COCOMO评估工具 What is COCOMO? COCOMO (COnstructive COst MOdel) is a screen-oriented, interactive software package that assists in budgetary planning and schedule estimation of a software development project. Through the flexibility of COCOMO, a software project manager (or team leader) can develop a model (or multiple models) of projects in order to identify potential problems in resources, personnel, budgets, and schedules both before and while the potential software package is being developed. The COCOMO software package is based upon the software cost and schedule estimation model: COnstructive COst MOdel version II (COCOMOII). This is the newly revised version of the original COnstructive COst MOdel (COCOMO) first published by Dr. Barry Boehm in his book Software Engineering Economics, Prentice-Hall (1981), and Ada COCOMO (1989) predecessors. The current model is described in [Boehm et al. 1995] The primary objectives of the COCOMOII.1998 effort are: ◾ To develop a software cost and schedule estimation model tuned to the life cycle practices of the 1990's and 2000's. ◾ To develop software cost database and tool support capabilities for continuous model improvement. ◾ To provide a quantitative analytic framework, and set of tools and techniques for evaluating the effects of software technology improvements on software life cycle costs and schedules. The full COCOMOII model includes three stages. Stage 1 supports estimation of prototyping or applications composition efforts. Stage 2 supports estimation in the Early Design stage of a project, when less is known about the project’s cost drivers. Stage 3 supports estimation in the Post-Architecture stage of a project. This version of USC COCOMOII implements stage 3 formulas to estimate the effort, schedule, and cost required to develop a software product. It also provides the breakdown of effort and schedule into software life-cycle phases and activities from the original COCOMO manual. These are still reasonably valid for waterfall model software projects, but need to be interpreted for non-waterfall projects.
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