The paper is organized as follows. After discussing related
work in Section II, we will introduce our border extraction
method in Section III. We then will describe the interest
point extraction in Section IV and the NARF-descriptor
in Section V. We finally present experimental results in
Sections VI and VII.
Two of the most popular systems for extracting interest
points and creating stable descriptors in the area of 2D
computer vision are SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Trans-
form) [6] and SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) [2].
The interest point detection and the descriptors are based on
local gradients, and a unique orientation for the image patch
is extracted to achieve rotational invariance. Our approach
operates on 3D data instead of monocular camera images.
Compared to cameras, 3D sensors provide depth information,
and can be less sensitive to lighting conditions (e.g., laser
sensors). In addition, scale information is directly available.
A disadvantage, however, is that geometry alone is less
expressive in terms of object uniqueness. While SIFT and
SURF are not directly transferable to 3D scans, many of
the general concepts, such as the usage of gradients and the
extraction of a unique orientation, are useful there.
One of the most popular descriptors for 3D data is
the Spin-image presented by Johnson [5], which is a 2D
representation of the surface surrounding a 3D point and
is computed for every point in the scene. A variant of spin-
images, spherical spin images [9], improves the compari-
son by applying nearest neighbor search using the linear
correlation coefficient as the equivalence classes of spin-
images. To efficiently perform the comparison of features, the
authors furthermore compress the descriptor. In our previous
work [14] we found that range value patches as features
showed a better reliability in an object recognition system
compared to spin images. The features we propose in this
paper build on those range value patches and show an
improved matching capability (see Section VII). Spin images
also do not explicitly take empty space (e.g., beyond object
borders) into account. For example, for a square plane the
spin images for points in the center and the corners would
be identical, while the feature described in this paper is able
to discriminate between such points.
An object detection approach based on silhouettes ex-
tracted from range images is presented in [15]. The features
proposed are based on a fast Eigen-CSS method and a
supervised learning algorithm. This is similar to our work
in the sense that the authors also try to make explicit use
of border information. By restricting the system to borders
only, however, valuable information regarding the structure
of the objects is not considered. Additionally, the extraction
of a single descriptor for the complete silhouette makes the
system less robust to occlusions.
Many approaches compute descriptors exhaustively in ev-
ery data point or use simple sampling methods ([5], [3], [7]),
thereby introducing an unnecessary overhead. In [4] the au-
thors present an approach to global registration using Integral
Fig. 2. Different kinds of border points.
Volume Descriptors (IVD) estimated at certain interest points
in the data. These interest points are extracted using a self
similarity approach in the IVD space, meaning the descriptor
of a point is compared to the descriptors of its neighbors to
determine areas where there is a significant change. While
this method for interest point extraction explicitly takes the
descriptor into account, it becomes impractical for more
complex descriptors, which are more expensive to extract.
Unnikrishnan [16] presented an interest point extraction
method with automatic scale detection in unorganized 3D
point clouds. This approach, however, does not consider any
view-point related information and does not attempt to place
interest points in stable positions. In [12] we presented a
method for selecting interest points based on their persistence
in growing point neighborhoods. Given a PFH (Point Feature
Histogram) space [11], multiple descriptors are estimated for
several different radii, and only the ones similar between r
and r
are kept. The method described in this paper is
by several orders of magnitude faster in the estimation of
interest points.
In our previous work we also used interest point extraction
methods known from the 2D computer vision literature, such
as the Harris Detector or Difference of Gaussians, adapted for
range images [14], [13]. Whereas these methods turned out to
be robust, they have several shortcomings. For example, the
estimated keypoints tend to lie directly on the borders of the
objects or on other positions that have a significant change
in structure. While these areas are indeed interesting parts of
the scene, having the interest points directly there can lead to
high inaccuracies in the descriptor calculation since these are
typically unstable areas, e.g., regarding normal estimation.
The goal of our work described here is to find points that
are in the vicinity of significant changes and at the same
time are on stable parts of the surface.
A. Motivation
One important requirement to our feature extraction pro-
cedure is the explicit handling of borders in the range data.
Borders typically appear as non-continuous traversals from
foreground to background. In this context there are mainly
three different kinds of points that we are interested in
detecting: object borders, which are the outermost visible
points still belonging to an object, shadow borders, which
are points in the background that adjoin occlusions, and veil
points, which are interpolated points between the obstacle
border and the shadow border. Veil points are a typical
phenomenon in 3D range data obtained by lidars and treating