--------- beginning of main
08-27 14:36:59.552 E/ProbeModule( 178): cannot load dep file : (null)
08-27 14:36:59.565 E/ProbeModule( 183): cannot load dep file : (null)
08-27 14:36:59.568 E/ProbeModule( 186): cannot load dep file : (null)
08-27 14:36:59.592 E/ProbeModule( 192): cannot load dep file : (null)
08-27 14:36:59.943 I/houdini ( 231): houdini64 enabled
08-27 14:36:59.987 W/ ( 250): VBoxShell enter the main function ...
08-27 14:36:59.999 I//system/bin/tzdatacheck( 255): tzdata file /data/misc/zoneinfo/current/tzdata does not exist. No action required.
--------- beginning of system
08-27 14:37:00.014 I/vold ( 252): Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
08-27 14:37:00.014 V/vold ( 252): Detected support for: exfat ext4 iso9660 ntfs vfat
08-27 14:37:00.062 I/virtual_shell( 281): wait for property change...
08-27 14:37:00.079 D/local_gps( 294): wait for connect
08-27 14:37:00.080 I/lowmemorykiller( 289): Using in-kernel low memory killer interface
08-27 14:37:00.080 D/vinput ( 293): vinput property get resolution_x: 1920
08-27 14:37:00.080 D/vinput ( 293): vinput property get resolution_y: 1080
08-27 14:37:00.080 D/vinput ( 293): vinput get converted xmax: 1920
08-27 14:37:00.080 D/vinput ( 293): vinput get converted ymax: 1080
08-27 14:37:00.081 D/vinput ( 293): vinput create input deivce by property
08-27 14:37:00.097 I/SurfaceFlinger( 291): SurfaceFlinger is starting
08-27 14:37:00.097 I/SurfaceFlinger( 291): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
08-27 14:37:00.104 D/libEGL ( 291): loaded /system/lib64/egl/libEGL_emulation.so
08-27 14:37:00.112 I/ ( 309): debuggerd: starting
08-27 14:37:00.112 I/installd( 313): installd firing up
08-27 14:37:00.118 I/Netd ( 307): Netd 1.0 starting
08-27 14:37:00.119 D/TetherController( 307): Setting IP forward enable = 0
08-27 14:37:00.125 D/libEGL ( 291): loaded /system/lib64/egl/libGLESv1_CM_emulation.so
08-27 14:37:00.125 E/ProbeModule( 320): cannot load dep file : (null)
08-27 14:37:00.125 E/Netd ( 307): Unable to create netlink socket: Protocol not supported
08-27 14:37:00.125 E/Netd ( 307): Unable to open quota socket
08-27 14:37:00.125 D/MDnsDS ( 307): MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
08-27 14:37:00.125 D/MDnsDS ( 307): MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
08-27 14:37:00.125 D/MDnsDS ( 307): Going to poll with pollCount 1
08-27 14:37:00.129 D/libEGL ( 291): loaded /system/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_emulation.so
08-27 14:37:00.136 I/keystore( 314): Found keymaster0 module Keymaster OpenSSL HAL, version 2
08-27 14:37:00.136 I/SoftKeymaster( 314): system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 122: Creating device
08-27 14:37:00.136 D/SoftKeymaster( 314): system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 123: Device address: 0x7fb1fb463000
08-27 14:37:00.138 I/keystore( 314): Keymaster0 module is software-only. Using SoftKeymasterDevice instead.
08-27 14:37:00.138 I/SoftKeymaster( 314): system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 122: Creating device
08-27 14:37:00.138 D/SoftKeymaster( 314): system/keymaster/soft_keymaster_device.cpp, Line 123: Device address: 0x7fb1fb463300
08-27 14:37:00.138 I/keystore( 314): SELinux: Keystore SELinux is disabled.
08-27 14:37:00.153 I/ ( 308): debuggerd: starting
08-27 14:37:00.226 V/MediaUtils( 312): physMem: 4144664576
08-27 14:37:00.226 V/MediaUtils( 312): requested limit: 2694031925
08-27 14:37:00.226 V/MediaUtils( 312): actual limit: 2694031925
08-27 14:37:00.226 V/MediaUtils( 312): original limits: 4294967295/4294967295
08-27 14:37:00.226 V/MediaUtils( 312): new limits: 2694031925/4294967295
08-27 14:37:00.232 I/mediaserver( 312): ServiceManager: 0xf610c680
08-27 14:37:00.232 I/mediaserver( 312): mediaServer start AudioFlinger
08-27 14:37:00.232 I/AudioFlinger( 312): Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
08-27 14:37:00.232 I/mediaserver( 312): mediaServer start mediaPlayerService
08-27 14:37:00.232 E/ ( 312): batterystats service unavailable!
08-27 14:37:00.232 E/ ( 312): batterystats service unavailable!
08-27 14:37:00.232 I/mediaserver( 312): mediaServer start ResourceManagerService
08-27 14:37:00.232 I/mediaserver( 312): mediaServer start CameraService
08-27 14:37:00.232 I/CameraService( 312): CameraService started (pid=312)
08-27 14:37:00.232 I/CameraService( 312): CameraService process starting
08-27 14:37:00.232 E/ ( 312): batterystats service unavailable!
08-27 14:37:00.232 E/ ( 312): batterystats service unavailable!
08-27 14:37:00.356 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): Initialize:
08-27 14:37:00.356 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): initializing back camera on local srv port 24801
08-27 14:37:00.356 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyDevice( 312): Initialize: Connected to the emulated camera service 'back'
08-27 14:37:00.356 V/EmulatedCamera_Device( 312): initializeWhiteBalanceModes with auto, 1.000000, 1.000000
08-27 14:37:00.356 V/EmulatedCamera_Device( 312): initializeWhiteBalanceModes with incandescent, 1.380000, 0.600000
08-27 14:37:00.356 V/EmulatedCamera_Device( 312): initializeWhiteBalanceModes with daylight, 1.090000, 0.920000
08-27 14:37:00.356 V/EmulatedCamera_Device( 312): initializeWhiteBalanceModes with twilight, 0.920000, 1.220000
08-27 14:37:00.356 V/EmulatedCamera_Device( 312): setWhiteBalanceMode with white balance auto
08-27 14:37:00.356 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraOrientation: camera orientation set to 0
08-27 14:37:00.356 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): Initialize: Geny camera back is initialized. Current frame is 1280x720
08-27 14:37:00.357 I/CameraService( 312): Loaded "Emulated Camera Module" camera module
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraOrientation: camera orientation set to 0
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraInfo: overriding parent method, orientation: 0
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraFacing: camera facing set to back
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraInfo: overriding parent method, facing: back
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_Camera( 312): getCameraInfo
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_BaseCamera( 312): getCameraInfo
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraOrientation: camera orientation set to 0
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraInfo: overriding parent method, orientation: 0
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraFacing: camera facing set to front
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraInfo: overriding parent method, facing: front
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_Camera( 312): getCameraInfo
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_BaseCamera( 312): getCameraInfo
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraOrientation: camera orientation set to 0
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraInfo: overriding parent method, orientation: 0
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraFacing: camera facing set to back
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraInfo: overriding parent method, facing: back
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_Camera( 312): getCameraInfo
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_BaseCamera( 312): getCameraInfo
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraOrientation: camera orientation set to 0
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraInfo: overriding parent method, orientation: 0
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraFacing: camera facing set to front
08-27 14:37:00.357 V/EmulatedCamera_GenyCamera( 312): getCameraInfo: overriding parent method, facing: front
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