Based on "OSRFX2 Learning Kit" + "CY001 learning Kit", added more with my idea to demo how-to learning writing host drivers for USB devices on Windows & Linux.
为何要写这个东东 / Why write this
Hi, every buddy, are you learning write host side USB drivers? If yes, I hope you would feel great if you have one USB learning-board at hand the same time. I bought one (CY001 from ZhangPei) and being enjoy it very much.
I began my career on USB driver writing on Windows, and I think many of people the same due to Windows is the most popular on PC and the USB samples from MS-WDK are the most valuable for us freshman, especially the classical osrusbfx2 sample. osrusbfx2 is a USB driver sample provided together with the famous OSRFX2 learning board. I ever heard MS WDK team also use this board to verify and test the WDK self (not very clear where I saw this but it should be true :)). So do you feel the importance of this board and the osrusbfx2 sample?
Next, as we all know, the OSRFX2 learning board looks a bit expensive to me (I'm from PRC mainland), but I have CY001 and I thought if I can modify CY001 to simulate OSRFX2. Anyway these two boards use the same USB chipset and have some common peripherals.
And the next, I made this project. If you have one CY001, or any other USB learning board which is based off Cypress FX2 USB chipset and you have interest in modifying device firmware, you can have a try as me. Hope my work here act as a good reference and be initial step for you.
I also ported osrusbfx2 sample to Linux, if you love Linux more than Windows, check this out.
目录结构 / Directory
- osrfx2fw - CY001(基于Cypress EZ-USB FX2LP)的固件Keil工程源代码。已经过修改模拟OSRFX2学习板
- README: 介绍了如何基于CY001模拟OSRFX2。
- windows - Windows版本的源代码和相关文件。已经过修改以适配CY001与实际的OSRFX2学习板的不同。
- drivers - 驱动安装包。目前只提供了x86的版本。
- drvinst - 驱动安装和卸载程序,演示DIFxAPI和SetupAPI的典型用例。
- osrusbfx2 - WDK的osrusbfx2例子,经过修改适配CY001。
- linux - Linux版本的源代码和相关文件。
- doc - 文档
- (原创)Linux USB 设备驱动:小教程-如何开发一个主机侧的内核USB设备驱动
- (原创)学习笔记-Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition
- driver - 最终的驱动(TBD)
- exe - osrfx2的测试应用程序
- include - 公共头文件
- scripts - 脚本形式的测试程序(python/shell)
- step1 ~ step5 - Step by Step的示例代码
联系方式 / Contact
Email: unicorn_wang@outlook.com
Blog: http://unicornx.gitcafe.io/
下载和访问 / Download
该项目的所有文档和代码都上传到GitHub,大家如果熟悉GitHub可以上Github观赏并联机提出宝贵意见。地址是: https://github.com/unicornx/osrusbfx2
下载该项目的方法 / Download Method:
mkdir yourworkspacefolder
cd yourworkspacefolder
git clone https://github.com/unicornx/osrusbfx2.git
该项目另一个发布的平台(another publish window)在“图灵社区” - "osrusbfx2 - Step by Step USB驱动开发"
enjoy it! :)