WatchCat is a small applet for hiding application windows.
Windows hidden by WatchCat also will disappear from taskbar
and ALT+TAB chain. It�s extramely convenient if you need to
keep applications as MS Outlook open all the time but don�t
check them often.
WatchCat uses the idea first introduced by German Salvador
(german@bitmailer.net) in applet Hide-It! and introduces new
features not found in Hide-It!.
* Window icons in menu
* Hiding by user-assignable hot key
* Hiding by right-clicking "minimize" button on window�s caption
* Hiding windows to system tray
* Automatic hiding after window was inactive some period of time
* Automatic closing after window was inactive some period of time
And, of course, all these options are configurable and may be
independently turned on and off.
WatchCat was initially written for personal use. It implements
all useful features author could think of
What's new (since version 1.1)
Installation package was created.
In fact, WatchCat is so simple that doesn't require installer,
but on www.winfiles.com instlaller is madatory if you want to get
"Get It!" logo for a program.
In case of problems with self-installing package, you can download
zip file from WatchCat home page and install it manually.
WatchCat icon in system tray can be configured of disabled
I have number of requests to make possible to remove WatchCat icon from
system tray. I did it. Also, in order to be consistent, I gave possibility
to change its appearence. What if somebody finds cute cat face in system
tray disgusting ?
Menu for applications hidden to tray was changed
I think that menu for windows hidden to tray was kind of artifical.
Now this menu is regular system menu for the window. If some window has
customized system menu with menu items added or removed, WatchCat will
show it properly.
Horrible bug that caused mess in system tray was fixed
I've been chasing it more than month. Eventually I did it !
"Hide to tray" rule was renamed to "Always hide to tray"
Its name was a bit confusing. I hope now it's a little bit more clear.
"Never hide to tray" rule was added
This rule tells that window should be never hidden to tray, even if it's
matches some of "Always hide to Tray" rule. I introduced it because some
of users like to hide most of windows to tray and only few to hide
Russian help file was written
Now WatchCat completely rusified.
Added "AutoHelp" feature.
Now help descriptions of WatchCat configuration settings will pop up
automaticaly if user will point on them with mouse. It works just as
tooltip does, but, instead of tooltips help topics pop up.
Added warning for taskbar hiding.
Now it's impossible to hide taskbar if menu hotkey is not assigned.
Instead of hiding taskbar user will see request for assigning menu
hot key.
WatchCat tray icons will be restored in case of windows shell crash and restart.
What's new (since version 1.0)
Hiding windows to system tray
You can do it by right-clicking on "minimize" button on window's
caption with modifier key (i.e. Shift, Alt, Ctrl or any combination
of them - it can be configured using "Hide to Tray" combobox in
"Properties") pressed.
The same modifier key may be used for hiding the window to tray
from WatchCat menu.
Rule "hide to tray" added.
According to this rule, regular WatchCat actions (i.e. hiding
by hot key, hiding from WatchCat menu, hiding by right-click on
"minimize") will cause window to be hidden to system tray.
Specifying window title type for the rule
Previously WatchCat treated window title in rules only as
case-sensitive regular expression. Sometimes it caused problems
for users who don't know what regular expressions is.
Now it's changed. You can set window title to be treated as
"case-sensitive regular expression", "case-insensitive regular
expression" "case-sensitive substring" or "case-insensitive
Multilingual user interface
Now WatchCat supports russian user interface. To my sorrow,
I cannot add other languages because don'know them :(.
And, a bunch of bug fixes not visible to end user.
WatchCat �� 慮頗蝦 頜慣蝸粵徹 蜻錙曉� 縊溘� � System Tray �
頡頊蝓�綏 頜�錶靦 蝌熱 滔擎摸 頜慣蝸粵慷. 柝��錶瘩灘 蝌熱 羲痢蝴�隨�
獗溜羲曙磋 雛擇� ALT+TAB � 獗 閎準� 熱 錶縈菴擇. WatchCat 諄粵�
擊螂粵 綁鞅 鈇� 獗螂錨溘憐 頡羲��瘩� 滇擂痞� 褕蜥襯籠� 獗蜻錙橢�
頜慣蝸粵�� 錚鋒 妹蜥褓誼� 玨錡擱� 瘟 獗 擋菔錶綏� � 璃憂 頡羲��瘩�.
WatchCat 撇頡鼻僮綏 彰肄 隍綑順� 頜窟餃詭瘩毚 German Salvador
(german@bitmailer.net) � 頜慣蝸粵態 Hide-It! 瘟 慟窠� 熱憧蝶� 菔鼻羅
隆髡蝸瘟羲筮 蜻錙橢� 獗� � Hide-It!:
* 阡衝蒐 � 慮� ��溜� � 熱頊痢��憂 蝌衝
* 俏�雛� 蝌熱 頡 熱詼錚� "廈��雛� 蜜複蒐"
* 俏�雛� 蝌熱 頡 嚼魂蝕 頜琵蝗 蜜複蜻� 撲羸 熱 蜜複蝕 憂璃憂頑甕�
� 頑廈餃階� 蝌熱
* 俏�雛� 蝌熱 � 縊羲粳磋� 隧�
* �錙影錚雛縈� 頜�雛� 蝌熱 蜻錙橢� 裂鞅 獗甦錚隅� 頑滓瘩癮 閱撿蝠 陲粳粵�
* �錙影錚雛縈� 頑蜥權琯� 蝌熱 蜻錙橢� 裂鞅 獗甦錚隅� 頑滓瘩癮 閱撿蝠 陲粳粵�
�, 蜻獗顏� 詭, 隄� �� 隆髡蝸瘟羲� 頡颱褓靦� 熱羲擋弊琯撲 �
WatchCat 裂� 愿熱闐鼻瘟 熱震築� 溫� 鞅顏蝶� 頡鼻麂鈇璃� � 擇畫愿擘�
隄� 隆髡蝸磋� 頡雒鳩灘 縯璀甕� 蜻錙橢� 琵錙� 憐� 頜彰擭痞�.
荒� 瘟隆廈 (� 閑曇態 1.1)
柑粱痢 慚羲畫��甕衝磋� 鋒蒸�.
�螂嚼-錙 WatchCat 熱羲蝓讒� 頜褓� 餾� 慚羲畫��藩� � 獗憤 � 獗 皚豢�.
拖, www.winfiles.com 衝 隧稔擘隨� 餾螂� 頜蝶擋慾� 頜撇隆慣� "Get It!"
阡衝蒙 WatchCat � 縊羲粳瘟� 隧� 憐詭� 裂靦 褕蓊�粵� 慣� 愿慮獗熱.
押縈蝓讒� 雛餃閑� 慮�� 頜褓慣� 頡頊蝓摘� 戲截痞� 慢衝蝕 WatchCat 愿
縊羲粳瘟廈 隧��. � �� 篩粱畫. � 羨�, 餾螂� 裂靦 頡縛窟蝴痞粱贛籠, 頡頊蝓慣
窠 慮��靦.
妾磊 溫� 縉��錶瘩贖 � 隧� 蝌衝 愿慮璃餃艘.
俠-憐粳�, 錙 慮磊 蜻錙曉� 裂餃 � 閑曇態 1.1 裂餃 蒙蜻�-錙 雒隆� �
錙頡曆蝦. � 稞� 愿慮璃� 熱 縊羲粳瘟� 慮磊 築憐廈 縉��錶瘩蝶� 蝌熱.
俠-憐粳� 錶� 骯髁�.
郊痘熱� 誕廖蒙 蜻錙擋� 羲琵慣� 熱 橾� 縊羲粳磋� 隧� 頡繃蜴痢�.
杠� 衝� 慮�� 溜羲畫�... � 餃閎� 窠 � 慮��� - 熱蜻獗�-錙 頡瘍畫.
俏琵慣� "��錶靦 � 隧�" 裂餃 閱擇慟粵蝴痢� 隆 "�稞滓 頜�錶靦 � 隧�"
陵� 慟� 縛擠慣� 錶蒐� 撇錙顏慢衛 獗頡��錙� � 隆頜褓蝴, 餾� 頜摑餃羲�
閱擇慟粵蝴痞�. 杠詭隨�, 錶� 骯髁�.
仁菴隋粵� 頜琵慣� "拇蜻媽� 獗 頜�錶靦 � 隧�"
陵� 頜琵慣� 廈隆撿� 餾� 蝌瘟 璃蜻媽� 獗 縛窟擘� 頜�錶靦 � 隧�, 滓詭 綁鞅
衝� 繃愚撿樽綏 � 頜琵慣發 "�稞滓 頜�錶靦 � 隧�". � 閔粱 �� 頜琵慣� 愿-頑
錙廈 餾� 獗蜻錙橢� 頡鼻麂鈇鋼鞅 億��� 頜�錶靦 � 隧� 菔鼻羸瘡錳� 蝌衝, � 錙鼻蜻
獗蜻錙橢� - 頜�錶靦 頡颱褓靦�.
拔震築� 樽罹蒐� 邁餅.
��, 鋼閱橡 WatchCat頡颱褓靦� 樽縊繃甕曉鈇�.
仁菴隋粵 "�錙捌餅".
砂閱橡 複撇痢�� 熱羲曉筧 WatchCat 蛭溴� 順縈甦弊痞� 熱 �擋� 琵錙影錚雛縈�
熱 影獗� 雕駁慵蝴 (頡溪蒙麂�).
仁菴隋粵� 頜窟曙擇誅粵徹 � 頜� 頡駕錦� 縉��錶靦 鋒獗鼻 頑滓�.
砂閱橡 獗隆髡蝸瘟 縉��錶靦 鋒獗鼻 頑滓� 綁鞅 熱 獗鳩皓粵� 廈��闐�
蓊琵摑� 溫� 慮磊. � 錶蓀� 縝褕閑隨錳毚嚼� 頜窟曙擇詭準徹.
WatchCat 隆罹錶熱隋弊琯� 篛蝙 慢衝蒐 � 縛檣琯 蜻媽�
Windows Shell 頡媲萄� 慣� 閱擇羲痙錙鈇閤.
�, 蒙� 隄稞滓, 慮頗徹 擢檣羅璃� � 撇頜琵雒璃� 蜻錙橢� 頡鼻麂鈇鋼億,
戴�, 獗 閎準�.
荒� 瘟隆廈 (� 閑曇態 1.0)
妹璃憂飾曉鈇靦 蝌熱 � 隧�
陵� 憐詭� 裂靦 篩粱痢� 頡 嚼魂蝕 頜琵蝗 蜜複蜻� 撲羸 熱 慢衝蒸
憂璃憂頑甕� � 頑廈餃階� 蝌熱 頜� 熱詼錙� 蓊琵摑�-憐溘繃蒙錙擇
(�.�. Shift, Alt, Ctrl 慣� 億菔� 摸 蜻德慚皖態 - 衝 蜻皺彆曖截擘隨�
頜� 頡憐孃 蜻德螂蝌築 "� 秒�" � 熱羲曉疑發).
看 詭 築影� 蓊琵摑�-憐溘繃蒙錙� 憐詭� 裂靦 撇頡鼻麂鈇熱 � 鋼� 詭
擇僮鼻錶錙� 頜� 頜�錶璃� 蝌熱 雛擇� WatchCat 慮磊.
仁菴隋粵� 頜琵慣� "頜�錶靦 � 隧�".
柢幌痘瘟 �衛� 頜琵慣�, 螂躑磋� 滇監錳�� WatchCat (�.�. 頜�錶靦 蝌瘟
頡 廈��雛� 蓊琵摑�, 頜�錶靦 蝌瘟 愿