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DPM是一个非常成功的目标检测算法,连续获得VOC(Visual Object Class)07,08,09年的检测冠军。目前已成为众多分类器、分割、人体姿态和行为分类的重要部分。2010年Pedro Felzenszwalb被VOC授予"终身成就奖"
A Discriminatively Trained, Multiscale, Deformable Part Model
Pedro Felzenszwalb
University of Chicago
David McAllester
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
Deva Ramanan
TTI-C and UC Irvine
This paper describes a discriminatively trained, multi-
scale, deformable part model for object detection. Our sys-
tem achieves a two-fold improvement in average precision
over the best performance in the 2006 PASCAL person de-
tection challenge. It also outperforms the best results in the
2007 challenge in ten out of twenty categories. The system
relies heavily on deformable parts. While deformable part
models have become quite popular, their value had not been
demonstrated on difficult benchmarks such as the PASCAL
challenge. Our system also relies heavily on new methods
for discriminative training. We combine a margin-sensitive
approach for data mining hard negative examples with a
formalism we call latent SVM. A latent SVM, like a hid-
den CRF, leads to a non-convex training problem. How-
ever, a latent SVM is semi-convex and the training prob-
lem becomes convex once latent information is specified for
the positive examples. We believe that our training meth-
ods will eventually make possible the effective use of more
latent information such as hierarchical (grammar) models
and models involving latent three dimensional pose.
1. Introduction
We consider the problem of detecting and localizing ob-
jects of a generic category, such as people or cars, in static
images. We have developed a new multiscale deformable
part model for solving this problem. The models are trained
using a discriminative procedure that only requires bound-
ing box labels for the positive examples. Using these mod-
els we implemented a detection system that is both highly
efficient and accurate, processing an image in about 2 sec-
onds and achieving recognition rates that are significantly
better than previous systems.
Our system achieves a two-fold improvement in average
precision over the winning system [5] in the 2006 PASCAL
person detection challenge. The system also outperforms
the best results in the 2007 challenge in ten out of twenty
object categories. Figure 1 shows an example detection ob-
tained with our person model.
Figure 1. Example detection obtained with the person model. The
model is defined by a coarse template, several higher resolution
part templates and a spatial model for the location of each part.
The notion that objects can be modeled by parts in a de-
formable configuration provides an elegant framework for
representing object categories [1–3, 6, 10, 12, 13,15,16, 22].
While these models are appealing from a conceptual point
of view, it has been difficult to establish their value in prac-
tice. On difficult datasets, deformable models are often out-
performed by “conceptually weaker” models such as rigid
templates [5] or bag-of-features [23]. One of our main goals
is to address this performance gap.
Our models include both a coarse global template cov-
ering an entire object and higher resolution part templates.
The templates represent histogram of gradient features [5].
As in [14, 19, 21], we train models discriminatively. How-
ever, our system is semi-supervised, trained with a max-
margin framework, and does not rely on feature detection.
We also describe a simple and effective strategy for learn-
ing parts from weakly-labeled data. In contrast to computa-
tionally demanding approaches such as [4], we can learn a
model in 3 hours on a single CPU.
Another contribution of our work is a new methodology
for discriminative training. We generalize SVMs for han-
dling latent variables such as part positions, and introduce a
new method for data mining “hard negative” examples dur-
ing training. We believe that handling partially labeled data
is a significant issue in machine learning for computer vi-
sion. For example, the PASCAL dataset only specifies a
bounding box for each positive example of an object. We
treat the position of each object part as a latent variable. We
also treat the exact location of the object as a latent vari-
able, requiring only that our classifier select a window that
has large overlap with the labeled bounding box.
A latent SVM, like a hidden CRF [19], leads to a non-
convex training problem. However, unlike a hidden CRF,
a latent SVM is semi-convex and the training problem be-
comes convex once latent information is specified for the
positive training examples. This leads to a general coordi-
nate descent algorithm for latent SVMs.
System Overview Our system uses a scanning window
approach. A model for an object consists of a global “root”
filter and several part models. Each part model specifies a
spatial model and a part filter. The spatial model defines a
set of allowed placements for a part relative to a detection
window, and a deformation cost for each placement.
The score of a detection window is the score of the root
filter on the window plus the sum over parts, of the maxi-
mum over placements of that part, of the part filter score on
the resulting subwindow minus the deformation cost. This
is similar to classical part-based models [10, 13]. Both root
and part filters are scored by computing the dot product be-
tween a set of weights and histogram of gradient (HOG)
features within a window. The root filter is equivalent to a
Dalal-Triggs model [5]. The features for the part filters are
computed at twice the spatial resolution of the root filter.
Our model is defined at a fixed scale, and we detect objects
by searching over an image pyramid.
In training we are given a set of images annotated with
bounding boxes around each instance of an object. We re-
duce the detection problem to a binary classification prob-
lem. Each example x is scored by a function of the form,
(x) = max
β · Φ(x, z). Here β is a vector of model pa-
rameters and z are latent values (e.g. the part placements).
To learn a model we define a generalization of SVMs that
we call latent variable SVM (LSVM). An important prop-
erty of LSVMs is that the training problem becomes convex
if we fix the latent values for positive examples. This can
be used in a coordinate descent algorithm.
In practice we iteratively apply classical SVM training to
triples (!x
", . . ., !x
") where z
is selected
to be the best scoring latent label for x
under the model
learned in the previous iteration. An initial root filter is
generated from the bounding boxes in the PASCAL dataset.
The parts are initialized from this root filter.
2. Model
The underlying building blocks for our models are the
Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) features from [5].
We represent HOG features at two different scales. Coarse
features are captured by a rigid template covering an entire
detection window. Finer scale features are captured by part
Image pyramid HOG feature pyramid
Figure 2. The HOG feature pyramid and an object hypothesis de-
fined in terms of a placement of the root filter (near the top of the
pyramid) and the part filters (near the bottom of the pyramid).
templates that can be moved with respect to the detection
window. The spatial model for the part locations is equiv-
alent to a star graph or 1-fan [3] where the coarse template
serves as a reference position.
2.1. HOG Representation
We follow the construction in [5] to define a dense repre-
sentation of an image at a particular resolution. The image
is first divided into 8x8 non-overlapping pixel regions, or
cells. For each cell we accumulate a 1D histogram of gra-
dient orientations over pixels in that cell. These histograms
capture local shape properties but are also somewhat invari-
ant to small deformations.
The gradient at each pixel is discretized into one of nine
orientation bins, and each pixel “votes” for the orientation
of its gradient, with a strength that depends on the gradient
magnitude at that pixel. For color images, we compute the
gradient of each color channel and pick the channel with
highest gradient magnitude at each pixel. Finally, the his-
togram of each cell is normalized with respect to the gra-
dient energy in a neighborhood around it. We look at the
four 2 × 2 blocks of cells that contain a particular cell and
normalize the histogram of the given cell with respect to the
total energy in each of these blocks. This leads to a 9 × 4
dimensional vector representing the local gradient informa-
tion inside a cell.
We define a HOG feature pyramid by computing HOG
features of each level of a standard image pyramid (see Fig-
ure 2). Features at the top of this pyramid capture coarse
gradients histogrammed over fairly large areas of the input
image while features at the bottom of the pyramid capture
finer gradients histogrammed over small areas.
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