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ZedBoard: Zynq-7000 AP SoC Concepts, Tools, and Techniques A Hands-On Guide to Effective Embedded System Design
© Copyright 2013 Xilinx
Page 1 Zynq ZedBoard Concepts, Tools, and Techniques 8/7/2013
ZedBoard: Zynq-7000
AP SoC Concepts,
Tools, and Techniques
A Hands-On Guide to
Effective Embedded System
ZedBoard (Vivado 2013.2)
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The information disclosed to you hereunder (the “Materials”) is provided solely for the selection and use of Xilinx
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© Copyright 2013 Xilinx
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© Copyright 2012 Xilinx, Inc. Xilinx, the Xilinx logo, Artix, ISE, Kintex, Spartan, Virtex, Vivado, Zynq, and other
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Revision History
The following table shows the revision history for this document.
Update for Vivado 2013.2.
© Copyright 2013 Xilinx
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 7
1.1 About this Guide .................................................................................................. 7
1.1.1 Take a Test Drive! .......................................................................... 8
1.1.2 Additional Documentation ............................................................................ 8
1.2 How Zynq AP SoC and Xilinx software Simplify Embedded Processor Design 9
1.3 What You Need to Set Up Before Starting ........................................................ 11
1.3.1 Software Installation Requirements: ........................................................... 11
1.3.2 Hardware Requirements for this Guide ...................................................... 12
Chapter 2 Embedded System Design Using the Zynq Processing System ................. 13
2.1 Embedded System Construction ........................................................................ 15
2.1.1 Take a Test Drive! Creating a New Embedded Project With a Zynq
Processing System .................................................................................................... 15
2.1.2 Take a Test Drive! Running the “Hello World” Application ........ 25
2.1.3 Additional Information ............................................................................... 30
Chapter 3 Embedded System Design Using the Zynq Processing System and
Programmable Logic ......................................................................................................... 31
3.1 Adding soft IP in the PL to interface with the Zynq PS ..................................... 31
3.1.1 Take a Test Drive! Check Functionality of IP instantiated in the PL
3.1.2 Take a Test Drive! Working with SDK ......................................... 39
Chapter 4 Debugging with SDK and Vivado Logic Analyzer .................................... 41
4.1 Take a Test Drive! Debugging with Software, Using SDK ................. 41
4.2 Take a Test Drive! Debugging Hardware Using Vivado Logic Analyzer
tool 43
Chapter 5 Booting Linux and Application Debugging Using SDK ............................ 50
5.1 Requirements ...................................................................................................... 50
5.2 Booting Linux on a ZedBoard ............................................................................ 51
5.2.1 Boot Methods .............................................................................................. 51
5.2.2 Booting Linux from JTAG.......................................................................... 52
5.2.3 Take a Test Drive! Booting Linux in JTAG Mode ....................... 53
5.2.4 Booting Linux from QSPI Flash ................................................................. 56
5.2.5 Take a Test Drive! Booting Linux from QSPI Flash .................... 56
5.2.6 Booting Linux from the SD Card................................................................ 60
5.2.7 Take a Test Drive! Booting Linux from the SD Card ................... 60
5.3 Hello World Example......................................................................................... 61
5.3.1 Take a Test Drive! Running a “Hello World” Application ........... 61
5.4 Controlling LEDs and Switches in Linux Example .......................................... 68
© Copyright 2013 Xilinx
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5.4.1 Take a Test Drive! Controlling LEDs and Switches in a Linux
Application ................................................................................................................ 68
Chapter 6 Further “How-to’s” and Examples ................................................................. 80
Appendix A ....................................................................................................................... 82
© Copyright 2013 Xilinx
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Table of Figures
Figure 1-1: The ZedBoard Zynq Evaluation and Development Kit ................................... 7
Figure 2-1: Vivado Design Flow for Zynq ....................................................................... 13
Figure 2-2: New Project Wizard Part Selection ................................................................ 16
Figure 2-3: Vivado GUI .................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2-4: Blank Block Diagram view ............................................................................ 18
Figure 2-5: IP Catalog ....................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2-6: Processing System Block in the Block Diagram view ................................... 19
Figure 2-7: Processing System Re-customize IP view ..................................................... 20
Figure 2-8: Processing System 7....................................................................................... 21
Figure 2-9: Sources pane showing the system.bd file....................................................... 22
Figure 2-10: The SDK GUI ............................................................................................. 23
Figure 2-11: Address Map in SDK system.xml Tab......................................................... 24
Figure 2-12: ZedBoard Power switch and Jumper settings ........................................ 25
Figure 2-13: Serial Terminal Settings ............................................................................... 26
Figure 2-14: New Application Project Wizard ................................................................. 27
Figure 2-15: Hello World from Available Templates....................................................... 28
Figure 2-16: Successful Build ........................................................................................... 29
Figure 2-17: "Hello World" on the Serial Terminal ......................................................... 30
Figure 3-1: System Design Overview ............................................................................... 32
Figure 3-2: Connecting ports on two IP blocks ................................................................ 34
Figure 3-3: Completed Port Connections ......................................................................... 36
Figure 3-4: Assigned peripheral memory addresses ......................................................... 36
Figure 3-5: Adding a constraints file ................................................................................ 37
Figure 3-6: Constraints file added into project ................................................................. 37
Figure 3-7: Design validation successful .......................................................................... 38
Figure 3-8: Program FPGA Dialog Box ........................................................................... 40
Figure 3-9: Terminal showing application output ............................................................ 40
Figure 4-1: Debug Perspective Suspended ....................................................................... 41
Figure 4-2: Forcing synthesis up-to-date .......................................................................... 44
Figure 4-3: Debug nets in the Debug Perspective ............................................................ 44
Figure 4-4: Set up Debug wizard specifying nets to debug .............................................. 45
Figure 4-5: Trigger Condition Dialog Box ....................................................................... 46
Figure 4-6: Identified devices during Hardware Session .................................................. 47
Figure 4-7: Warning about the debug core not receiving a clock signal .......................... 47
Figure 4-8: Debug Probes available for the waveform view ............................................ 48
Figure 4-9: Captured waveforms from the triggered run .................................................. 49
Figure 5-1: Linux Boot Process on the ZedBoard ............................................................ 53
Figure 5-2: Jumper Settings to boot in JTAG mode ......................................................... 54
Figure 5-3: Creating a Zynq QSPI Boot Image ................................................................ 57
Figure 5-4: Serial Terminal Window showing QSPI programming ................................. 59
Figure 5-5: Serial Terminal Window showing Linux Booting ......................................... 60
Figure 5-6: Jumper Settings to boot from SD Card .......................................................... 61
Figure 5-7: New Project Selection .................................................................................... 62
Figure 5-8: Application Project ........................................................................................ 63
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