// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
// To regenerate the file, use:
// dart dev/tools/gen_localizations.dart --overwrite
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart' as intl;
import '../material_localizations.dart';
// The classes defined here encode all of the translations found in the
// `flutter_localizations/lib/src/l10n/*.arb` files.
// These classes are constructed by the [getTranslation] method at the bottom of
// this file, and used by the [_MaterialLocalizationsDelegate.load] method defined
// in `flutter_localizations/lib/src/material_localizations.dart`.
/// The translations for Arabic (`ar`).
class MaterialLocalizationAr extends GlobalMaterialLocalizations {
/// Create an instance of the translation bundle for Arabic.
/// For details on the meaning of the arguments, see [GlobalMaterialLocalizations].
const MaterialLocalizationAr({
String localeName = 'ar',
@required intl.DateFormat fullYearFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat mediumDateFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat longDateFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat yearMonthFormat,
@required intl.NumberFormat decimalFormat,
@required intl.NumberFormat twoDigitZeroPaddedFormat,
}) : super(
localeName: localeName,
fullYearFormat: fullYearFormat,
mediumDateFormat: mediumDateFormat,
longDateFormat: longDateFormat,
yearMonthFormat: yearMonthFormat,
decimalFormat: decimalFormat,
twoDigitZeroPaddedFormat: twoDigitZeroPaddedFormat,
String get aboutListTileTitleRaw => r'حول "$applicationName"';
String get alertDialogLabel => r'تنبيه';
String get anteMeridiemAbbreviation => r'ص';
String get backButtonTooltip => r'رجوع';
String get cancelButtonLabel => r'إلغاء';
String get closeButtonLabel => r'إغلاق';
String get closeButtonTooltip => r'إغلاق';
String get collapsedIconTapHint => r'توسيع';
String get continueButtonLabel => r'متابعة';
String get copyButtonLabel => r'نسخ';
String get cutButtonLabel => r'قص';
String get deleteButtonTooltip => r'حذف';
String get dialogLabel => r'مربع حوار';
String get drawerLabel => r'قائمة تنقل';
String get expandedIconTapHint => r'تصغير';
String get hideAccountsLabel => r'إخفاء الحسابات';
String get licensesPageTitle => r'التراخيص';
String get modalBarrierDismissLabel => r'رفض';
String get nextMonthTooltip => r'الشهر التالي';
String get nextPageTooltip => r'الصفحة التالية';
String get okButtonLabel => r'حسنًا';
String get openAppDrawerTooltip => r'فتح قائمة التنقل';
String get pageRowsInfoTitleRaw => r'من $firstRow إلى $lastRow من إجمالي $rowCount';
String get pageRowsInfoTitleApproximateRaw => r'من $firstRow إلى $lastRow من إجمالي $rowCount تقريبًا';
String get pasteButtonLabel => r'لصق';
String get popupMenuLabel => r'قائمة منبثقة';
String get postMeridiemAbbreviation => r'م';
String get previousMonthTooltip => r'الشهر السابق';
String get previousPageTooltip => r'الصفحة السابقة';
String get refreshIndicatorSemanticLabel => r'TBD';
String get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountFew => r'$remainingCount أحرف متبقية';
String get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountMany => r'$remainingCount حرفًا متبقيًا';
String get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountOne => r'حرف واحد متبقٍ';
String get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountOther => r'$remainingCount حرف متبقٍ';
String get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountTwo => r'حرفان ($remainingCount) متبقيان';
String get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountZero => r'لا أحرف متبقية';
String get reorderItemDown => r'نقل لأسفل';
String get reorderItemLeft => r'نقل لليمين';
String get reorderItemRight => r'نقل لليسار';
String get reorderItemToEnd => r'نقل إلى نهاية القائمة';
String get reorderItemToStart => r'نقل إلى بداية القائمة';
String get reorderItemUp => r'نقل لأعلى';
String get rowsPerPageTitle => r'عدد الصفوف في الصفحة:';
ScriptCategory get scriptCategory => ScriptCategory.tall;
String get searchFieldLabel => r'بحث';
String get selectAllButtonLabel => r'اختيار الكل';
String get selectedRowCountTitleFew => r'تم اختيار $selectedRowCount عنصر';
String get selectedRowCountTitleMany => r'تم اختيار $selectedRowCount عنصرًا';
String get selectedRowCountTitleOne => r'تم اختيار عنصر واحد';
String get selectedRowCountTitleOther => r'تم اختيار $selectedRowCount عنصر';
String get selectedRowCountTitleTwo => r'تم اختيار عنصرين ($selectedRowCount)';
String get selectedRowCountTitleZero => r'لم يتم اختيار أي عنصر';
String get showAccountsLabel => r'إظهار الحسابات';
String get showMenuTooltip => r'عرض القائمة';
String get signedInLabel => r'تم تسجيل الدخول';
String get tabLabelRaw => r'علامة التبويب $tabIndex من $tabCount';
TimeOfDayFormat get timeOfDayFormatRaw => TimeOfDayFormat.h_colon_mm_space_a;
String get timePickerHourModeAnnouncement => r'اختيار الساعات';
String get timePickerMinuteModeAnnouncement => r'اختيار الدقائق';
String get viewLicensesButtonLabel => r'الاطّلاع على التراخيص';
/// The translations for Bulgarian (`bg`).
class MaterialLocalizationBg extends GlobalMaterialLocalizations {
/// Create an instance of the translation bundle for Bulgarian.
/// For details on the meaning of the arguments, see [GlobalMaterialLocalizations].
const MaterialLocalizationBg({
String localeName = 'bg',
@required intl.DateFormat fullYearFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat mediumDateFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat longDateFormat,
@required intl.DateFormat yearMonthFormat,
@required intl.NumberFormat decimalFormat,
@required intl.NumberFormat twoDigitZeroPaddedFormat,
}) : super(
localeName: localeName,
fullYearFormat: fullYearFormat,
mediumDateFormat: mediumDateFormat,
longDateFormat: longDateFormat,
yearMonthFormat: yearMonthFormat,
decimalFormat: decimalFormat,
twoDigitZeroPaddedFormat: twoDigitZeroPaddedFormat,
String get aboutListTileTitleRaw => r'Всичко за $applicationName';
String get alertDialogLabel => r'Сигнал';
String get anteMeridiemAbbreviation => r'AM';
String get backButtonTooltip => r'Назад';
String get cancelButtonLabel => r'ОТКАЗ';
String get closeButtonLabel => r'ЗАТВАРЯНЕ';
String get closeButtonTooltip => r'Затваряне';
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基于Flutter框架的移动应用快速开发设计源码 (2000个子文件)
overrides.css 2KB
snippets.css 2KB
localizations.dart 355KB
date_localizations.dart 317KB
search_ellipsis.g.dart 256KB
ellipsis_search.g.dart 256KB
basic.dart 215KB
view_list.g.dart 208KB
framework.dart 204KB
list_view.g.dart 190KB
icons.dart 182KB
event_add.g.dart 165KB
add_event.g.dart 163KB
proxy_box.dart 153KB
semantics.dart 139KB
object.dart 134KB
text_field_test.dart 108KB
input_decorator.dart 104KB
box.dart 97KB
widget_inspector.dart 95KB
widget_inspector_test.dart 93KB
diagnostics.dart 86KB
home_menu.g.dart 83KB
menu_home.g.dart 81KB
navigator.dart 76KB
chip.dart 75KB
text.dart 75KB
draggable_test.dart 75KB
input_decorator_test.dart 74KB
nav_bar.dart 74KB
scaffold.dart 70KB
sliver.dart 70KB
colors.dart 67KB
viewport.dart 67KB
matchers.dart 64KB
tabs_test.dart 64KB
layer.dart 61KB
binding.dart 61KB
nested_scroll_view.dart 60KB
chip_test.dart 57KB
editable_text_test.dart 57KB
mock_canvas.dart 56KB
dialog.dart 56KB
routes.dart 56KB
time_picker.dart 55KB
scroll_view.dart 54KB
update_packages.dart 52KB
diagnostics_test.dart 51KB
app.dart 50KB
widgets_test.dart 50KB
implicit_animations.dart 50KB
heroes_test.dart 50KB
close_menu.g.dart 50KB
menu_close.g.dart 49KB
menu_arrow.g.dart 49KB
arrow_menu.g.dart 49KB
vmservice.dart 49KB
sliver.dart 48KB
theme_data.dart 48KB
app_bar_test.dart 47KB
platform_view_test.dart 47KB
date_picker.dart 47KB
slider_test.dart 47KB
velocity_tracker_data.dart 46KB
velocity_tracker_data.dart 46KB
tabs.dart 46KB
reorderable_list_test.dart 45KB
editable.dart 45KB
scaffold_test.dart 44KB
segmented_control_test.dart 44KB
table.dart 43KB
list_wheel_scroll_view_test.dart 43KB
shifted_box.dart 43KB
flutter_platform.dart 42KB
row_test.dart 42KB
editable_text.dart 41KB
flex.dart 40KB
refresh_test.dart 39KB
nav_bar_transition_test.dart 39KB
action_sheet.dart 39KB
binding.dart 39KB
driver.dart 39KB
sliver_semantics_test.dart 38KB
play_pause.g.dart 38KB
pause_play.g.dart 38KB
create_test.dart 38KB
slider.dart 37KB
list_wheel_scroll_view.dart 37KB
slider_theme.dart 36KB
gradient.dart 36KB
app_bar.dart 36KB
date_picker.dart 36KB
dialog_test.dart 36KB
accessibility_test.dart 36KB
custom_paint.dart 36KB
list_wheel_viewport.dart 36KB
dropdown_test.dart 36KB
slivers_test.dart 36KB
mergeable_material_test.dart 35KB
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