How FreeType's rasterizer work
by David Turner
Revised 2007-Feb-01
This file is an attempt to explain the internals of the FreeType
rasterizer. The rasterizer is of quite general purpose and could
easily be integrated into other programs.
I. Introduction
II. Rendering Technology
1. Requirements
2. Profiles and Spans
a. Sweeping the Shape
b. Decomposing Outlines into Profiles
c. The Render Pool
d. Computing Profiles Extents
e. Computing Profiles Coordinates
f. Sweeping and Sorting the Spans
I. Introduction
A rasterizer is a library in charge of converting a vectorial
representation of a shape into a bitmap. The FreeType rasterizer
has been originally developed to render the glyphs found in
TrueType files, made up of segments and second-order Béziers.
Meanwhile it has been extended to render third-order Bézier curves
also. This document is an explanation of its design and
While these explanations start from the basics, a knowledge of
common rasterization techniques is assumed.
II. Rendering Technology
1. Requirements
We assume that all scaling, rotating, hinting, etc., has been
already done. The glyph is thus described by a list of points in
the device space.
- All point coordinates are in the 26.6 fixed float format. The
used orientation is:
^ y
| reference orientation
*----> x
`26.6' means that 26 bits are used for the integer part of a
value and 6 bits are used for the fractional part.
Consequently, the `distance' between two neighbouring pixels is
64 `units' (1 unit = 1/64th of a pixel).
Note that, for the rasterizer, pixel centers are located at
integer coordinates. The TrueType bytecode interpreter,
however, assumes that the lower left edge of a pixel (which is
taken to be a square with a length of 1 unit) has integer
^ y ^ y
| |
| (1,1) | (0.5,0.5)
+-----------+ +-----+-----+
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | o-----+-----> x
| | | (0,0) |
| | | |
o-----------+-----> x +-----------+
(0,0) (-0.5,-0.5)
TrueType bytecode interpreter FreeType rasterizer
A pixel line in the target bitmap is called a `scanline'.
- A glyph is usually made of several contours, also called
`outlines'. A contour is simply a closed curve that delimits an
outer or inner region of the glyph. It is described by a series
of successive points of the points table.
Each point of the glyph has an associated flag that indicates
whether it is `on' or `off' the curve. Two successive `on'
points indicate a line segment joining the two points.
One `off' point amidst two `on' points indicates a second-degree
(conic) Bézier parametric arc, defined by these three points
(the `off' point being the control point, and the `on' ones the
start and end points). Similarly, a third-degree (cubic) Bézier
curve is described by four points (two `off' control points
between two `on' points).
Finally, for second-order curves only, two successive `off'
points forces the rasterizer to create, during rendering, an
`on' point amidst them, at their exact middle. This greatly
facilitates the definition of successive Bézier arcs.
The parametric form of a second-order Bézier curve is:
P(t) = (1-t)^2*P1 + 2*t*(1-t)*P2 + t^2*P3
(P1 and P3 are the end points, P2 the control point.)
The parametric form of a third-order Bézier curve is:
P(t) = (1-t)^3*P1 + 3*t*(1-t)^2*P2 + 3*t^2*(1-t)*P3 + t^3*P4
(P1 and P4 are the end points, P2 and P3 the control points.)
For both formulae, t is a real number in the range [0..1].
Note that the rasterizer does not use these formulae directly.
They exhibit, however, one very useful property of Bézier arcs:
Each point of the curve is a weighted average of the control
As all weights are positive and always sum up to 1, whatever the
value of t, each arc point lies within the triangle (polygon)
defined by the arc's three (four) control points.
In the following, only second-order curves are discussed since
rasterization of third-order curves is completely identical.
Here some samples for second-order curves.
* # on curve
* off curve
#-__ _-- -_
--__ _- -
--__ # \
--__ #
Two `on' points
Two `on' points and one `off' point
between them
# __ Two `on' points with two `off'
\ - - points between them. The point
\ / \ marked `0' is the middle of the
- 0 \ `off' points, and is a `virtual
-_ _- # on' point where the curve passes.
-- It does not appear in the point
* list.
2. Profiles and Spans
The following is a basic explanation of the _kind_ of computations
made by the rasterizer to build a bitmap from a vector
representation. Note that the actual implementation is slightly
different, due to performance tuning and other factors.
However, the following ideas remain in the same category, and are
more convenient to understand.
a. Sweeping the Shape
The best way to fill a shape is to decompose it into a number of
simple horizontal segments, then turn them on in the target
bitmap. These segments are called `spans'.
_-- -_
_- -
- \
/ \
/ \
| \
__---__ Example: filling a shape
_----------_ with spans.
/-----------------\ This is typically done from the top
/ \ to the bottom of the shape, in a
| | \ movement called a `sweep'.
In order to draw a span, the rasterizer must compute its
coordinates, which are simply the x coordinates of the shape's
contours, taken on the y scanlines.
/---/ |---| Note that there are usually
/---/ |---| several spans per scanline.
| /---/ |---|
| /---/_______|---| When rendering this shape to the
V /----------------| current scanline y, we must
/-----------------| compute the x values of the
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这个C#实现的小游戏是一个简单的猜数字游戏,让玩家猜一个1到100之间的随机生成的数字。以下是对这个小游戏的分析: Random 类的使用:游戏开始时,使用 Random 类生成一个1到100之间的随机数作为要猜的数字。 循环结构:游戏使用 while 循环,直到玩家猜对为止。玩家每次猜测后,根据猜测的数字与目标数字的大小关系,给出相应的提示,并根据猜测结果决定下一步的操作。 用户输入处理:通过 Console.ReadLine() 获取用户输入,并使用 int.TryParse() 方法将输入转换为整数。如果用户输入无效,会提示用户输入有效的数字。 游戏逻辑:根据玩家猜测的数字与目标数字的大小关系,给出相应的提示,提示玩家猜的数字是太高了还是太低了。 【引流】 Java、Python、Node.js、Spring Boot、Django、Express、MySQL、PostgreSQL、MongoDB、React、Angular、Vue、Bootstrap、Material-UI、Redis、Docker、Kubernetes


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