SuiteSparse: A Suite of Sparse matrix packages at http://suitesparse.com
Aug 12, 2024, SuiteSparse VERSION 7.8.1
SuiteSparse is a set of sparse-matrix-related packages written or co-authored
by Tim Davis, available at https://github.com/DrTimothyAldenDavis/SuiteSparse .
Primary author of SuiteSparse (codes and algorithms, excl. METIS): Tim Davis
Code co-authors, in alphabetical order (not including METIS or LAGraph):
Patrick Amestoy, Mohsen Aznaveh, David Bateman, Jinhao Chen, Yanqing Chen,
Iain Duff, Joe Eaton, Les Foster, William Hager, Raye Kimmerer, Scott
Kolodziej, Chris Lourenco, Stefan Larimore, Lorena Mejia Domenzain, Erick
Moreno-Centeno, Markus Mützel, Corey Nolel, Ekanathan Palamadai,
Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Sanjay Ranka, Wissam Sid-Lakhdar, and
Nuri Yeralan.
LAGraph has been developed by the highest number of developers of any of
the packages in SuiteSparse and deserves its own list. The list also
appears in LAGraph/Contibutors.txt:
Janos B. Antal, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Mohsen Aznaveh, Texas A&M University
David A. Bader New Jersey Institute of Technology
Aydin Buluc, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Jinhao Chen, Texas A&M University
Tim Davis, Texas A&M University
Florentin Dorre, Technische Univeritat Dresden, Neo4j
Marton Elekes, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Balint Hegyi, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Tanner Hoke, Texas A&M University
James Kitchen, Anaconda
Scott Kolodziej, Texas A&M University
Pranav Konduri, Texas A&M University
Roi Lipman, Redis Labs (now FalkorDB)
Tze Meng Low, Carnegie Mellon University
Tim Mattson, Intel
Scott McMillan, Carnegie Mellon University
Markus Muetzel
Michel Pelletier, Graphegon
Gabor Szarnyas, CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Erik Welch, Anaconda, NVIDIA
Carl Yang, University of California at Davis, Waymo
Yongzhe Zhang, SOKENDAI, Japan
METIS is authored by George Karypis.
Additional algorithm designers: Esmond Ng and John Gilbert.
Refer to each package for license, copyright, and author information.
Refer to each package for the documentation on each package, typically in the
Doc subfolder.
SuiteSparse branches
* dev: the default branch, with recent updates of features to appear in
the next stable release. The intent is to keep this branch in
fully working order at all times, but the features will not be
finalized at any given time.
* stable: the most recent stable release.
* dev2: working branch. All submitted PRs should made to this branch.
This branch might not always be in working order.
SuiteSparse Packages
Packages in SuiteSparse, and files in this directory:
* `AMD`
approximate minimum degree ordering. This is the built-in AMD function in
authors: Tim Davis, Patrick Amestoy, Iain Duff
* `bin`
where programs are placed when compiled, for `make local`
* `BTF`
permutation to block triangular form
authors: Tim Davis, Ekanathan Palamadai
* `build`
folder for default build tree
* `CAMD`
constrained approximate minimum degree ordering
authors: Tim Davis, Patrick Amestoy, Iain Duff, Yanqing Chen
constrained column approximate minimum degree ordering
authors: Tim Davis, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Stefan Larimore.
Algorithm design collaborators: Esmond Ng, John Gilbert (for COLAMD)
* `ChangeLog`
a summary of changes to SuiteSparse. See `*/Doc/ChangeLog` for details for
each package.
sparse Cholesky factorization. Requires AMD, COLAMD, CCOLAMD, the BLAS, and
LAPACK. Optionally uses METIS. This is `chol` and `x=A\b` in MATLAB.
author for all modules: Tim Davis
CHOLMOD/Modify module authors: Tim Davis and William W. Hager
CHOLMOD/SuiteSparse_metis: a modified version of METIS, embedded into the
CHOLMOD library. See the README.txt files for details. author: George
Karypis. This is a slightly modified copy included with SuiteSparse via the
open-source license provided by George Karypis. SuiteSparse cannot use an
unmodified copy of METIS.
* `CITATION.bib`
citations for SuiteSparse packages, in bibtex format.
* `CMakeLists.txt`
optional, to compile all of SuiteSparse. See below.
community guidelines
column approximate minimum degree ordering. This is the built-in COLAMD
function in MATLAB.
authors (of the code): Tim Davis and Stefan Larimore
Algorithm design collaborators: Esmond Ng, John Gilbert
* `Contents.m`
a list of contents for 'help SuiteSparse' in MATLAB.
how to contribute to SuiteSparse
required contributor agreement
* `CSparse`
a concise sparse matrix package, developed for my book, "Direct Methods for
Sparse Linear Systems", published by SIAM. Intended primarily for teaching.
Note that the code is (c) Tim Davis, as stated in the book.
For production, use CXSparse instead. In particular, both CSparse and
CXSparse have the same include filename: `cs.h`. This package is used for
the built-in DMPERM in MATLAB.
author: Tim Davis
* `CXSparse`
CSparse Extended. Includes support for complex matrices and both int or long
integers. Use this instead of CSparse for production use; it creates a
libcsparse.so (or dylib on the Mac) with the same name as CSparse. It is a
superset of CSparse. Any code that links against CSparse should also be able
to link against CXSparse instead.
author: Tim Davis, David Bateman
* `Example`
a simple package that relies on almost all of SuiteSparse
* `.github`
workflows for CI testing on GitHub.
* `GraphBLAS`
graph algorithms in the language of linear algebra.
authors: Tim Davis, Joe Eaton, Corey Nolet
* `include`
`make install` places user-visible include files for each package here, after
`make local`.
* `KLU`
sparse LU factorization, primarily for circuit simulation. Requires AMD,
COLAMD, and BTF. Optionally uses CHOLMOD, CAMD, CCOLAMD, and METIS.
authors: Tim Davis, Ekanathan Palamadai
* `LAGraph`
a graph algorithms library based on GraphBLAS. See also
Authors: many.
* `LDL`
a very concise LDL' factorization package
author: Tim Davis
* `lib`
`make install` places shared libraries for each package here, after
`make local`.
* `LICENSE.txt`
collected licenses for each package.
* `Makefile`
optional, to compile all of SuiteSparse using `make`, which is used as a
simple wrapper for `cmake` in each subproject.
* `make`
compiles SuiteSparse libraries. Subsequent `make install` will install
in `CMAKE_INSTALL_PATH` (might default to `/usr/local/lib` on Linux or Mac).
* `make local`
compiles SuiteSparse. Subsequent `make install` will install in `./lib`,
`./include`. Does not install in `CMAKE_INSTALL_PATH`.
* `make global`
compiles SuiteSparse libraries. Subsequent `make install` will install in
`/usr/local/lib` (or whatever the configured `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` is).
Does not install in `./lib`
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SuiteSparse 是一个广泛使用的线性代数库,主要用于稀疏矩阵计算
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收藏 337.59MB ZIP 举报
SuiteSparse 是一个广泛使用的线性代数库,主要用于稀疏矩阵计算。它包含了一系列高效的算法和工具,用于处理大规模稀疏矩阵的各种操作,包括但不限于求解线性方程组、特征值计算等。SuiteSparse 在科学计算、工程、数据分析等领域有着广泛的应用。 SuiteSparse 的主要组成部分 SuiteSparse 包含了多个组件,每个组件都有其特定的功能: UMFPACK: 用于求解非对称稀疏线性方程组的直接求解器。 CHOLMOD: 用于求解对称正定稀疏线性方程组的直接求解器。 CAMD: 用于计算稀疏矩阵的列最小度排序。 COLAMD: 用于计算稀疏矩阵的列最小度排序。 KLU: 用于求解小规模稀疏线性方程组的直接求解器。 BTF: 用于计算稀疏矩阵的边界树分解。 SPQR: 用于求解稀疏矩阵阵列的 QR 分解。 SPQR_RANK: 用于计算稀疏矩阵的秩和伪逆。 GraphBLAS: 用于基于图的稀疏矩阵运算的库。
SuiteSparse 是一个广泛使用的线性代数库,主要用于稀疏矩阵计算 (2000个子文件)
gkregex.c 304KB
ut.c 264KB
ccolamd.c 136KB
t_null2.c 126KB
colamd.c 105KB
umfpack_qsymbolic.c 94KB
RBio.c 92KB
umf_colamd.c 91KB
klu_mex.c 78KB
cholmod_nesdis.c 77KB
cholmod_check.c 76KB
camd_2.c 69KB
kwayfm.c 62KB
SPEX_gmp.c 62KB
csr.c 61KB
umfpackmex.c 59KB
umf_local_search.c 58KB
cholmod_read.c 52KB
t_cholmod_super_numeric_worker.c 52KB
t_solve.c 51KB
graph.c 48KB
t_cholmod_gpu.c 48KB
t_cholmod_change_factor.c 48KB
t_cm.c 47KB
t_cholmod_updown_worker.c 45KB
klutest.c 43KB
tcov_for_lu.c 40KB
sputil2.c 37KB
cholmod_super_symbolic.c 35KB
cholmod_analyze.c 34KB
t_test_ops.c 34KB
klu_kernel.c 34KB
umfpack_xx_demo.c 33KB
umf_assemble.c 33KB
umf_solve.c 33KB
umfpack_zl_demo.c 33KB
umfpack_zi_demo.c 33KB
coarsen.c 32KB
umf_dump.c 31KB
umfpack_dl_demo.c 31KB
umfpack_di_demo.c 31KB
cholmod_metis.c 30KB
getopt.c 30KB
t_cholmod_lsolve_template.c 30KB
t_lpdemo.c 29KB
cholmod_solve.c 29KB
umf_kernel_init.c 29KB
t_cholmod_psolve_worker.c 28KB
cholmod_rowfac.c 28KB
umfpack_numeric.c 28KB
t_cholmod_ltsolve_template.c 27KB
umfpack_get_numeric.c 26KB
umf_singletons.c 26KB
SPEX_matrix_copy.c 26KB
t_cholmod_updown_numkr.c 26KB
cholmod_dl_demo.c 26KB
cholmod_sl_demo.c 26KB
tcov_for_cholesky.c 25KB
umf_store_lu.c 25KB
cholmod_di_demo.c 25KB
cholmod_si_demo.c 25KB
t_raw_factor.c 25KB
t_cholmod_sdmult_worker.c 25KB
klu.c 24KB
btf_strongcomp.c 24KB
cholmod_write.c 23KB
minconn.c 23KB
t_cholmod_super_solve_worker.c 22KB
umf_row_search.c 22KB
parmetis.c 22KB
contig.c 21KB
mmd.c 21KB
umf_garbage_collection.c 21KB
umfpack_report_info.c 20KB
ometis.c 20KB
umf_analyze.c 20KB
kwayrefine.c 20KB
sfm.c 20KB
cholmod_rowcolcounts.c 19KB
cholmod_updown.c 19KB
SPEX_matrix_check.c 19KB
cholmod_symmetry.c 19KB
klu_factor.c 18KB
fm.c 18KB
t_null.c 18KB
initpart.c 18KB
options.c 18KB
cholmod_gpu.c 18KB
umf4.c 17KB
klu_refactor.c 17KB
io.c 17KB
umfpack_report_numeric.c 17KB
umf_create_element.c 17KB
klu_analyze.c 17KB
klu_diagnostics.c 16KB
my.c 16KB
spex_cast_array.c 16KB
balance.c 16KB
cholmod_resymbol.c 16KB
btf_maxtrans.c 16KB
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