# redis-simple-cache
redis-simple-cache is a pythonic interface for creating a cache over redis.
It provides simple decorators that can be added to any function to cache its return values.
redis 2.6.2
redis-py 2.7.1 (see requirements.txt file)
pip install redis-simple-cache
or to get the latest version
git clone git://github.com/vivekn/redis-simple-cache.git
cd redis-simple-cache
python setup.py install
from redis_cache import cache_it_json
@cache_it_json(limit=1000, expire=60 * 60 * 24)
def fib(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
elif n == 1:
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
`limit` is the maximum number of keys, `expire` is the expire time in seconds.
It is always recommended to specify a expire time, since by default redis-server will only remove keys with an expire time set in a event of full memory. But if you wish your keys to never expire, set `expire` to `None`.
**Note that function arguments and result must be pickleable, since cache_it uses the pickle module.**
It is also possible to use redis-simple-cache as a object-oriented cache:
>> from redis_cache import SimpleCache
>> c = SimpleCache(10) # cache that has a maximum limit of 10 keys
>> c.store("foo", "bar")
>> c.get("foo")
>> "foo" in c # efficient membership test, time-complexity O(1)
>> len(c) # efficient cardinality calculation, time-complexity O(1)
>> c.keys() # returns all keys, time-complexity O(N) with N being the cache c cardinality
>> c.flush() # flushes the cache, time-complexity O(N) with N being the cache c cardinality
>> "foo" in c
>> len(c)
Check out more examples in the test_rediscache.py file.
Advanced users can customize the decorators even more by passing a SimpleCache object. For example:
my_cache = SimpleCache(limit=100, expire=60 * 60, hashkeys=True, host='localhost', port=6379, db=1, namespace='Fibonacci')
def fib(n):
# ...
`hashkeys` parameter makes the SimpleCache to store keys in md5 hash. It is `True` by default in decorators, but `False` by default in a new SimpleCache object.
`host`, `port` and `db` are the same redis config params used in StrictRedis class of redis-py.
By default, the `namespace` is the name of the module from which the decorated function is called, but it can be overridden with the `namespace` parameter.
AUTHOR: Vivek Narayanan
Flávio Juvenal
Sam Zaydel
David Ng
DJ Gilcrease
Johannes Maximilian Toball
Robert Marshall
Ben Hayden
- 粉丝: 8543
- 资源: 1万+
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