may be affected by some competing workload on the host
computer. Hence a better understanding of data transfers as-
sociated with GPU computing is an essential piece of work to
support latency-critical real-time systems. Unfortunately prior
work [3], [9] did not provide performance characterization in
the context of latency and concurrent workload; they focused
on a basic comparison of DMA and direct I/O access.
Contribution: In this paper, we clarify the performance
characteristics of currently-achievable data transfer methods
for GPU computing while unveiling several new data transfer
methods other than the well-known DMA and I/O read-and-
write access. We reveal the advantage and disadvantage of
these methods in a quantitative way leading a conclusion that
the typical DMA and I/O read-and-write methods are the
most effective in latency even in the presence of compelling
workload, whereas concurrent data streams from multiple
different contexts can benefit from the capability of on-chip
microcontrollers integrated in the GPU. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first evidence of data transfer matters for
GPU computing beyond an intuitive expectation, which allows
system designers to choose appropriate data transfer methods
depending on the requirement of their latency-sensitive GPU
applications. Without our findings, none can reason about
the usage of GPUs minimizing the data transfer latency and
performance interference. These findings are also applicable
for many PCIe compute devices rather than a specific GPU.
We believe that the contributions of this paper are useful for
low-latency GPU computing.
Organization: The rest of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section II presents the assumption and terminology
behind this paper. Section III provides an open investigation
of data transfer methods for GPU computing. Section IV
compares the performances of the investigated data transfer
methods. Related work are discussed in Section V. We provide
our concluding remarks in Section VI.
We assume that the Compute Unified Device Architecture
(CUDA) is used for GPU programming [11]. A unit of code
that is individually launched on the GPU is called a kernel.
The kernel is composed of multiple threads that execute the
code in parallel.
CUDA uses a set of an application programming interface
(API) functions to manage the GPU. A typical CUDA program
takes the following steps: (i) allocate space to the device
memory, (ii) copy input data to the allocated device memory
space, (iii) launch the program on the GPU, (iv) copy output
data back to the host memory, and (v) free the allocated
device memory space. The scope of this paper is related to
(ii) and (iv). Particularly we use the cuMemCopyHtoD() and
the cuMemCopyDtoH() functions provided by the CUDA
Driver API, which correspond to (ii) and (iv) respectively.
Since an open-source implementation of these functions is
available [9], we modify them to accommodate various data
transfer methods investigated in this paper. While they are
synchronous data transfer functions, CUDA also provides
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the target system.
asynchronous data transfer functions. In this paper, we restrict
our attention to the synchronous data transfer functions for
simplicity of description, but partly similar performance char-
acteristics can also be applied for the asynchronous ones. This
is because both techniques are using the same data transfer
method. The only difference is synchronization timing.
In order to focus on the performance of data transfers
between the host and the device memory, we allocate a data
buffer to the pinned host memory rather than the typical heap
allocated by malloc(). This pinned host memory space is
mapped to the PCIe address and is never swapped out. It is
also accessible to the GPU directly.
Our computing platform contains a single set of the CPU
and the GPU. Although we restrict our attention to CUDA and
the GPU, the notion of the investigated data transfer methods is
well applicable to other heterogeneous compute devices. GPUs
are currently well-recognized forms of the heterogeneous
compute devices, but emerging alternatives include the Intel
Many Integrated Core (MIC) and the AMD Fusion technology.
The programming models of these different platforms are
almost identical in that the CPU controls the compute devices.
Our future work includes an integrated investigation of these
different platforms.
Figure 2 shows a summarized block diagram of the target
system. The host computer consists of the CPU and the host
memory communicating on the system I/O bus. They are
connected to the PCIe bus to which the GPU board is also
connected. This means that the GPU is visible to the CPU
as a PCIe device. The GPU is a complex compute device
integrating a lot of hardware functional units on a chip. This
paper is only focused on the CUDA-related units. There are
the device memory and the GPU chip connected through a
high bandwidth memory bus. The GPU chip contains graphics
processing clusters (GPCs), each of which integrates hundreds
of processing cores, a.k.a, CUDA cores. The number of GPCs
and CUDA cores is architecture-specific. For example, GPUs
based on the NVIDIA GeForce Fermi architecture [12] used
in this paper support at most 4 GPCs and 512 CUDA cores.
Each GPC is configured by an on-chip microcontroller. This
microcontroller is wimpy but is capable of executing firmware
code with its own instruction set. There is also a special
hub microcontroller, which broadcasts the operations on all
the GPC-dedicated microcontrollers. In addition to hardware