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Everyone can develop projects independently, quickly and efficiently!
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## What is spring-boot-plus?
### A **easy-to-use**, **high-speed**, **high-efficient**, **feature-rich**, **open source** spring boot scaffolding.
> spring-boot-plus is a background rapid development framework that integrates spring boot common development components.
> Front-end and back-end separation, focusing on back-end services
## Purpose
> Everyone can develop projects independently, quickly and efficiently!
## Repository
#### [GITHUB](https://github.com/geekidea/spring-boot-plus) | [GITEE](https://gitee.com/geekidea/spring-boot-plus)
## Website
#### [springboot.plus](http://springboot.plus)
## Features
- Integrated spring boot common development component set, common configuration, AOP log, etc
- Integrated mybatis-plus fast dao operation
- Quickly generate background code:entity/param/vo/controller/service/mapper/xml
- Integrated swagger2, automatic generation of api documents
- Integrated JWT,Shiro/Spring security permission control
- Integrated Redis、spring cache、ehcache,etc
- Integrated Rabbit/Rocket/Kafka MQ
- Integration HikariCP connection pool, A solid, high-performance, JDBC connection pool at last.
- Integrated Spring Boot Admin, real-time detection of project operation
- Integrate maven-assembly-plugin for different environment package deployment, including startup and restart commands, and extract configuration files to external config directory
## Architecture
### Project Environment
Middleware | Version | Remark
JDK | 1.8+ | JDK1.8 and above |
MySQL | 5.7+ | 5.7 and above |
Redis | 3.2+ | |
### Technology stack
Component| Version | Remark
Spring Boot | 2.2.0.RELEASE | Latest release stable version |
Spring Framework | 5.2.0.RELEASE | Latest release stable version |
Mybatis | 3.5.2 | DAO Framework |
Mybatis Plus | 3.2.0 | mybatis Enhanced framework |
Alibaba Druid | 1.1.20 | Data source |
Fastjson | 1.2.62 | JSON processing toolset |
swagger2 | 2.6.1 | Api document generation tool |
commons-lang3 | 3.9 | Apache language toolkit |
commons-io | 2.6 | Apache IO Toolkit |
commons-codec | 1.13 | Apache Toolkit such as encryption and decryption |
commons-collections4 | 4.4 | Apache collections toolkit |
reflections | 0.9.11 | Reflection Toolkit |
hibernate-validator | 6.0.17.Final | Validator toolkit |
Shiro | 1.4.1 | Permission control |
JWT | 3.8.3 | JSON WEB TOKEN |
hutool-all | 5.0.3 | Common toolset |
lombok | 1.18.10 | Automatically plugs |
mapstruct | 1.3.1.Final | Object property replication tool |
#### [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/geekidea/spring-boot-plus/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
## Java Docs
#### [Java Api Docs](http://geekidea.io/spring-boot-plus-apidocs/)
## Getting started
### Clone spring-boot-plus
git clone -b 1.5 https://github.com/geekidea/spring-boot-plus.git
cd spring-boot-plus
### Maven Build
> Local environment is used by default, The configuration file:application-local.yml
mvn clean package -Pdev
## 5 Minutes Finish CRUD
### 1. Create Table
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for foo_bar
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `foo_bar`
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'ID',
`name` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name',
`foo` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Foo',
`bar` varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Bar',
`remark` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Remark',
`state` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'State,0:Disable,1:Enable',
`version` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Version',
`create_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'Create Time',
`update_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Update Time',
COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT ='FooBar';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of foo_bar
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO foo_bar (id, name, foo, bar, remark, state, version, create_time, update_time)
VALUES (1, 'FooBar', 'foo', 'bar', 'remark...', 1, 0, '2019-11-01 14:05:14', null);
INSERT INTO foo_bar (id, name, foo, bar, remark, state, version, create_time, update_time)
VALUES (2, 'HelloWorld', 'hello', 'world', null, 1, 0, '2019-11-01 14:05:14', null);
### 2. Generator CRUD CODE
> Modify database info
> Modify module name / author / table name / primary key id
* spring-boot-plus Code Generator
* @author geekidea
* @date 2019-10-22
public class SpringBootPlusGenerator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CodeGenerator codeGenerator = new CodeGenerator();
// Common configuration
// Database configuration
// Configuration package information
// Configuration of component author, etc.
// Generation strategy
// Customize which files are generated automatically
// Generate business related codes
// Generated RequiresPermissions Annotation
// Overwrite existing file or not
// Initialize common variables
// Table array to be generated
String[] tables = {
// Cycle generation
for (String table : tables) {
// Set the name of the table to be generated
// Generate code
> Generated code structure
└── foobar
├── controller
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
(基于android的毕业设计)学生选课系统App(源码+演示视频+部署说明) 【项目技术】 android+java 【实现功能】 1.用户登陆和注册 2.学生功能: 学生成功登录系统后,可以通过课程管理中的我要选课进入选课界面,学生可以浏览到所有教师开出的课程信息,从中选择自己喜欢的课程到自己的课表中,学生选完课程后,对应的开课教师和管理员也可以查看到学生的选课信息。应用还支持课程退订、选课信息查看和课程成绩查询等 3.教师功能: 教师登陆系统后,可以编辑课程信息机课表,发至管理员通过后即可供学生浏览选择,并支持对查看已申请课程的学生信息及考试成绩。 4.管理员后台: 后台管理针对管理系统管理,主要实现对课程的管理、学生的管理和老师的管理。管理员可以查看并通过教师提交的课程申请,还能对课程进行修改。
(基于android的毕业设计)学生选课系统App(源码+演示视频+部署说明) (1599个子文件)
AndroidProject_v1.0_release_0315.apk 5.18MB
gradlew.bat 2KB
startup.bat 988B
executionHistory.bin 15.86MB
jarAnalysis.bin 3.73MB
classAnalysis.bin 2.65MB
fileHashes.bin 1.83MB
outputFiles.bin 248KB
taskHistory.bin 156KB
resourceHashesCache.bin 62KB
last-build.bin 1B
.gitignore 311B
.gitignore 112B
build.gradle 7KB
build.gradle 2KB
proguard.gradle 1KB
build.gradle 1KB
config.gradle 968B
build.gradle 189B
build.gradle 176B
settings.gradle 68B
build.gradle 67B
gradlew 5KB
verifyCode.html 2KB
welcome.html 1KB
springbootplus.html 863B
favicon.ico 1KB
spring-boot-plus.iml 20KB
AndroidProject.app.iml 12KB
AndroidProject.umeng.iml 7KB
AndroidProject.widget.iml 7KB
AndroidProject.base.iml 7KB
AndroidProject.iml 1KB
umeng-share-core-6.9.8.jar 276KB
umeng-share-QQ-simplify-6.9.8.jar 78KB
gradle-wrapper.jar 52KB
umeng-share-wechat-simplify-6.9.8.jar 30KB
BaseDialog.java 41KB
BasePopupWindow.java 28KB
PlayerView.java 25KB
ProgressView.java 23KB
DialogActivity.java 22KB
AddressDialog.java 20KB
SwitchButton.java 19KB
VideoSelectActivity.java 18KB
AddCourseTimeActivity.java 16KB
WrapRecyclerView.java 15KB
CodeGenerator.java 15KB
ImageSelectActivity.java 15KB
AbstractLogAspect.java 15KB
StudentYiXuanKeListActivity.java 15KB
BrowserView.java 14KB
BaseAdapter.java 14KB
LoginTeacherActivity.java 13KB
LoginAdminActivity.java 13KB
LoginStudentActivity.java 13KB
ApplyedCourseListActivity.java 13KB
AddForumActivity.java 12KB
ArrowDrawable.java 12KB
SettingBar.java 12KB
CrashActivity.java 12KB
CourseStudentListActivity.java 12KB
AddLingShiSusheActivity.java 12KB
LoginServiceImpl.java 12KB
AddSusheActivity.java 11KB
ShiroConfig.java 11KB
TeacherCourseListActivity.java 11KB
CourseTimeListActivity.java 11KB
RegisterStudentActivity.java 11KB
StudentAllListActivity.java 11KB
RegisterTeacherActivity.java 11KB
RegisterActivity.java 11KB
UpdateZjActivity.java 11KB
CourseListActivity.java 11KB
StudentXuanKeListActivity.java 11KB
TeacherAllListActivity.java 10KB
SysUserServiceImpl.java 10KB
SysRoleServiceImpl.java 10KB
DateDialog.java 10KB
NineGridViewNew.java 9KB
GlideEngine.java 9KB
AddRepairActivity.java 9KB
AddPhotoActivity.java 9KB
AddZjActivity.java 9KB
TimeDialog.java 9KB
ApplyCourseListActivity.java 9KB
PickerLayoutManager.java 9KB
SysPermissionServiceImpl.java 9KB
AddJieYongActivity.java 9KB
AddWeijiActivity.java 9KB
AddVisitActivity.java 9KB
StudentListActivity.java 8KB
PictureSelectorConfig.java 8KB
AddRoomActivity.java 8KB
AddBuildActivity.java 8KB
UpdateDialog.java 8KB
SysPermissionController.java 8KB
FindFragment.java 8KB
LoginRedisServiceImpl.java 8KB
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