# YOLOv8-TensorRT
`YOLOv8` using TensorRT accelerate !
# Prepare the environment
1. Install `CUDA` follow [`CUDA official website`](https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#download-the-nvidia-cuda-toolkit).
2. Install `TensorRT` follow [`TensorRT official website`](https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-tensorrt-8x-download).
ð RECOMMENDED `TensorRT` >= 8.4
2. Install python requirements.
``` shell
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Install [`ultralytics`](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics) package for ONNX export or TensorRT API building.
``` shell
pip install ultralytics
5. Prepare your own PyTorch weight such as `yolov8s.pt` or `yolov8s-seg.pt`.
Please use the latest `CUDA` and `TensorRT`, so that you can achieve the fastest speed !
If you have to use a lower version of `CUDA` and `TensorRT`, please read the relevant issues carefully !
# Normal Usage
If you get ONNX from origin [`ultralytics`](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics) repo, you should build engine by yourself.
You can only use the `c++` inference code to deserialize the engine and do inference.
You can get more information in [`Normal.md`](docs/Normal.md) !
Besides, other scripts won't work.
# Export End2End ONNX with NMS
You can export your onnx model by `ultralytics` API and add postprocess such as bbox decoder and `NMS` into ONNX model at the same time.
``` shell
python3 export-det.py \
--weights yolov8s.pt \
--iou-thres 0.65 \
--conf-thres 0.25 \
--topk 100 \
--opset 11 \
--sim \
--input-shape 1 3 640 640 \
--device cuda:0
#### Description of all arguments
- `--weights` : The PyTorch model you trained.
- `--iou-thres` : IOU threshold for NMS plugin.
- `--conf-thres` : Confidence threshold for NMS plugin.
- `--topk` : Max number of detection bboxes.
- `--opset` : ONNX opset version, default is 11.
- `--sim` : Whether to simplify your onnx model.
- `--input-shape` : Input shape for you model, should be 4 dimensions.
- `--device` : The CUDA deivce you export engine .
You will get an onnx model whose prefix is the same as input weights.
### Just Taste First
If you just want to taste first, you can download the onnx model which are exported by `YOLOv8` package and modified by me.
# Build End2End Engine from ONNX
### 1. Build Engine by TensorRT ONNX Python api
You can export TensorRT engine from ONNX by [`build.py` ](build.py).
``` shell
python3 build.py \
--weights yolov8s.onnx \
--iou-thres 0.65 \
--conf-thres 0.25 \
--topk 100 \
--fp16 \
--device cuda:0
#### Description of all arguments
- `--weights` : The ONNX model you download.
- `--iou-thres` : IOU threshold for NMS plugin.
- `--conf-thres` : Confidence threshold for NMS plugin.
- `--topk` : Max number of detection bboxes.
- `--fp16` : Whether to export half-precision engine.
- `--device` : The CUDA deivce you export engine .
You can modify `iou-thres` `conf-thres` `topk` by yourself.
### 2. Export Engine by Trtexec Tools
You can export TensorRT engine by [`trtexec`](https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT/tree/main/samples/trtexec) tools.
``` shell
/usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec \
--onnx=yolov8s.onnx \
--saveEngine=yolov8s.engine \
**If you installed TensorRT by a debian package, then the installation path of `trtexec`
is `/usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec`**
**If you installed TensorRT by a tar package, then the installation path of `trtexec` is under the `bin` folder in the path you decompressed**
# Build TensorRT Engine by TensorRT API
Please see more information in [`API-Build.md`](docs/API-Build.md)
***Notice !!!*** We don't support YOLOv8-seg model now !!!
# Inference
## 1. Infer with python script
You can infer images with the engine by [`infer-det.py`](infer-det.py) .
``` shell
python3 infer-det.py \
--engine yolov8s.engine \
--imgs data \
--show \
--out-dir outputs \
--device cuda:0
#### Description of all arguments
- `--engine` : The Engine you export.
- `--imgs` : The images path you want to detect.
- `--show` : Whether to show detection results.
- `--out-dir` : Where to save detection results images. It will not work when use `--show` flag.
- `--device` : The CUDA deivce you use.
- `--profile` : Profile the TensorRT engine.
## 2. Infer with C++
You can infer with c++ in [`csrc/detect/end2end`](csrc/detect/end2end) .
### Build:
Please set you own librarys in [`CMakeLists.txt`](csrc/detect/end2end/CMakeLists.txt) and modify `CLASS_NAMES` and `COLORS` in [`main.cpp`](csrc/detect/end2end/main.cpp).
``` shell
export root=${PWD}
cd csrc/detect/end2end
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
mv yolov8 ${root}
cd ${root}
``` shell
# infer image
./yolov8 yolov8s.engine data/bus.jpg
# infer images
./yolov8 yolov8s.engine data
# infer video
./yolov8 yolov8s.engine data/test.mp4 # the video path
# TensorRT Segment Deploy
Please see more information in [`Segment.md`](docs/Segment.md)
# TensorRT Pose Deploy
Please see more information in [`Pose.md`](docs/Pose.md)
# TensorRT Cls Deploy
Please see more information in [`Cls.md`](docs/Cls.md)
# DeepStream Detection Deploy
See more in [`README.md`](csrc/deepstream/README.md)
# Jetson Deploy
Only test on `Jetson-NX 4GB`.
See more in [`Jetson.md`](docs/Jetson.md)
# Profile you engine
If you want to profile the TensorRT engine:
``` shell
python3 trt-profile.py --engine yolov8s.engine --device cuda:0
# Refuse To Use PyTorch for Model Inference !!!
If you need to break away from pytorch and use tensorrt inference,
you can get more information in [`infer-det-without-torch.py`](infer-det-without-torch.py),
the usage is the same as the pytorch version, but its performance is much worse.
You can use `cuda-python` or `pycuda` for inference.
Please install by such command:
pip install cuda-python
# or
pip install pycuda
``` shell
python3 infer-det-without-torch.py \
--engine yolov8s.engine \
--imgs data \
--show \
--out-dir outputs \
--method cudart
#### Descrip
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~


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