## MJRefresh
* An easy way to use pull-to-refresh
## Contents
* Getting Started
* [Features【Support what kinds of controls to refresh】](#Support what kinds of controls to refresh)
* [Installation【How to use MJRefresh】](#How to use MJRefresh)
* [Who's using【More than hundreds of Apps are using MJRefresh】](#>More than hundreds of Apps are using MJRefresh)
* [Classes【The Class Structure Chart of MJRefresh】](#The Class Structure Chart of MJRefresh)
* Comment API
* [MJRefreshComponent.h](#MJRefreshComponent.h)
* [MJRefreshHeader.h](#MJRefreshHeader.h)
* [MJRefreshFooter.h](#MJRefreshFooter.h)
* [MJRefreshAutoFooter.h](#MJRefreshAutoFooter.h)
* Examples
* [Reference](#Reference)
* [The drop-down refresh 01-Default](#The drop-down refresh 01-Default)
* [The drop-down refresh 02-Animation image](#The drop-down refresh 02-Animation image)
* [The drop-down refresh 03-Hide the time](#The drop-down refresh 03-Hide the time)
* [The drop-down refresh 04-Hide status and time](#The drop-down refresh 04-Hide status and time)
* [The drop-down refresh 05-DIY title](#The drop-down refresh 05-DIY title)
* [The drop-down refresh 06-DIY the control of refresh](#The drop-down refresh 06-DIY the control of refresh)
* [The pull to refresh 01-Default](#The pull to refresh 01-Default)
* [The pull to refresh 02-Animation image](#The pull to refresh 02-Animation image)
* [The pull to refresh 03-Hide the title of refresh status](#The pull to refresh 03-Hide the title of refresh status)
* [The pull to refresh 04-All loaded](#The pull to refresh 04-All loaded)
* [The pull to refresh 05-DIY title](#The pull to refresh 05-DIY title)
* [The pull to refresh 06-Hidden After loaded](#The pull to refresh 06-Hidden After loaded)
* [The pull to refresh 07-Automatic back of the pull01](#上The pull to refresh 07-Automatic back of the pull01)
* [The pull to refresh 08-Automatic back of the pull02](#The pull to refresh 08-Automatic back of the pull02)
* [The pull to refresh 09-DIY the control of refresh(Automatic refresh)](#The pull to refresh 09-DIY the control of refresh(Automatic refresh))
* [The pull to refresh 10-DIY the control of refresh(Automatic back)](#The pull to refresh 10-DIY the control of refresh(Automatic back))
* [UICollectionView01-The pull and drop-down refresh](#UICollectionView01-The pull and drop-down refresh)
* [UIWebView01-The drop-down refresh](#UIWebView01-The drop-down refresh)
* [Hope](#Hope)
## <a id="Support what kinds of controls to refresh"></a>Support what kinds of controls to refresh
* `UIScrollView`、`UITableView`、`UICollectionView`、`UIWebView`
## <a id="How to use MJRefresh"></a>How to use MJRefresh
* Installation with CocoaPods:`pod 'MJRefresh'`
* Manual import:
* Drag All files in the `MJRefresh` folder to project
* Import the main file:`#import "MJRefresh.h"`
Base Custom
MJRefresh.bundle MJRefresh.h
MJRefreshConst.h MJRefreshConst.m
UIScrollView+MJExtension.h UIScrollView+MJExtension.m
UIScrollView+MJRefresh.h UIScrollView+MJRefresh.m
UIView+MJExtension.h UIView+MJExtension.m
## <a id=">More than hundreds of Apps are using MJRefresh"></a>More than hundreds of Apps are using MJRefresh
<img src="http://images0.cnblogs.com/blog2015/497279/201506/141212365041650.png" width="200" height="300">
* More information of App can focus on:[M了个J-博客园](http://www.cnblogs.com/mjios/p/4409853.html)
## <a id="The Class Structure Chart of MJRefresh"></a>The Class Structure Chart of MJRefresh
- `The class of red text` in the chart:You can use them directly
- The drop-down refresh control types
- Normal:`MJRefreshNormalHeader`
- Gif:`MJRefreshGifHeader`
- The pull to refresh control types
- Auto refresh
- Normal:`MJRefreshAutoNormalFooter`
- Gif:`MJRefreshAutoGifFooter`
- Auto Back
- Normal:`MJRefreshBackNormalFooter`
- Gif:`MJRefreshBackGifFooter`
- `The class of non-red text` in the chart:For inheritance,to use DIY the control of refresh
- About how to DIY the control of refresh,You can refer the Class in below Chart<br>
<img src="http://images0.cnblogs.com/blog2015/497279/201506/141358159107893.png" width="30%" height="30%">
## <a id="MJRefreshComponent.h"></a>MJRefreshComponent.h
/** The Base Class of refresh control */
@interface MJRefreshComponent : UIView
#pragma mark - Control the state of Refresh
/** BeginRefreshing */
- (void)beginRefreshing;
/** EndRefreshing */
- (void)endRefreshing;
/** IsRefreshing */
- (BOOL)isRefreshing;
#pragma mark - Other
/** According to the drag ratio to change alpha automatically */
@property (assign, nonatomic, getter=isAutomaticallyChangeAlpha) BOOL automaticallyChangeAlpha;
## <a id="MJRefreshHeader.h"></a>MJRefreshHeader.h
@interface MJRefreshHeader : MJRefreshComponent
/** Creat header */
+ (instancetype)headerWithRefreshingBlock:(MJRefreshComponentRefreshingBlock)refreshingBlock;
/** Creat header */
+ (instancetype)headerWithRefreshingTarget:(id)target refreshingAction:(SEL)action;
/** This key is used to storage the time that the last time of drown-down successfully */
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *lastUpdatedTimeKey;
/** The last time of drown-down successfully */
@property (strong, nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *lastUpdatedTime;
/** Ignored scrollView contentInset top */
@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat ignoredScrollViewContentInsetTop;
## <a id="MJRefreshFooter.h"></a>MJRefreshFooter.h
@interface MJRefreshFooter : MJRefreshComponent
/** Creat footer */
+ (instancetype)footerWithRefreshingBlock:(MJRefreshComponentRefreshingBlock)refreshingBlock;
/** Creat footer */
+ (instancetype)footerWithRefreshingTarget:(id)target refreshingAction:(SEL)action;
/** NoticeNoMoreData */
- (void)noticeNoMoreData;
/** ResetNoMoreData(Clear the status of NoMoreData ) */
- (void)resetNoMoreData;
/** Ignored scrollView contentInset bottom */
@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat ignoredScrollViewContentInsetBottom;
/** Automaticlly show or hidden by the count of data(Show-have data,Hidden- no data) */
@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL automaticallyHidden;
## <a id="MJRefreshAutoFooter.h"></a>MJRefreshAutoFooter.h
@interface MJRefreshAutoFooter : MJRefreshFooter
/** Is Automatically Refresh(Default is Yes) */
@property (assign, nonatomic, getter=isAutomaticallyRefresh) BOOL automaticallyRefresh;
/** When there is much at the bottom of the control is automatically refresh(Default is 1.0,Is at the bottom of the control appears in full, will refresh automatically) */
@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat triggerAutomaticallyRefreshPercent;
## <a id="Reference"></a>Reference
* Due to there are more functions of this framework,Don't write specific text describe its usage
* You can directly reference examples MJTableViewController、MJCollectionViewController、MJWebViewController,More intuitive and fast.
<img src="http://images0.cnblogs.com/blog2015/497279/201506/141345470048120.png" width="30%" height="30%">
## <a id="The drop-down refresh 01-Default"></a>The drop-down refresh 01-Default
self.tableView.header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingBlock:^{
//Call this Block When enter the refresh status automatically
// Set the callback(Once you enter the refresh status,then call the action of target,that is call [self loadNewData])
self.tableView.header = [MJRefreshNormalHeader headerWithRefreshingTarget:self refreshingAction:@selector(loadNewData)];
// Enter the refresh status immediately
[self.tableView.header beginRefres
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
目前完成的功能 微信界面 显示右上角的菜单 显示最近联系人 最近联系人信息未读数的显示 通讯录界面 联系人的排序 联系人总数显示 发现界面 动态小红点的显示 购物选项的链接跳转 我界面 个人头像的上传与设置,及头像的保存 我的二维码界面的显示及二维码的保存 聊天界面 小视频的录制与发送 小视频的播放 聊天时间 图片的发送与显示 未发送成功的重发功能 语音的录制与发送 语音的播放动态效果 已知BUG 小视频和图片发送出去后不能立即更新显示缩略图 模仿微信的导航栏 在navigationBar底部添加一个添加了渐变层的view let blurBackView = UIView() blurBackView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: -20, width: kScreenW, height: 64) let gradintLayer = CAGradientLayer() gradintLayer.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: kScreenW, height: 64) gradintLayer.colors = [
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NIMUserManagerProtocol.h 7KB
NIMMessage.h 6KB
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NIMMediaManagerProtocol.h 6KB
NIMNetCallOption.h 6KB
UIImageView+AFNetworking.h 6KB
NIMChatManagerProtocol.h 6KB
AFSecurityPolicy.h 6KB
AFAutoPurgingImageCache.h 6KB
amf.h 5KB
GPUImageFilter.h 5KB
AFNetworkActivityIndicatorManager.h 5KB
GPUImageVideoCamera.h 5KB
NIMLoginManagerProtocol.h 5KB
TZImageManager.h 5KB
GPUImageOutput.h 5KB
UIWebView+AFNetworking.h 4KB
NIMSystemNotification.h 4KB
NIMSystemNotificationManagerProtocol.h 4KB
MJRefreshComponent.h 4KB
NIMAVChatDefs.h 4KB
rtmp_sys.h 4KB
NIMTeamNotificationContent.h 4KB
LFLiveVideoConfiguration.h 4KB
NIMCustomObject.h 3KB
NIMChatroomMemberRequest.h 3KB
NIMUser.h 3KB
NIMRTSConferenceManagerProtocol.h 3KB
NIMChatroomNotificationContent.h 3KB
NIMTeam.h 3KB
LFVideoCapture.h 3KB
GPUImageHoughTransformLineDetector.h 3KB
NIMMessageSearchOption.h 3KB
NIMSDKConfig.h 3KB
GPUImageCannyEdgeDetectionFilter.h 3KB
KZVideoSupport.h 3KB
LFLiveAudioConfiguration.h 3KB
NIMImageObject.h 3KB
GPUImageMovieWriter.h 3KB
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bytes.h 2KB
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MJRefreshConst.h 2KB
UIProgressView+AFNetworking.h 2KB
KZVideoConfig.h 2KB
GPUImageHarrisCornerDetectionFilter.h 2KB
NIMMessageSetting.h 2KB
GPUImageMovie.h 2KB
NIMRTSOption.h 2KB
NIMLoginClient.h 2KB
UIRefreshControl+AFNetworking.h 2KB
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