1. Accountable的用法与含义:
- Accountable作为形容词,意味着“有责任的”、“负有责任的”,或者“需要解释的”。这个单词通常用于强调个人或官员对其行为的结果负责。
- 具体例子包括:公职人员应当对其行为负责(Public officials can finally be held accountable for their actions);每个人都应该对自己的工作负责(Everyone is accountable for his own work);法律原则表明人们对其行为可预见后果承担责任(One of the principles of our legal system is that people are accountable for the foreseeable consequences of their actions)。
- Accountable还可以用来强调某个机构或个人需要对其决策或行为给出解释或理由(I am accountable to my superiors for my actions)。
2. Contribute的用法与含义:
- Contribute作为动词,表示“贡献”、“有助于”或者“导致”。
- 例句中展示了贡献的不同含义,例如:酒精导致他的毁灭(Drink contributed to his ruin);她的发明对电气工程的发展做出了贡献(Their inventions have contributed to the development of electrical engineering);这表示契诃夫对俄国文学的贡献(This is Chekhov's contribution to Russian literature)。
3. Lead to的用法与含义:
- Lead to作为短语动词,意味着“导致”或“通向”。
- 例句展示了lead to的不同情况,包括:铃声引导我们到房间(The bell-boat led us to our rooms);条条大路通罗马(All roads lead to Rome);在给定条件下,不好的事情可能带来好结果(In given conditions, a bad thing can lead to good results)。
4. Account for的用法与含义:
- Account for作为短语动词,可以表示“解释”、“说明原因”或“占比例”。
- 例句中,account for被用来讨论事物或情况的原因和结果,例如:公司的高员工流动率需要解释(How do you account for the company's alarmingly high staff turnover?);火车上的600名乘客中只有200人被找到(He said only 200 of the train's 600 passengers had been accounted for)。
5. Advantage与Disadvantage的用法与含义:
- 这部分内容展示了优势(advantage)和劣势(disadvantage)的概念,用于比较两种情况或对象。
- 例句表明,某事物的优势可能远远大于其劣势(Advantages of A are much greater than those of B),强调即使存在缺点,但某事物可能还是更可取的(A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that B has some compensating advantages)。