# echarts-wordcloud
Unofficial (https://github.com/apache/incubator-echarts) wordcloud extension based on [wordcloud2.js](https://github.com/timdream/wordcloud2.js) for Apache ECharts.
## Examples
[Google Trends](https://ecomfe.github.io/echarts-wordcloud/example/wordCloud.html)
[ECharts Option Keywords](https://ecomfe.github.io/echarts-wordcloud/example/optionKeywords.html)
## Install
<script src="echarts.min.js"></script>
<script src="echarts-wordcloud.min.js"></script>
npm install echarts
npm install echarts-wordcloud
import * as echarts from 'echarts'
import 'echarts-wordcloud';
echarts-wordcloud@2 is for echarts@5
echarts-wordcloud@1 is for echarts@4
## Usage
var chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
series: [{
type: 'wordCloud',
// The shape of the "cloud" to draw. Can be any polar equation represented as a
// callback function, or a keyword present. Available presents are circle (default),
// cardioid (apple or heart shape curve, the most known polar equation), diamond (
// alias of square), triangle-forward, triangle, (alias of triangle-upright, pentagon, and star.
shape: 'circle',
// A silhouette image which the white area will be excluded from drawing texts.
// The shape option will continue to apply as the shape of the cloud to grow.
maskImage: maskImage,
// Folllowing left/top/width/height/right/bottom are used for positioning the word cloud
// Default to be put in the center and has 75% x 80% size.
left: 'center',
top: 'center',
width: '70%',
height: '80%',
right: null,
bottom: null,
// Text size range which the value in data will be mapped to.
// Default to have minimum 12px and maximum 60px size.
sizeRange: [12, 60],
// Text rotation range and step in degree. Text will be rotated randomly in range [-90, 90] by rotationStep 45
rotationRange: [-90, 90],
rotationStep: 45,
// size of the grid in pixels for marking the availability of the canvas
// the larger the grid size, the bigger the gap between words.
gridSize: 8,
// set to true to allow word being draw partly outside of the canvas.
// Allow word bigger than the size of the canvas to be drawn
drawOutOfBound: false,
// If perform layout animation.
// NOTE disable it will lead to UI blocking when there is lots of words.
layoutAnimation: true,
// Global text style
textStyle: {
fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
fontWeight: 'bold',
// Color can be a callback function or a color string
color: function () {
// Random color
return 'rgb(' + [
Math.round(Math.random() * 160),
Math.round(Math.random() * 160),
Math.round(Math.random() * 160)
].join(',') + ')';
emphasis: {
focus: 'self',
textStyle: {
shadowBlur: 10,
shadowColor: '#333'
// Data is an array. Each array item must have name and value property.
data: [{
name: 'Farrah Abraham',
value: 366,
// Style of single text
textStyle: {
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
(数据分析以图表形式展示) 用户登录,进入系统后,做出如下操作 1.爬虫,爬取全新疆的招聘网站数据(某个网站,点按钮可以爬虫)需要爬虫文档 2.热门行业,热门岗位分析 3.应聘者该具备哪些基本能力,对经验,学历的要求分析 4.分析岗位分布 环境说明: 开发语言:python Python版本:3.6.8 数据库:mysql 5.7 数据库工具:Navicat11 开发软件:pycharm
基于python的招聘数据分析可视化系统(django)源代码(完整前后端+mysql+说明文档+LW).zip (323个子文件)
main2.css 351KB
bootstrap.css 132KB
bootstrap.min.css 118KB
layui.css 78KB
animate.css 71KB
login.css 37KB
font-awesome.min.css 30KB
bootstrap-theme.min.css 23KB
themify-icons.css 16KB
layer.css 15KB
layer.css 14KB
layui.mobile.css 11KB
sccl.css 10KB
laydate.css 9KB
laydate.css 7KB
demo.css 3KB
iconfont.css 2KB
mobile.css 2KB
skin.css 2KB
code.css 1KB
style.css 871B
skin.css 725B
skin.css 725B
font.css 512B
chengdu-python.csv 15KB
前程无忧招聘数据.csv 304B
Python招聘分析系统LW.doc 1.21MB
fontawesome-webfont.eot 162KB
icomoon.eot 101KB
themify.eot 77KB
iconfont.eot 46KB
glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot 20KB
glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot 20KB
iconfont.eot 11KB
loader.gif 47KB
59.gif 10KB
22.gif 10KB
loading.gif 8KB
24.gif 8KB
13.gif 7KB
16.gif 7KB
39.gif 6KB
64.gif 6KB
63.gif 6KB
50.gif 6KB
loading-0.gif 6KB
4.gif 6KB
1.gif 5KB
42.gif 5KB
71.gif 5KB
21.gif 5KB
20.gif 5KB
29.gif 5KB
70.gif 4KB
5.gif 4KB
17.gif 4KB
27.gif 4KB
9.gif 4KB
44.gif 4KB
11.gif 4KB
8.gif 4KB
3.gif 4KB
loading-b.gif 4KB
23.gif 4KB
34.gif 4KB
41.gif 4KB
38.gif 4KB
65.gif 3KB
32.gif 3KB
45.gif 3KB
7.gif 3KB
12.gif 3KB
26.gif 3KB
60.gif 3KB
2.gif 3KB
40.gif 3KB
25.gif 3KB
19.gif 3KB
66.gif 3KB
18.gif 3KB
46.gif 3KB
10.gif 3KB
28.gif 3KB
51.gif 3KB
57.gif 3KB
67.gif 3KB
0.gif 3KB
48.gif 3KB
43.gif 3KB
30.gif 2KB
61.gif 2KB
33.gif 2KB
69.gif 2KB
14.gif 2KB
47.gif 2KB
36.gif 2KB
49.gif 2KB
58.gif 2KB
6.gif 2KB
54.gif 2KB
共 323 条
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 粉丝: 995
- 资源: 3768
上传资源 快速赚钱
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- 我的资源 快来上传第一个资源
- 我的收益 登录查看自己的收益
- 我的积分 登录查看自己的积分
- 我的C币 登录后查看C币余额
- 我的收藏
- 我的下载
- 下载帮助
- 前端分析-2023071100789
- 基于小程序的高校餐厅食品留样管理系统源代码(完整前后端+mysql).zip
- 前端分析-2023071100789
- 基于小程序的电影院票务系统源代码(完整前后端+mysql).zip
- 基于小程序的电影交流平台源代码(完整前后端+mysql+LW).zip
- 基于小程序的个人健康信息管理小程序源代码(完整前后端+mysql).zip
- 基于小程序的高校毕业管理系统小程序源代码(完整前后端+mysql+LW).zip
- node基于微信小程序的学生宿舍管理系统源代码(完整前后端+mysql).zip
- 基于小程序的心理服务平台微信小程序的设计与实现源代码(完整前后端+mysql+LW).zip
- 基于微信小程序的育教幼教知识学习系统源代码(完整前后端+mysql+LW).zip