# React Truffle Box
This box comes with everything you need to start using smart contracts from a react app. This is as barebones as it gets, so nothing stands in your way.
## Installation
First ensure you are in a new and empty directory.
1. Run the `unbox` command via `npx` and skip to step 3. This will install all necessary dependencies. A Create-React-App is generated in the `client` directory.
npx truffle unbox react
2. Alternatively, you can install Truffle globally and run the `unbox` command.
npm install -g truffle
truffle unbox react
3. Run the development console.
truffle develop
4. Compile and migrate the smart contracts. Note inside the development console we don't preface commands with `truffle`.
5. In the `client` directory, we run the React app. Smart contract changes must be manually recompiled and migrated.
// in another terminal (i.e. not in the truffle develop prompt)
cd client
npm run start
6. Truffle can run tests written in Solidity or JavaScript against your smart contracts. Note the command varies slightly if you're in or outside of the development console.
// inside the development console.
// outside the development console..
truffle test
7. Jest is included for testing React components. Compile your contracts before running Jest, or you may receive some file not found errors.
// ensure you are inside the client directory when running this
npm run test
8. To build the application for production, use the build script. A production build will be in the `client/build` folder.
// ensure you are inside the client directory when running this
npm run build
## FAQ
* __How do I use this with the Ganache-CLI?__
It's as easy as modifying the config file! [Check out our documentation on adding network configurations](http://truffleframework.com/docs/advanced/configuration#networks). Depending on the port you're using, you'll also need to update line 29 of `client/src/utils/getWeb3.js`.
* __Where is my production build?__
The production build will be in the `client/build` folder after running `npm run build` in the `client` folder.
* __Where can I find more documentation?__
This box is a marriage of [Truffle](http://truffleframework.com/) and a React setup created with [create-react-app](https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-scripts/template/README.md). Either one would be a great place to start!
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