This is a Flat theme for Ubuntu and other debian based Linux Systems. This is based on a the Ultra-Flat theme. Special thanks to @steftrikia and Satyajit Sahoo for the original work.
This theme was designed *specially* for the Unity environment on Ubuntu as I have only tested it on Ubuntu. It might not work properly for the other versions.
*The terminal*
To install the theme, you must first install the [**Ubuntu tweak tool**](http://ubuntu-tweak.com/). It can be installed by simply running the command :
1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
2. sudo apt-get update
3. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
or heading over to there website, downloading the .deb file (recommended).
Then, you can download the source to the theme [here](https://github.com/anmoljagetia/Flatabulous/archive/master.zip). If you are a developer or a designer, I also encourage you to contribute to it. Create a folder, called .theme in your home directory. This can be simply created by firing up your terminal, and then running
`mkdir .themes`
Now this is a hidden directory, to view this in Nautilus, you can press `Ctrl/⌘ + H`. Alternatively, youc an also place the extracted files in your `/usr/share/themes/` folder.
#Flat Icons
![Flat Icons](http://i.imgur.com/80qCZGQ.png)
For Icons, I use the ultra-flat-icons theme. It is available in blue (recommended), orange and mint green colors. To install this, you can run the following commands
1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/icons
2. sudo apt-get update
3. sudo apt-get install ultra-flat-icons
Alternatively, you could also run `sudo apt-get install ultra-flat-icons-orange` OR `sudo apt-get install ultra-flat-icons-green`.
based on you color preference. I recommend these flat icons, but you can also look at **Numix** and **Flattr**.
Now press your super key, search for **Ubuntu Tweak** and fire it. Under the tweaks tab, there is an option for theme. Under that select the **Flatabulous** theme. Under the icon settings, select **ultra-flat-icons**. Restart your computer, and you should be good to go! You computer will look something like this after you *restart*.
*Theme with Sublime Text 3 and JavaScript Code.*
*Settings Menu*
There are a few posters, for promotion and publicity. The PSD files can be found [here](https://github.com/anmoljagetia/Flatabulous/tree/master/preview/PSD). Feel free to improve them.
![Poster 1](http://i.imgur.com/0SZrre3.png)
*Red Poster*
![Poster 2](http://i.imgur.com/tv3II6s.png)
*Flat Poster*
For any questions, please open an issue. If you are a developer or a designer, please contribute in form of code/graphics. For any other issue, please [email me](mailto:hello@anmoljagetia.me).
##v 1.1
* Fixes issue of transparent check-box and transparent radio buttons.
* Updates the launcher icon.