy.ZIP full collection of 80XXX Snippets
80XmmyyD.ZIP differential pack. Contains only the files changed since
the last release
(needless to mention that mm indicates the month and yy the year of
80XXX Snippets are distributed through the FidoNet Programer's Distri-
bution Network (PDNASM) and I also put them into CIS.
Also available at my BBS:
CTB Futures Board, 49-89-917754, 2:246/120@fidonet.org
9600 bps, V32-V42B, 24h Online
or in the U.S. at Terry Carmen's BBS:
The Reef, 1-315-4464150, 1:260/338@fidonet.org
9600 bps, V32-V42B, 24h Online
Free first time download
Magics for frequesting are:
80XSNIP for full collection
80XDIFF for differential package
I want to thank following fellow programers for spending their time and
sharing their knowledge to provide us with hot stuff:
(in alphabetical order)
Craig Allsop, Chris Barrett, Ed Beroset, David Boynton, Jerry Coffin,
Paul Cullum, Mark Dixon, Michael Forrest, Garry Freemyer, Emil Gilliam,
Rob Green, Matthew Hildebrand, Yousuf J. Khan, David Kirschbaum,
Jeffrey S. Lee, Darren Lyon, Doug Mansell, Rich Paul, David Poskie,
Matt Pritchard, Inbar Raz, Oliver Reubens, James Vahn, Dave M. Walker,
Sam Warden.
Enjoy 80XXX Snippets!
Uwe E. Schirm
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收藏 32.06MB RAR 举报
1. **温度自动控制系统**:这类系统通常使用温度传感器(如热电偶或热敏电阻)采集环境温度,然后通过51单片机处理数据,驱动继电器或其它执行机构调节加热或冷却设备,保持设定的温度范围。
2. **交通灯控制系统**:在城市交通中,红绿灯的定时切换可以通过51单片机实现。汇编语言程序可以精确控制每个信号灯的亮灭时间,确保交通流畅。
3. **LED点阵仿真**:LED点阵可以用来显示文字、图形,51单片机通过控制每个LED的状态,实现动态显示效果。汇编语言可以有效管理I/O口,驱动大量的LED,并进行动态扫描,降低硬件成本。
4. **计算器**:利用51单片机的输入输出功能,配合按键和LCD显示,可以实现基本的数学运算。汇编语言程序需要处理键盘扫描、数字解析、算术运算和结果显示。
5. **万年历**:51单片机可以连接日历时钟芯片,如DS1302或RTC,读取日期和时间信息并在LCD上显示。汇编语言程序需要处理时钟数据的读取和格式化显示。
6. **继电器控制**:继电器是一种电气开关,51单片机通过控制GPIO引脚状态,可以实现继电器的开闭,进而控制高电压或大电流设备。
7. **电压表**:通过ADC(模拟数字转换器)接口,51单片机可以测量并显示电压值。汇编程序需要设置ADC转换过程,解析转换结果,并将其显示在LCD上。
8. **流水灯**:流水灯是嵌入式系统中常见的实验项目,通过控制一组LED的顺序亮灭,展示出动态效果。汇编语言可以实现定时器中断,控制LED的状态变化。
9. **蜂鸣器**:蜂鸣器可用于提醒或信号指示,51单片机可以控制其发声。汇编语言程序可以控制GPIO引脚的高低电平变化,产生不同频率的声音。