% Supporting Calculations for Geometric, Inertial, and Aerodynamic
% Properties of BizJet B
% June 12, 2015
% Copyright 2006-2015 by ROBERT F. STENGEL. All rights reserved.
disp('Geometric and Inertial Properties for BizJet B')
Date = date
% Comparable Bizjet Weight Distribution, lb, based on empty weight less engine weight.
% (from Stanford AA241 Notes, Ilan Kroo)
WingSys = 1020;
TailSys = 288;
BodySys = 930;
GearSys = 425;
NacelleSys = 241;
PropSys = 340;
ControlSys = 196;
InstrSys = 76;
HydrPneuSys = 94;
ElecSys = 361;
AvionSys = 321;
FurnEquipSys = 794;
ACSys = 188;
AntiIceSys = 101;
LoadHandSys = 2;
EmptyStruc = (WingSys+TailSys+BodySys+GearSys+PropSys ...
+ControlSys+InstrSys+HydrPneuSys+ElecSys+AvionSys ...
% Less nacelles and engines
EngWgt = 1002;
EmptyWgt = (EmptyStruc+EngWgt); % Less nacelles
EmptyStrucWgt = EmptyStruc/EmptyWgt;
WingRatio = (WingSys+GearSys+HydrPneuSys+AntiIceSys)/EmptyStruc;
HTRatio = 0.75*(TailSys)/EmptyStruc;
VTRatio = 0.25*(TailSys)/EmptyStruc;
FusRatio = (BodySys+PropSys+ControlSys+InstrSys+ElecSys ...
Total = (WingRatio+HTRatio+VTRatio+FusRatio);
NacelleRatio = (NacelleSys)/EngWgt;
% Related to engine weight rather than empty structure
% BizJet B Geometric Properties
% x measurements from nose along centerline, negative aft
% y & z measurements from centerline, positive right and down
S = 19.51 % Reference Area, m^2
taperw = 0.5333 % Wing Taper Ratio
cBar = 1.56 % Mean Aerodynamic Chord, m
sweep = 11*0.01745329 % Wing L.E. sweep angle, rad
xcp = -5.7473 % Wing center of pressure, m
GamWing = 3*0.01745329 % Dihedral angle of the wing, rad
% BizJet B Mass and Inertial Properties
m = 3000 % Total mass for simulation (USER-specified), kg
mEmpty = 2522 % Gross empty mass, kg
mEng = (1+NacelleRatio)*240 % Mass of engines + nacelles, kg
mStruc = mEmpty - mEng % Empty structural mass (less engines + nacelles), kg
mWing = WingRatio*mStruc % Wing mass, kg
mHT = HTRatio*mStruc % Horizontal tail mass, kg
mVT = VTRatio*mStruc % Vertical tail mass, kg
mFus = FusRatio*mStruc % Empty fuselage mass, kg
mPay = 0.5*(m - mEmpty) % Payload mass, kg
mFuel = 0.5*(m - mEmpty) % Fuel mass, kg
xcm = xcp - 0.45*cBar % Center of mass from nose (USER-specified), m
lWing = xcm - xcp % Horizontal distance between c.m and wing c.p., m
zWing = -0.557 % Vertical distance between c.m and wing c.p., m
b = 13.16 % Wing Span, m
lenFus = 10.72 % Fuselage length, m
xcpFus = -0.25*lenFus % Linear-regime fuselage center of pressure, m
xcpFusN = -0.5*lenFus % Newtonian-regime fuselage center of pressure, m
lFus = xcm - xcpFus; % Linear fuselage lift cp offset,m
lFusN = xcm - xcpFusN; % Newtonian fuselage lift cp offset, m
dFus = 1.555 % Fuselage diameter, m
Sfus = (pi/4)*lenFus*dFus % Plan or side area of fuselage, m
Sbase = (pi/4)*dFus^2 % Fuselage cross-sectional area, m^2
bHT = 5.3; % Horizontal tail span, m
cHT = 1.1; % Mean horizontal tail chord, m
swpHT = 38*0.0174533; % Horizontal tail sweep, rad
SHT = bHT*cHT % Horizontal tail area, m^2
xHT = -11.3426; % Linear xcp of horizontal tail
lHT = xcm - xHT; % Horizontal tail length, m
zHT = 1.5; % zcp of horizontal tail, m
xVT = -10.044; % Linear xcp of vertical tail, m
lVT = xcm - xVT; % Vertical tail length, m
bVT = 2.409; % Vertical tail span, m
cVT = 1.88; % Mean vertical tail chord, m
swpVT = 50*0.0174533; % Vertical tail sweep, rad
SVT = bVT*cVT; % Vertical tail area, m^2
zVT = 1.5; % zcp of vertical tail, m
xEng = -7.735; % xcm of engine, m
lEng = xcm - xEng; % Engine length, m
yEng = 1.1325; % ycm of engine, m
zEng = 0.4038; % zcm of engine, m
xNac = -7.7252; % xcp of engine, m
lNac = xcm - xNac; % Nacelle length, m
bNac = 2.5; % Nacelle span, m
cNac = 1.82; % Nacellechord, m
dNac = 0.73; % Nacelle diameter, m
SbaseNac = 0.25*pi*dNac^2; % Nacelle base area, m^2
Snac = bNac*cNac; % Nacelle plan area, m^2
xVent = -9.94; % xcp of ventral fin, m
lVent = xcm - xVent; % Ventral fin length, m
zVent = 0; % zcp of ventral fin, m
bVent = 1; % Ventral fin span, m
cVent = 0.85; % Ventral fin chord, m
Svent = bVent*cVent; % Ventral fin area, m^2
swpVent = 60*0.0174533; % Ventral sweep angle, rad
Splan = S + Sfus + Snac + SHT + Svent % Plan area of airplane
Swet = 2*(Splan + Sfus + SVT) % Wetted area of airplane
ARwing = (b^2) / S % Wing aspect ratio
ARHT = (bHT^2) / SHT % Horizontal tail aspect ratio
ARnac = (bNac^2) / Snac % Engine nacelle aspect ratio
ARvent = (bVent^2)/ Svent % Ventral fin aspect ratio
ARVT = (bVT^2) / SVT % Vertical tail aspect ratio
% Moments and Product of Inertia
Ixx = (1/12)*((mWing+mFuel)*b^2 + mHT*bHT^2 + mVT*bVT^2) + (0.25*(mFus+mPay)*dFus^2 + mEng*yEng^2 + mVT*zVT^2)
Iyy = (1/12)*((mFus+mPay)*lenFus^2 + (mWing+mFuel)*cBar^2 + mVT*cHT^2) + (mEng*lEng^2 + mHT*lHT^2 + mVT*lHT^2)
Izz = (1/12)*((mFus+mPay)*lenFus^2 + (mWing+mFuel)*b^2 + mHT*bHT^2) + (mEng*lEng^2 + mHT*lHT^2 + mVT*lVT^2)
Ixz = mHT*lHT*zHT + mVT*lVT*zVT + mEng*lEng*zEng
dEmax = 20 * 0.01745329 % Maximum Elevator Deflection is �20 deg
dAmax = 35 * 0.01745329 % Maximum Aileron Deflection is �35 deg
dRmax = 35 * 0.01745329 % Maximum Rudder Deflection is �35 deg
save('InerGeo.mat','m','xcm','Ixx','Iyy','Izz','Ixz','cBar','b','S', ...
disp('Aerodynamic Properties for BizJet B')
% BizJet B Aero Properties
AlphaTable = [-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...
21 22 23 24 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90];
Points = length(AlphaTable);
AlphaRad = 0.0174533*AlphaTable;
SinAlpha = sin(AlphaRad);
CosAlpha = cos(AlphaRad);
% Newtonian Coefficients
CN = 2*(Splan/S)*SinAlpha.*SinAlpha;
CN = CN.*sign(AlphaRad);
CDNewt = 2*(Splan/S)*abs(SinAlpha.*SinAlpha.*SinAlpha);
CLNewt = CN.*CosAlpha;
cpNewt = (S*lWing + Sfus*lFusN + SHT*lHT + Svent*lVent + Snac*lNac)...
/ (S + Sfus + SHT + Svent + Snac);
% Longitudinal Aerodynamics
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1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。
两架商务喷气式飞机的数学模型和六自由度模拟matlab代码.rar (26个子文件)
GeoMassAero.m 16KB
EoM.m 3KB
TrimCost.m 784B
Atmos.m 2KB
WindField.m 710B
DCM.m 724B
RotCont.mat 2KB
1.png 55KB
AeroModelAlpha.m 4KB
InerGeo.mat 1KB
._event.m 120B
._TrimCost.m 577B
._EoM.m 120B
._LinModel.m 577B
._Atmos.m 577B
._AeroModelAlpha.m 171B
._AeroModelMach.m 695B
._DCM.m 577B
._GeoMassAero.m 269B
._FLIGHT.m 269B
._WindField.m 577B
AeroModelMach.m 7KB
DataTable.mat 4KB
event.m 287B
LinModel.m 393B
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