This package contains a custom binary distribution of
the RXTX serial package for Java.
Courtesy of Mfizz, Inc. (http://mfizz.com/)
NOTE: If you include my builds in any of your distributions,
please make sure to at least provide a note of thanks to
Cloudhopper in your own ReleaseNotes. For example,
"RXTX binary builds provided by Mfizz Inc. (http://mfizz.com/).
Please see http://mfizz.com/oss/rxtx-for-java for more info."
RXTX is a great package, but they were lacking pre-built
binaries for x64 versions of Windows. I also wanted a
version built explicitly with Microsoft Visual Studio
rather than MinGW.
Please see ReleaseNotes.txt for information about this
specific release.
1. I've based my build on recent CVS snapshots. Please
see the ReleaseNotes.txt for information about which
snapshot I based this distribution on.
2. Removed UTS_NAME warning from .c files to match
kernel with the version you compiled against.
3. Changed version in RXTXVersion.jar and in SerialImp.c
to match my release so that I know its compiled via a CVS
win-x86, win-x64, ia64
Built using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 - not MinGW. The
x86 and x64 versions are native and do not rely on
any other non-standard windows libraries. Just drop
in the compiled .dlls that are specific to the version
of Java you run. If you installed the 64-bit version
of the JDK, then install the x64 build.
I've tested the x86 and x64 version with Windows 2008,
2003, and Vista SP1.
linux-i386 & linux-x86_64
Built using CentOS 5.2 and gcc 4.1.2.
Just drop in the compiled .dlls that are specific to
the version of Java you run. If you installed the 64-bit
version of the JDK, then install the x64 build.
I've tested the x86 and x64 versions with x86 and x64
versions of CentOS 5.0 and 5.2.
rxtx项目运行资源 x64 jar 包
需积分: 0 106 浏览量
收藏 71.23MB ZIP 举报
rxtx项目运行资源 x64 jar 包
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- 资源: 6
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