* When you run Install, configuration files for the
previous version are stored in the \PCTOOLS\OLDPCT
directory. For more information on these files and how
to restore them, see the Installing PC Tools Pro
chapter in your PC Tools Pro manual.
* Desktop Accessories and Commute are not included in PC
Tools Pro. However, if these version 8 applications are
on your hard disk, they are retained by PC Tools Pro
Install and continue to launch from PC Tools
Desktop/Shell. If you delete PC Tools version 8
programs to free up disk space, you must retain Desktop
Accessories and Commute files if you want keep using
these programs. See the PC Tools Files chapter in your
version 8 manual for a list of applicable files.
* Data Monitor (DATAMON), now called DPROTECT, takes up
less memory, and no longer includes Directory Locking,
Write Protection, or the Screen Blanker. Disk Light is
now a separate TSR. See the Data Monitor section of
this file for more information.
* Compress has been changed to Optimizer (OPTIMIZR) in PC
Tools Pro. A batch file has been provided to run the
appropriate program if you type COMPRESS at the command
* For the most up-to-date information about new menu
items, command buttons, and dialog boxes, and about
features that might work differently than documented in
the manuals, press F1 in each PC Tools Pro application
for online help.
* For a list of command-line options, type /? after the
program name at the DOS prompt.
Central Point Anti-Virus
* For an explanation of the .INI file settings for Anti-
Virus, see the CPAV.TXT file in the \PCTOOLS\DATA
directory. This is an ASCII file and can be viewed or
printed as needed.
* When scanning a network server from the command line (using
/N or /P), you get no visual indicator when the program is
mapping the directory structure and it may appear locked.
Since network drives tend to be large, they take longer to
* If you are using the Speedstar 24X Video Board, the
24XMODE.COM file changes each time it is executed. To
prevent verification alerts each time the driver is run,
add this file to your Verification Exceptions list.
* When scanning drives that have been compressed with the
disk-compression utility SuperStor from AddStor, turn
off the Anti-Stealth option. On such compressed volumes,
files are compressed and decompressed dynamically, which
results in their checksums not matching. You may get
unreliable verification errors.
Central Point Backup
* For an up-to-date list of tape drives that Central
Point Backup supports, see TAPEDRVS.TXT in the
\PCTOOLS\DATA directory.
* If you use Central Point Backup version 8.0 backup sets
with password protection, use the /V8PASS command-line
option, as follows:
If you attempt to use the version 8.0 password-
protected backup set without this switch, the password
may not be accepted, even if it is entered correctly.
* Make sure you close all applications (other than
CPTASK, Scheduler and Central Point Backup) before
performing a backup or confidence test. If you do not,
files that are in use by active applications will not
be backed up. This could result in compare errors,
confidence test errors, and, in the case of QIC tape
drive users, the inability to restore the backup.
* If you manually change any of the settings of Central
Point Backup, such as backing up to drive B instead of
A, or reconfiguring for a tape drive, and want to
retain this information for future sessions, choose
Save As Default from the File menu.
* If you use disk-caching software (such as SMARTDrive or
PC-Kwik) while performing a medium-speed backup or
restore, turn off the delayed-write feature of the
cache program to prevent DMA conflicts. This applies to
SCSI backups and restores as well. PC-Cache requires no
changes. These caching programs can often affect
backups to floppy drives or tape drives connected to
the floppy controller. Turn off caching of drives A and
B if you experience problems.
* Do not back up to a compressed removable disk drive. If
you do, errors will occur. Instead, use Central Point
Backup's compression option to back up to a non-
compressed removable disk drive.
* Before you use Central Point Backup to back up a
DoubleSpace drive, run Microsoft's DOUBLESPACE /CHKDSK
/F to double-check the integrity of the DoubleSpace
* Central Point Backup is set by default to exclude
hidden and system files from every backup. Therefore,
if you back up a DoubleSpace, Stacker, SuperStor, or
other similar compressed drive, Central Point Backup
does not back up the CVFs (Compressed Volume Files),
since it is unnecessary to back up these files. If you
want to back up these files, choose Selection Options
from the Options menu, and deselect the Hidden
Attribute and System Attribute options.
* If you are backing up or restoring the bindery files
(and have sufficient rights to do so) of a Novell
network volume, they are automatically backed up or
restored, even though they are invisible on the
directory tree.
* When using CPS Tape format, incremental backups with
Data Encryption selected are not supported in this
version of Central Point Backup.
* Backup will not find Irwin/Archive 4100C (only applies
to the 'C' model) tape controllers set to factory-
default settings. (370-6-2). Try using 360-6-2 or 3E0-6-
2 by changing the jumper from pin B (for 370) to pin C
(360) or D (3E0). Almost any setting that does not use
370 or DMA 2 will work.
* If you use an Adaptec 1542C controller and are not
using factory default settings, you might see the
message "The adapter card could not be configured.
Initializing and resetting the card did not work." If
so, run the Adaptec setup program to reset the card to
the factory default settings, or add this line to your
If you have any devices other than a tape drive
attached to the Adaptec 1542C card, modifying your
CONFIG.SYS file is the best solution. See the
ADAPTEC.TXT file in the \PCTOOLS\DATA directory for
more information on using Adaptec SCSI cards with
Central Point Backup.
* The ~PCACHE file has been added to the list of files
that Central Point Backup does not back up. Some
versions of the PCACHE program create files with the
.$$$ extension that may cause compare or restore
problems. To avoid this, exclude *.$$$ files in the
Include/Exclude files list.
CPR (Central Point Recuperator)
* For more detail about CPR and specific limitations for
its use with Microsoft Windows and networks, see the
CPR.TXT file in your \PCTOOLS\SYSTEM directory.
* While CPR is a great benefit to users concerned about
data loss, it does not guarantee recovery in all cases.
In our experience, it can recover work in progress - at
least to the point data files can be saved to disk - in
80-85% of the cases. When you rec
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