3DSimEDv3.0n (2018海外最新版)
可以支持很多模型格式,比3dmax还多!!!安装完成后获得7天体验期限,要想获得永久期限,修改自身机器码即可,听别人说的,不知行不,自己可以尝试一下. 原英文说明: New: Tracks from Forza Apex and Forza 7 can now be imported. Enhanced: Import of Forza 7/Apex/Horizon cars has a new option to convert Swatchbin to DDS, this option will also ensure all texture maps referenced by all the materials will be available as DDS. Enhanced: When writing .SCN files for rF2, the REFLECTEDENV and REFMAP0 sections are written and populated with the names of objects tagged as reflected. Enhanced: When closing a model, the option to never be prompted has been added. The option can also be set at File->Options->User Options. Enhanced: Wavefront .OBJ. The normal and texture coordinates are exported with the same number of decimal places as the XYZ coordinates. Enhanced: Collada Export of a single object will try to use the title of the filename for the geometry name. Fix: Tools->Rename Objects would change the case of the object names to lower case. Fix: Editing an object name within the Object Instance Edit pane. Fix: Opening a .3SE would change object names to lower case. Fix: Exported geometry using the stamp billboard shaders would be incorrectly rotated in rF2.
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