As another advantage, local optima avoidance is high due the
stochastic nature of evolutionary algorithms. If an evolutionary
algorithm is trapped in a local optimum, stochastic operator lead
to random changes in the solution and eventually escaping from
the local optimum. Although there is no guarantee for resolving this
issue completely, stochastic algorithms have much higher probabil-
ity to escape from local optima compared to deterministic methods.
A very accurate approximation of the global optimum is not guaran-
teed as well, but with running an evolutionary algorithm several
times the probability of obtaining a better solution is increased.
Last but not least, the simplicity is another characteristic of evo-
lutionary algorithms. Natural evolutionary concepts or collective
behaviours are the main inspirations for the majority of algorithms
in this field where they are so simple. In addition, evolutionary
algorithms follow a general and common framework, in which a
set of randomly created solutions is enhanced or evolved itera-
tively. What makes algorithms different in this field is the method
of improving this set.
Some of the most popular algorithms in this field are: Genetic
Algorithms (GA) [14,15], Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [16],
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) [17], Differential Evolution (DE)
[18], Evolutionary Programming (EP) [19] [20]. Although these
algorithms are able to solve many real and challenging problems,
the so-called No Free Lunch theorem [21] allows researchers to
propose new algorithms. According to this theorem, all algorithms
perform equal when solving all optimization problems. Therefore,
one algorithm can be very effective in solving one set of problems
but in effective on a different set of problems. This is the founda-
tion of many works in this field. Some of the recent algorithms
are: Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) [22], Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)
algorithm [23], Firefly Algorithm (FA) [24,25], Cuckoo Search (CS)
algorithm [26,27], Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (COA) [28],
Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) [29], Charged System Search
(CSS) [30–33], Magnetic Charged System Search [34,35], Ray Opti-
mization (RO) [36–38] algorithm, Colliding Bodies Optimization
(CBO) [39–44] algorithm, Hybrid Particle Swallow Swarm Optimi-
zation (HPSSO) [45], Democratic Particle Swarm Optimization
(DPSO) [46,47], Dolphin Echolocation (DE) [48,49], and Chaotic
Swarming of Particles (CSP) [50].
This paper also proposes a new algorithm called Ant Lion Opti-
mizer (ALO) as an alternative approach for solving optimization
problems. As its name implies, the ALO algorithm mimics the intel-
ligent behaviour of antlions in hunting ants in nature. The rest of
the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the main inspiration of this paper and pro-
poses the ALO algorithm. Experimental results of the test functions
are provided in Section 3. Sections 4 and 5 solve several real prob-
lems to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed algorithm.
Finally, Section 6 concludes the work and discusses possible future
2. Ant Lion Optimizer
In this section the inspiration of the ALO algorithm is first pre-
sented. The mathematical model and the ALO algorithm are then
discussed in details.
2.1. Inspiration
Antlions (doodlebugs) belong to the Myrmeleontidae family
and Neuroptera order (net-winged insects). The lifecycle of ant-
lions includes two main phases: larvae and adult. A natural total
lifespan can take up to 3 years, which mostly occurs in larvae (only
3–5 weeks for adulthood). Antlions undergo metamorphosis in a
cocoon to become adult. They mostly hunt in larvae and the adult-
hood period is for reproduction.
Their names originate from their unique hunting behaviour and
their favourite prey. An antlion larvae digs a cone-shaped pit in
sand by moving along a circular path and throwing out sands with
its massive jaw [51,52]. Fig. 1(a) shows several cone-shaped pits
with different sizes. After digging the trap, the larvae hides under-
neath the bottom of the cone (as a sit-and-wait predator [53]) and
waits for insects (preferably ant) to be trapped in the pit [53] as
illustrated in Fig. 1(b). The edge of the cone is sharp enough for
insects to fall to the bottom of the trap easily. Once the antlion
realizes that a prey is in the trap, it tries to catch it. However,
insects usually are not caught immediately and try to escape from
the trap. In this case, antlions intelligently throw sands towards to
edge of the pit to slide the prey into the bottom of the pit. When a
prey is caught into the jaw, it is pulled under the soil and con-
sumed. After consuming the prey, antlions throw the leftovers out-
side the pit and amend the pit for the next hunt.
Another interesting behaviour that has been observed in life
style of antlions is the relevancy of the size of the trap and two
things: level of hunger and shape of the moon. Antlions tend to
dig out larger traps as they become more hungry [54] and/or when
the moon is full [55]. They have been evolved and adapted this way
to improve their chance of survival. It also has been discovered that
an antlion does not directly observe the shape of the moon to
decide about the size of the trap, but it has an internal lunar clock
to make such decisions [55].
The main inspiration of the ALO algorithm comes from the for-
aging behaviour of antlion’s larvae. In the next subsection the
behaviour of antlions and their prey in nature is first modelled
mathematically. An optimization algorithm is then proposed based
on the mathematical model.
2.2. Operators of the ALO algorithm
The ALO algorithm mimics interaction between antlions and
ants in the trap. To model such interactions, ants are required to
move over the search space, and antlions are allowed to hunt them
and become fitter using traps. Since ants move stochastically in
nature when searching for food, a random walk is chosen for mod-
elling ants’ movement as follows:
XðtÞ¼½0; cumsumð2rðt
Þ1Þ; cumsumð2rðt
Þ1Þ;...; cumsumð2rðt
where cumsum calculates the cumulative sum, n is the maximum
number of iteration, t shows the step of random walk (iteration in
this study), and r(t) is a stochastic function defined as follows:
1 if rand > 0:5
0 if rand 6 0:5
where t shows the step of random walk (iteration in this study) and
rand is a random number generated with uniform distribution in
the interval of [0,1].
To have an image of this random walk, Fig. 2 is provided that
illustrates three random walks over 500 iterations. This figure
shows that the random walk utilized may fluctuate dramatically
around the origin (red
curve), have increasing trend (black curve),
or have descending behaviour (blue curve).
The position of ants are saved and utilized during optimization
in the following matrix:
... ... A
... ... A
... ... A
For interpretation of color in Fig. 2, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.
S. Mirjalili / Advances in Engineering Software 83 (2015) 80–98