一、前言 : 顧客的聲音
DELL QMP (Quality Management Plan)
Critical Parameters: Dell and the supplier will identify the critical parameters for the specific product.
These parameters will ensure form; fit and function of the product are controlled once process
capability has been established. The following process capability requirements are required.
Gage R&R: Before equipment and process qualifications are evaluated gage
repeatability/reproducibility studies will be completed. This will ensure gage
and method of use are adequate for the parameter/characteristic to be
monitored. Gage R&R results will meet the following requirements (Note: This
is a combined R&R calculation)
< 30 % = Acceptable gage
> 30 % = Non-Acceptable Gage, Appropriate quality controls must be in place to effectively
screen product, corrective action plan will be instituted in a timely manner. The gage will be
brought up to acceptable gage standards.
Process capability improvement
Under 10% error - OK
10-30% error - may be OK
over 30% error – unacceptable
ISO-9000 對量測之要求 : 7.6 / 8.2.4
QS-9000 對量測之要求 : 4.11.1 / 4.11.2 / 4.11.3 / 4.11.4
TS-16949 對量測之要求 : 7.6.1 / /