% EDGELINK - Link edge points in an image into lists
% Usage: [edgelist edgeim] = edgelink(im, minlength, location)
% Arguments: im - Binary edge image, it is assumed that edges
% have been thinned.
% minlength - Minimum edge length of interest
% location - Optional complex valued image holding subpixel
% locations of edge points. For any pixel the
% real part holds the subpixel row coordinate of
% that edge point and the imaginary part holds
% the column coordinate. See NONMAXSUP. If
% this argument is supplied the edgelists will
% be formed from the subpixel coordinates,
% otherwise the the integer pixel coordinates of
% points in 'im' are used.
% Returns: edgelist - a cell array of edge lists in row,column coords in
% the form
% { [r1 c1 [r1 c1 etc }
% r2 c2 ...
% ...
% rN cN] ....]
% edgeim - Image with pixels labeled with edge number.
% This function links edge points together into chains. Where an edge
% diverges at a junction the function simply tracks one of the branches.
% The other branch is eventually processed as another edge. These `broken
% branches' can be remerged by MERGESEG after a call to LINESEG.
% Acknowledgement:
% This code is inspired by David Lowe's Link.c function from the Vista image
% processing library developed at the University of British Columbia
% http://www.cs.ubc.ca/nest/lci/vista/vista.html
% Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Peter Kovesi
% School of Computer Science & Software Engineering
% The University of Western Australia
% http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/
% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
% in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions:
% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
% all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
% The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.
% February 2001 - Original version
% September 2004 - Revised to allow subpixel edge data to be used
function [edgelist, edgeim] = edgelink(im, minlength, location)
global EDGEIM; % Some global variables to avoid passing (and
% copying) of arguments, this improves speed.
global ROWS;
global COLS;
elist = {};
EDGEIM = im ~= 0; % make sure image is binary.
% EDGEIM = bwmorph(EDGEIM,'thin',Inf); % make sure edges are thinned.
% show(EDGEIM,1)
EDGEIM = double(EDGEIM);
[ROWS, COLS] = size(EDGEIM);
edgeNo = 1;
% Perform raster scan through image looking for edge points. When a
% point is found trackedge is called to find the rest of the edge
% points. As it finds the points the edge image pixels are labeled
% with the -ve of their edge No
for r = 1:ROWS
for c = 1:COLS
if EDGEIM(r,c) == 1
edgepoints = trackedge(r,c, edgeNo, minlength);
if ~isempty(edgepoints)
edgelist{edgeNo} = edgepoints;
edgeNo = edgeNo + 1;
edgeim = -EDGEIM; % Finally negate image to make edge encodings +ve.
% If subpixel edge locations are supplied upgrade the integer precision
% edgelists that were constructed with data from 'location'.
if nargin == 3
for I = 1:length(edgelist)
ind = sub2ind(size(im),edgelist{I}(:,1),edgelist{I}(:,2));
edgelist{I}(:,1) = real(location(ind))';
edgelist{I}(:,2) = imag(location(ind))';
% show(edgeim,2), colormap(flag);
% Function to track all the edge points associated with a start point. From
% a given starting point it tracks in one direction, storing the coords of
% the edge points in an array and labelling the pixels in the edge image
% with the -ve of their edge number. When no more connected points are
% found the function returns to the start point and tracks in the opposite
% direction. Finally a check for the overall number of edge points found is
% made and the edge is ignored if it is too short.
% Note that when a junction is encountered along an edge the function
% simply tracks one of the branches. The other branch is eventually
% processed as another edge. These `broken branches' can be remerged by
% Usage: edgepoints = trackedge(rstart, cstart, edgeNo, minlength)
% Arguments: rstart, cstart - row and column No of starting point
% edgeNo - the current edge number
% minlength - minimum length of edge to accept
% Returns: edgepoints - Nx2 array of row and col values for
% each edge point.
% An empty array is returned if the edge
% is less than minlength long.
function edgepoints = trackedge(rstart, cstart, edgeNo, minlength)
global EDGEIM;
global ROWS;
global COLS;
edgepoints = [rstart cstart]; % Start a new list for this edge.
EDGEIM(rstart,cstart) = -edgeNo; % Edge points in the image are
% encoded by -ve of their edgeNo.
[thereIsAPoint, r, c] = nextpoint(rstart,cstart); % Find next connected
% edge point.
while thereIsAPoint
edgepoints = [edgepoints % Add point to point list
r c ];
EDGEIM(r,c) = -edgeNo; % Update edge image
[thereIsAPoint, r, c] = nextpoint(r,c);
edgepoints = flipud(edgepoints); % Reverse order of points
% Now track from original point in the opposite direction
[thereIsAPoint, r, c] = nextpoint(rstart,cstart);
while thereIsAPoint
edgepoints = [edgepoints
r c ];
EDGEIM(r,c) = -edgeNo;
[thereIsAPoint, r, c] = nextpoint(r,c);
% Reject short edges
Npoints = size(edgepoints,1);
if Npoints < minlength
for i = 1:Npoints % Clear pixels in the edge image
EDGEIM(edgepoints(i,1), edgepoints(i,2)) = 0;
edgepoints = []; % Return empty array
% Function finds a point that is 8 connected to an existing edge point
function [thereIsAPoint, nextr, nextc] = nextpoint(rp,cp);
global EDGEIM;
global ROWS;
global COLS;
% row and column offsets for the eight neighbours of a point
% starting with those that are 4-connected.
roff = [1 0 -1 0 1 1 -1 -1];
coff = [0 1 0 -1 1 -1 -1 1];
r = rp+roff;
c = cp+coff;
% Search through neighbours and return first connected edge point
for i = 1:8
if r(i) >= 1 & r(i) <= ROWS & c(i) >= 1 & c(i) <= COLS
if EDGEIM(r(i),c(i)) == 1
nextr = r(i);
nextc = c(i);
thereIsAPoint = 1;
return; % break out and return with the data
% If we get here there was no connecting next point.
nextr = 0;
nextc = 0;
thereIsAPoint = 0;