function [X_hat]=QRM_MLD_detecor(Y,H)
% Input parameters
% Y : received signal, nTx1
% H : Channel matrix, nTxnT
% Output parameter
% X_hat : estimated signal, nTx1
%MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB�� Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Young Yang and Chung G. Kang
%2010 John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd
global QAM_table Q R Y_tilde NT M;
% NT : Number of Tx antennas, M : Parameter M in M-algorithm
QAM_table = [-3-3j, -3-j, -3+3j, -3+j, -1-3j, -1-j, -1+3j, -1+j, 3-3j, ...
3-j, 3+3j, 3+j, 1-3j, 1-j, 1+3j, 1+j]/sqrt(10); % QAM table
[Q R] = qr(H); % QR-decomposition
Y_tilde = Q'*Y;
symbol_replica = zeros(NT,M,NT); % QAM table index
for stage = 1:NT
symbol_replica = stage_processing1(symbol_replica,stage);
X_hat = QAM_table(symbol_replica(:,1));
function[symbol_replica] = stage_processing1(symbol_replica,stage)
% Input parameters
% Y_tilde : Q'*Y
% R : [Q R] = qr(H)
% QAM_table :
% symbol_replica : M candidate vectors
% stage : stage number
% M : parameter M in the M-algorithm
% NT : number of Tx antennas
% Output parameter
% symbol_replica : M candidate vectors
global NT M;
if stage == 1; m = 1; else m = M; end
symbol_replica_norm = calculate_norm(symbol_replica,stage);
[symbol_replica_norm_sorted, symbol_replica_sorted] = sort_matrix(symbol_replica_norm);
% sort in norm order, data is in a matrix form
symbol_replica_norm_sorted = symbol_replica_norm_sorted(1:M);
symbol_replica_sorted = symbol_replica_sorted(:,[1:M]);
if stage>=2
for i=1:m
symbol_replica_sorted([2:stage],i) = ...
if stage == 1 % In stage 1, size of symbol_replica_sorted is 2xM,
the second row is not necessary
symbol_replica([1:stage],:,(NT+1)-stage) = symbol_replica_sorted(1,:);
symbol_replica([1:stage],:,(NT+1)-stage) = symbol_replica_sorted;
function [symbol_replica_norm]=calculate_norm(symbol_replica,stage)
% Input parameters
% Y_tilde : Q'*Y
% R : [Q R] = qr(H)
% QAM_table :
% symbol_replica : M candidate vectors
% stage : stage number
% M : M parameter in M-algorithm
% NT : number of Tx antennas
% Output parameter
% symbol_replica_norm : norm values of M candidate vectors
global QAM_table R Y_tilde NT M;
if stage == 1; m = 1; else m = M; end
stage_index = (NT+1)-stage;
for i=1:m
X_temp = zeros(NT,1);
for a=NT:-1:(NT+2)-stage
X_temp(a) = QAM_table(symbol_replica((NT+1)-a,i,stage_index+1));
X_temp([(NT+2)-stage:(NT)]) = wrev(X_temp([(NT+2)-stage:(NT)]));
% reordering
Y_tilde_now = Y_tilde([(NT+1)-stage:(NT)]);
% Y_tilde used in the current stage
R_now = R([(NT+1)-stage:(NT)],[(NT+1)-stage:(NT)]);
% R used in the current stage
for k = 1:length(QAM_table) % norm calculation,
% the norm values in the previous stages can be used, however,
% we recalculate them in an effort to simplify the MATLAB code
X_temp(stage_index) = QAM_table(k);
X_now = X_temp([(NT+1)-stage:(NT)]);
symbol_replica_norm(i,k) = norm(Y_tilde_now - R_now*X_now)^2;
function [index_number] = find_vector(range,target);
% Input parameters
% target : target vector
% range : the range of target vector
% Output parameters
% index_number : the index of range that corresponds to target
for index_number=1:size(range,2)
if range(:,index_number)==target, break; end
function [entry_sorted entry_index_sorted] = sort_matrix(matrix_form)
% Input parameters
% matrix_form : a matrix to be sorted
% M : parameter M in M-algorithm
% Output parameters
% entry_sorted : increasingly ordered norm
% entry_index_sorted : ordered QAM_table index
[row_size,column_size] = size(matrix_form);
flag=0; % flag = 1 ? the least norm is found
entry_index_sorted =[];
for i = 1:row_size % matrix form ? vector form
vector_form = vector_form matrix_form(i,:);
for m=1:row_size*column_size
entry_min = min(vector_form);
for i = 1:row_size
if flag==1, break; end
for k = 1:column_size
if flag==1, break; end
entry_temp = matrix_form(i,k);
if entry_min == entry_temp
entry_index_sorted = entry_index_sorted [k; i];
entry_sorted(m) = entry_temp;