Deep learning is a framework for training and modelling neural networks
which recently have surpassed all conventional methods in many learning
tasks, prominently image and voice recognition.
This thesis uses deep learning algorithms to forecast financial data. The
deep learning framework is used to train a neural network. The deep neural
network is a DBN coupled to a MLP. It is used to choose stocks to form
portfolios. The portfolios have better returns than the median of the stocks
forming the list. The stocks forming the S&P 500 are included in the study.
The results obtained from the deep neural network are compared to bench-
marks from a logistic regression network, a multilayer perceptron and a naive
benchmark. The results obtained from the deep neural network are better
and more stable than the benchmarks. The findings support that deep learn-
ing methods will find their way in finance due to their reliability and good
Keywords: Back-Propagation Algorithm, Neural networks, Deep Belief Net-
works, Multilayer Perceptron, Deep Learning, Contrastive Divergence, Greedy
Layer-wise Pre-training.