# Morris.js - pretty time-series line graphs
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Morris.js is the library that powers the graphs on http://howmanyleft.co.uk/.
It's a very simple API for drawing line, bar, area and donut charts.
\- Olly (olly@oesmith.co.uk)
## Contributors wanted
I'm unfortunately not able to actively support Morris.js any more. I keep an eye
on the issues, but I rarely have the time to fix bugs or review pull requests.
If you're interested in actively contributing to Morris.js, please contact me on
the email address above.
## Requirements
- [jQuery](http://jquery.com/) (>= 1.7 recommended, but it'll probably work with
older versions)
- [Raphael.js](http://raphaeljs.com/) (>= 2.0)
## Usage
See [the website](http://morrisjs.github.com/morris.js/).
## Development
Very daring.
Fork, hack, possibly even add some tests, then send a pull request :)
Remember that Morris.js is a coffeescript project. Please make your changes in
the `.coffee` files, not in the compiled javascript files in the root directory
of the project.
### Developer quick-start
You'll need [node.js](https://nodejs.org). I recommend using
[nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) for installing node in
development environments.
With node installed, install [grunt](https://github.com/cowboy/grunt) using
`npm install -g grunt-cli`, and then the rest of the test/build dependencies
with `npm install` in the morris.js project folder.
Once you're all set up, you can compile, minify and run the tests using `grunt`.
Note: I'm experimenting with using perceptual diffs to catch rendering
regressions. Due to font rendering differences between platforms, the pdiff
tests currently *only* pass on OS X.
## Changelog
### 0.5.1 - 15th June 2014
- Fix touch event handling.
- Fix stacked=false in bar chart [#275](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/275)
- Configurable vertical segments [#297](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/297)
- Deprecate continuousLine option.
### 0.5.0 - 19th March 2014
- Update grunt dependency [#288](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/228)
- Donut segment color config in data objects [#281](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/281)
- Customisable line widths and point drawing [#272](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/272)
- Bugfix for @options.smooth [#266](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/266)
- Option to disable axes individually [#253](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/253)
- Range selection [#252](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/252)
- Week format for x-labels [#250](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/250)
- Update developer quickstart instructions [#243](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/243)
- Experimenting with perceptual diffs.
- Add original data row to hover callback [#264](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/264)
- setData method for donut charts [#211](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/211)
- Automatic resizing [#111](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/111)
- Fix travis builds [#298](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/298)
- Option for rounded corners on bar charts [#305](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/305)
- Option to set padding for X axis labels [#306](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/306)
- Use local javascript for examples.
- Events on non-time series [#314](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/314)
### 0.4.3 - 12th May 2013
- Fix flickering hover box [#186](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/186)
- xLabelAngle option (diagonal labels!!) [#239](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/239)
- Fix area chart fill bug [#190](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/190)
- Make event handlers chainable
- gridTextFamily and gridTextWeight options
- Fix hovers with setData [#213](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/213)
- Fix hideHover behaviour [#236](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/236)
### 0.4.2 - 14th April 2013
- Fix DST handling [#191](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/191)
- Parse data values from strings in Morris.Donut [#189](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/189)
- Non-cumulative area charts [#199](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/199)
- Round Y-axis labels to significant numbers [#162](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/162)
- Customising default hover content [#179](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/179)
### 0.4.1 - 8th February 2013
- Fix goal and event rendering. [#181](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/181)
- Don't break when empty data is passed to setData [#142](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/142)
- labelColor option for donuts [#159](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/159)
### 0.4.0 - 26th January 2013
- Goals and events [#103](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/103).
- Bower package manager metadata.
- More flexible formatters [#107](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/107).
- Color callbacks.
- Decade intervals for time-axis labels.
- Non-continous line tweaks [#116](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/116).
- Stacked bars [#120](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/120).
- HTML hover [#134](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/134).
- yLabelFormat [#139](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/139).
- Disable axes [#114](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/114).
### 0.3.3 - 1st November 2012
- **Bar charts!** [#101](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/101).
### 0.3.2 - 28th October 2012
- **Area charts!** [#47](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/47).
- Some major refactoring and test suite improvements.
- Set smooth parameter per series [#91](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/91).
- Custom dateFormat for string x-values [#90](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/90).
### 0.3.1 - 13th October 2012
- Add `formatter` option for customising value labels in donuts [#75](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/75).
- Cycle `lineColors` on line charts to avoid running out of colours [#78](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/78).
- Add method to select donut segments. [#79](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/79).
- Don't go negative on yMin when all y values are zero. [#80](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/80).
- Don't sort data when parseTime is false [#83](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/83).
- Customise styling for points. [#87](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/87).
### 0.3.0 - 15th September 2012
- Donut charts!
- Bugfix: ymin/ymax bug [#71](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/71).
- Bugfix: infinite loop when data indicates horizontal line [#66](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/66).
### 0.2.10 - 26th June 2012
- Support for decimal labels on y-axis [#58](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/58).
- Better axis label clipping [#63](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/63).
- Redraw graphs with updated data using `setData` method [#64](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/64).
- Bugfix: series with zero or one non-null values [#65](https://github.com/morrisjs/morris.js/issues/65).
### 0.2.9 - 15th May 2012
- Bugfix: Fix zero-value regression
- Bugfix: Don't modify user-supplied data
### 0.2.8 - 10th May 2012
- Customising x-axis labels with `xLabelFormat` option
- Only use timezones when timezone info is specified
- Fix old IE bugs (mostly in examples!)
- Added `preunits` and `postunits` options
- Better non-continuous series data support
### 0.2.7 - 2nd April 2012
- Added `xLabels` option
- Refactored x-axis labelling
- Better ISO date support
- Fix bug with single value in non time-series graphs
### 0.2.6 - 18th March 2012
- Partial series support (see `null` y-values in `examples/quarters.html`)
- `pars
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SequenceDO.java.1 3KB
SequenceDOMapper.java.1 2KB
UserController.class 7KB
ItemServiceImpl.class 7KB
UserServiceImpl.class 6KB
OrderServiceImpl.class 5KB
ItemController.class 5KB
ValidatorImpl.class 3KB
OrderController.class 3KB
ItemModel.class 2KB
UserModel.class 2KB
EmBusinessError.class 2KB
BaseController.class 2KB
ItemVO.class 2KB
ItemDO.class 2KB
OrderDO.class 2KB
OrderModel.class 2KB
App.class 2KB
UserDO.class 2KB
ValidationResult.class 1KB
UserVO.class 1KB
CommonReturnType.class 1KB
UserPasswordDO.class 1KB
SequenceDO.class 1KB
BusinessException.class 1KB
ItemDOMapper.class 983B
ItemStockDO.class 970B
ItemService.class 898B
ItemStockDOMapper.class 767B
UserDOMapper.class 707B
UserService.class 641B
UserPasswordDOMapper.class 573B
SequenceDOMapper.class 551B
OrderDOMapper.class 498B
AppTest.class 463B
OrderService.class 367B
CommonError.class 298B
morris.grid.coffee 14KB
morris.grid.coffee 14KB
morris.line.coffee 12KB
morris.line.coffee 12KB
line_spec.coffee 8KB
line_spec.coffee 8KB
label_series_spec.coffee 7KB
label_series_spec.coffee 7KB
set_data_spec.coffee 7KB
set_data_spec.coffee 7KB
morris.bar.coffee 7KB
morris.bar.coffee 7KB
morris.donut.coffee 6KB
morris.donut.coffee 6KB
bar_spec.coffee 4KB
bar_spec.coffee 4KB
donut_spec.coffee 3KB
donut_spec.coffee 3KB
hover_spec.coffee 2KB
hover_spec.coffee 2KB
area_spec.coffee 2KB
area_spec.coffee 2KB
parse_time_spec.coffee 2KB
parse_time_spec.coffee 2KB
morris.area.coffee 2KB
morris.area.coffee 2KB
commas_spec.coffee 1KB
colours.coffee 1KB
commas_spec.coffee 1KB
colours.coffee 1KB
auto_grid_lines_spec.coffee 1KB
auto_grid_lines_spec.coffee 1KB
morris.hover.coffee 1KB
morris.hover.coffee 1KB
morris.coffee 1006B
morris.coffee 1006B
pad_spec.coffee 588B
pad_spec.coffee 588B
y_label_format_spec.coffee 443B
y_label_format_spec.coffee 443B
placeholder.coffee 162B
placeholder.coffee 162B
style.css 150KB
style.css 150KB
bootstrap.css 143KB
bootstrap.css 143KB
bootstrap.css 138KB
bootstrap.css 138KB
bootstrap.min.css 118KB
bootstrap.min.css 118KB
bootstrap.min.css 114KB
bootstrap.min.css 114KB
bootstrap.min.css 84KB
bootstrap.min.css 84KB
style.css 84KB
style.css 84KB
animate.css 55KB
animate.css 55KB
font-awesome.css 28KB
font-awesome.css 28KB
prettyPhoto.css 27KB
prettyPhoto.css 27KB
bootstrap-theme.css 26KB
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