# Bootstrap Tree View
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A simple and elegant solution to displaying hierarchical tree structures (i.e. a Tree View) while leveraging the best that Twitter Bootstrap has to offer.
![Bootstrap Tree View Default](https://raw.github.com/jonmiles/bootstrap-treeview/master/screenshot/default.PNG)
## Dependencies
Where provided these are the actual versions bootstrap-treeview has been tested against.
- [Bootstrap v3.3.4 (>= 3.0.0)](http://getbootstrap.com/)
- [jQuery v2.1.3 (>= 1.9.0)](http://jquery.com/)
## Getting Started
### Install
You can install using bower (recommended):
$ bower install bootstrap-treeview
or using npm:
$ npm install bootstrap-treeview
or [download](https://github.com/jonmiles/bootstrap-treeview/releases/tag/v1.2.0) manually.
### Usage
Add the following resources for the bootstrap-treeview to function correctly.
<!-- Required Stylesheets -->
<link href="bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- Required Javascript -->
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap-treeview.js"></script>
The component will bind to any existing DOM element.
<div id="tree"></div>
Basic usage may look something like this.
function getTree() {
// Some logic to retrieve, or generate tree structure
return data;
$('#tree').treeview({data: getTree()});
## Data Structure
In order to define the hierarchical structure needed for the tree it's necessary to provide a nested array of JavaScript objects.
var tree = [
text: "Parent 1",
nodes: [
text: "Child 1",
nodes: [
text: "Grandchild 1"
text: "Grandchild 2"
text: "Child 2"
text: "Parent 2"
text: "Parent 3"
text: "Parent 4"
text: "Parent 5"
At the lowest level a tree node is a represented as a simple JavaScript object. This one required property `text` will build you a tree.
text: "Node 1"
If you want to do more, here's the full node specification
text: "Node 1",
icon: "glyphicon glyphicon-stop",
selectedIcon: "glyphicon glyphicon-stop",
color: "#000000",
backColor: "#FFFFFF",
href: "#node-1",
selectable: true,
state: {
checked: true,
disabled: true,
expanded: true,
selected: true
tags: ['available'],
nodes: [
### Node Properties
The following properties are defined to allow node level overrides, such as node specific icons, colours and tags.
#### text
`String` `Mandatory`
The text value displayed for a given tree node, typically to the right of the nodes icon.
#### icon
`String` `Optional`
The icon displayed on a given node, typically to the left of the text.
For simplicity we directly leverage [Bootstraps Glyphicons support](http://getbootstrap.com/components/#glyphicons) and as such you should provide both the base class and individual icon class separated by a space.
By providing the base class you retain full control over the icons used. If you want to use your own then just add your class to this icon field.
#### selectedIcon
`String` `Optional`
The icon displayed on a given node when selected, typically to the left of the text.
#### color
`String` `Optional`
The foreground color used on a given node, overrides global color option.
#### backColor
`String` `Optional`
The background color used on a given node, overrides global color option.
#### href
`String` `Optional`
Used in conjunction with global enableLinks option to specify anchor tag URL on a given node.
#### selectable
`Boolean` `Default: true`
Whether or not a node is selectable in the tree. False indicates the node should act as an expansion heading and will not fire selection events.
#### state
`Object` `Optional`
Describes a node's initial state.
#### state.checked
`Boolean` `Default: false`
Whether or not a node is checked, represented by a checkbox style glyphicon.
#### state.disabled
`Boolean` `Default: false`
Whether or not a node is disabled (not selectable, expandable or checkable).
#### state.expanded
`Boolean` `Default: false`
Whether or not a node is expanded i.e. open. Takes precedence over global option levels.
#### state.selected
`Boolean` `Default: false`
Whether or not a node is selected.
#### tags
`Array of Strings` `Optional`
Used in conjunction with global showTags option to add additional information to the right of each node; using [Bootstrap Badges](http://getbootstrap.com/components/#badges)
### Extendible
You can extend the node object by adding any number of additional key value pairs that you require for your application. Remember this is the object which will be passed around during selection events.
## Options
Options allow you to customise the treeview's default appearance and behaviour. They are passed to the plugin on initialization, as an object.
// Example: initializing the treeview
// expanded to 5 levels
// with a background color of green
data: data, // data is not optional
levels: 5,
backColor: 'green'
You can pass a new options object to the treeview at any time but this will have the effect of re-initializing the treeview.
### List of Options
The following is a list of all available options.
#### data
Array of Objects. No default, expects data
This is the core data to be displayed by the tree view.
#### backColor
String, [any legal color value](http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors_legal.asp). Default: inherits from Bootstrap.css.
Sets the default background color used by all nodes, except when overridden on a per node basis in data.
#### borderColor
String, [any legal color value](http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors_legal.asp). Default: inherits from Bootstrap.css.
Sets the border color for the component; set showBorder to false if you don't want a visible border.
#### checkedIcon
String, class names(s). Default: "glyphicon glyphicon-check" as defined by [Bootstrap Glyphicons](http://getbootstrap.com/components/#glyphicons)
Sets the icon to be as a checked checkbox, used in conjunction with showCheckbox.
#### collapseIcon
String, class name(s). Default: "glyphicon glyphicon-minus" as defined by [Bootstrap Glyphicons](http://getbootstrap.com/components/#glyphicons)
Sets the icon to be used on a collapsible tree node.
#### color
String, [any legal color value](http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors_legal.asp). Default: inherits from Bootstrap.css.
Sets the default foreground color used by all nodes, except when overridden on a per node basis in data.
#### emptyIcon
String, class name(s). Default: "glyphicon" as defined by [Bootstrap Glyphicons](http://getbootstrap.com/components/#glyphicons)
Sets the icon to be used on a tree node with no child nodes.
#### enableLinks
Boolean. Default: false
Whether or not to present node text as a hyperlink. The href value of which must be provided in the data structure on a per node basis.
#### expandIcon
String, class name(s). Default: "glyphicon glyphicon-plus" as defined by [Bootstrap Glyphicons](http://getbootstrap.com/components/#glyphicons)
Sets the icon to be used on an expandable tree node.
#### highlightSearchResults
Boolean. Default: true
Whether or not to highlight search results.
#### highlightSelected
Boolean. Default: true
Whether or not to highlight the selected node.
#### levels
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