select empno,ename,job from scott.emp
select empno,ename,job from scott.emp where job='MANAGER'
Select * from scott.emp;
select empno,ename,job from scott.emp
select * from scott.emp where job=¡®MANAGER¡¯
select ename,sal,sal+300 from scott.emp;
select empno emp_id,sal from scott.emp;
select empno AS "emp_id",sal from scott.emp;
select empno||' '||ename from emp;
select empno,'''s name is',ename from emp;
select distinct job from emp;
desc scott.emp;
select * from emp where sal<1600;
SELECT last_name, job_id, department_id
FROM employees
WHERE last_name = 'WHALEN';
select * from scott.emp where job='MANAGER';
select * from scott.emp where sal=1100;
select * from scott.emp where job!='MANAGER';
select * from scott.emp where sal!=1100;
select * from scott.emp where job^='MANAGER';
select * from scott.emp where sal^=1100;
select * from scott.emp where job<>'MANAGER';
select * from scott.emp where sal<>1100;
select * from scott.emp where sal<2000;
select * from scott.emp where job<'MANAGER';
select * from scott.emp where sal>2000;
select * from scott.emp where job>'MANAGER';
select * from scott.emp where sal<£½2000;
select * from scott.emp where job<£½'MANAGER';
select * from scott.emp where sal>=2000;
select * from scott.emp where job>='MANAGER';
select * from scott.emp where sal in (2000,1000,3000);
select * from scott.emp where job in ('MANAGER','CLERK');
select * from scott.emp where sal not in (2000,1000,3000);
select * from scott.emp where job not in ('MANAGER','CLERK');
select * from scott.emp where sal between 2000 and 3000;
select * from scott.emp where job between 'MANAGER' and 'CLERK';
select * from scott.emp where sal not between 2000 and 3000;
select * from scott.emp where job not between 'MANAGER' and 'CLERK';
select * from scott.emp where job like 'M%';
select * from scott.emp where job like 'M__';
select * from scott.emp where job not like 'M%';
select * from scott.emp where job not like 'M__';
select * from scott.emp where sal is null;
select * from scott.emp where job is null;
select * from scott.emp where sal is not null;
select * from scott.emp where job is not null;
SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id
FROM employees
WHERE job_id LIKE '%SA\_%' ESCAPE '\';
select * from scott.emp where job='MANAGER' and sal<>2000;
select * from scott.emp where job<>'MANAGER' or sal<>2000;
select * from scott.emp where not job>='MANAGER';
SELECT *FROM emp ORDER BY sal desc ;
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收藏 36KB RAR 举报
1. **SELECT**:用于从数据库中检索数据。你可以根据需要选择特定的列,使用WHERE子句过滤数据,使用GROUP BY进行数据分组,使用HAVING对分组后的数据进行过滤,还可以使用ORDER BY进行排序。
2. **INSERT**:用于向数据库表中插入新记录。指定表名和要插入的列及对应的值,可以一次性插入多行数据。
3. **UPDATE**:用于修改已存在于数据库中的数据。通过指定要更新的表,设置要更改的列和新的值,以及可选的WHERE子句来确定要更新哪些行。
4. **DELETE**:用于从表中删除记录。使用DELETE语句时,通常需要WHERE子句来限制要删除的行。
- **JOIN操作**:连接多个表以检索跨表的数据。包括内连接(INNER JOIN)、外连接(LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN)和自连接(SELF JOIN)。
- **视图**:虚拟表,基于一个或多个基表的查询结果。视图可以提供安全性和简化复杂查询。
- **存储过程和函数**:预编译的SQL代码块,可以接受参数、返回结果,并且可以包含控制流程语句。它们提高了性能,封装了复杂逻辑。
- **索引**:加快数据访问速度的数据结构,有B树、位图和唯一索引等多种类型。
- **触发器**:在特定事件(如INSERT、UPDATE或DELETE)发生时自动执行的数据库程序。
- **分区**:将大型表分割成更小、更易管理的部分,以提高查询性能和管理效率。
- **游标**:在PL/SQL(Oracle的数据库过程语言)中,用于逐行处理查询结果。
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