# GeekDesk æ客æ¡é¢
Small, **beautiful** desktop quickstart management tool with integrated Everything search
<img src="https://s4.ax1x.com/2021/12/15/TSrwfU.png" a border="0" width="800px"/>
Free / beautiful / highly customized is the need and direction since the birth of GeekDesk, and will develop in these directions in the future
## Integrate Everything to quickly search the entire disk
- Integrate Everything to quickly search the entire disk
## Global hotkeys / one-click callout / mouse follow
- Customize hotkeys settings and use the shortcuts you are used to
- One-click outbound call Use the middle mouse button to call out
- Mouse Follow Automatically follows the mouse position
<img src="https://s4.ax1x.com/2021/12/15/TSlg8f.gif" alt="WJt4hQ.gif" border="0" width="800px"/>
## Custom wallpaper
- Feel free to choose your favorite wallpaper
<img src="https://s4.ax1x.com/2021/12/15/TSNx4H.gif" alt="WJt4hQ.gif" border="0" width="800px"/>
## Interface effects such as frosted glass
- Background image frosted glass effect
- Interface transparency
- Interface rounded corners
<img src="https://s4.ax1x.com/2021/12/15/TSabTO.gif" alt="WGOYSU.gif" border="0" width="800px"/>
## Customize the menu icon
- More than 80 system icons to choose from
- It also supports online import of Alibaba icon icons
- For space reasons, reply in the public account Custom icon You can view the tutorial Now the tutorial link has been pasted in the software Welcome to pay attention to my public accountð
<img src="https://s4.ax1x.com/2021/12/15/TSd1NF.gif" border="0" width="800px"/>
## Scheduled reminders Never forget
- Scheduled reminders Never forget
<img src="https://s4.ax1x.com/2021/12/15/TSDCvj.gif" alt="WJU6df.gif" border="0" width="800px"/>
## Development framework
- wpf
- .net 4.7.2
- [HandyControl](https://github.com/HandyOrg/HandyControl)
## Stargazers over time
[![Stargazers over time](https://starchart.cc/BookerLiu/GeekDesk.svg)](https://starchart.cc/BookerLiu/GeekDesk)
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基于C#的桌面快速启动管理工具.zip(教程+源代码+附上详细代码说明)。一款高含金量的C#项目 ①:项目小巧、美观的桌面快速启动管理工具, 同时集成了Everything搜索, ②:全局热键 一键呼出 鼠标跟随 ③:自定义壁纸,毛玻璃等界面效果 项目代码齐全,教程详尽,有具体的使用说明,是个不错的有趣项目。 项目(高含金量项目)自发布受到广大开发者的一致好评,适用于在学的学生,踏入社会的新新工作者、相对自己知识查缺补漏或者想在该等领域有所突破的技术爱好者学习,资料详尽,内容丰富,附上源码和教程方便大家学习参考,
基于C#的桌面快速启动管理工具.zip(教程+源代码+附上详细代码说明) (211个子文件)
iconfont.js.bak 181KB
App.config 4KB
packages.config 2KB
Constants.cs 655KB
ShellContextMenu.cs 53KB
UserActivityHook.cs 40KB
MainWindow.xaml.cs 38KB
LeftCardControl.xaml.cs 26KB
AppConfig.cs 25KB
ListBoxDragDropManager.cs 24KB
RightCardControl.xaml.cs 23KB
VirtualizingPanelBase.cs 21KB
VirtualizingWrapPanel.cs 20KB
MotionControl.xaml.cs 15KB
ImageUtil.cs 14KB
FileIcon.cs 14KB
CommonCode.cs 13KB
WindowsThumbnailProvider.cs 12KB
MarginHide.cs 12KB
ProcessUtil.cs 11KB
HideWindowUtil.cs 11KB
SearchResControl.xaml.cs 11KB
SecondsWindow.xaml.cs 11KB
EveryThingUtil.cs 11KB
PasswordDialog.xaml.cs 10KB
SystemItemWindow.xaml.cs 9KB
DraggAnimatedPanel.cs 9KB
ToDoInfoWindow.xaml.cs 8KB
IconInfo.cs 8KB
EveryThing64.cs 8KB
EveryThing32.cs 8KB
PixelColorPickerWindow.xaml.cs 8KB
OtherControl.xaml.cs 7KB
IconfontWindow.xaml.cs 7KB
DraggAnimatedPanel.Drag.cs 7KB
FileUtil.cs 7KB
KeyUtil.cs 7KB
GlobalColorPickerWindow.xaml.cs 6KB
MouseHook.cs 6KB
DelegateCommand.cs 6KB
FileWatcher.cs 6KB
AeroGlassHelper.cs 6KB
WindowUtil.cs 6KB
ThemeControl.xaml.cs 5KB
ScreenUtil.cs 5KB
ToDoWindow.xaml.cs 5KB
UpdateWindow.xaml.cs 5KB
IconHelper.cs 5KB
BacklogNotificatin.xaml.cs 5KB
MenuInfo.cs 4KB
MessageUtil.cs 4KB
DelegateCommandBase.cs 4KB
DragAdorner.cs 4KB
ConfigWindow.xaml.cs 4KB
EveryThingConst.cs 4KB
LogUtil.cs 3KB
ShowWindowFollowMouse.cs 3KB
GlobalHotKey.cs 3KB
MyColorPickerDialog.xaml.cs 3KB
IconInfoUrlDialog.xaml.cs 3KB
MouseHookThread.cs 3KB
ToDoInfo.cs 3KB
SvgToGeometry.cs 3KB
TodoControl.xaml.cs 3KB
RunTimeStatus.cs 3KB
UpdateThread.cs 3KB
RegisterUtil.cs 3KB
Resources.Designer.cs 3KB
IconInfoDialog.xaml.cs 3KB
AppData.cs 2KB
ToDoTask.cs 2KB
App.xaml.cs 2KB
NativeMethods.cs 2KB
GuideInfoList.cs 2KB
AssemblyInfo.cs 2KB
BGSettingUtil.cs 2KB
BlurGlassUtil.cs 2KB
CPDataContext.cs 2KB
MouseUtil.cs 2KB
ScrollUtil.cs 2KB
GetWidthByWWConvert.cs 2KB
AboutControl.xaml.cs 2KB
RelativePathThread.cs 2KB
DefaultIcons.cs 2KB
SystemItem.xaml.cs 2KB
GradientBGParam.cs 2KB
GradientBGDialog.xaml.cs 1KB
CustomIconUrlDialog.xaml.cs 1KB
Constants.cs 1KB
GlobalMsgNotification.xaml.cs 1KB
MenuInfoConvert.cs 1KB
Count2VisibleConvert.cs 1KB
StringAppendConvert.cs 1KB
Settings.Designer.cs 1KB
HttpUtil.cs 1KB
MD5Util.cs 998B
GradientBGParamList.cs 982B
SearchIconList.cs 973B
DispatcherBuild.cs 948B
RelayCommand.cs 919B
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- 【java毕业设计】消防物资存储系统源码(ssm+mysql+说明文档+LW).zip
- 【java毕业设计】高校课程评价系统源码(ssm+mysql+说明文档+LW).zip
- 【java毕业设计】大健康老年公寓管理系统源码(ssm+mysql+说明文档).zip
- 【java毕业设计】小雨杂志在线投稿网站源码(ssm+mysql+说明文档+LW).zip
- 【java毕业设计】汽车租赁故障上报网上租车源码(ssm+mysql+说明文档+LW).zip
- 【java毕业设计】药品销售配送网站系统-源码(ssm+mysql+说明文档+LW).zip
- 多语言实现字符串逆序算法详解与代码示例
- Android Studio中创建简单计算器应用的方法详解
- MATLAB模拟退火算法代码实例及其应用
- 【java毕业设计】家庭食谱管理系统-源码(ssm+mysql+说明文档+LW).zip