# redis-cpp - lightweight C++ client library for Redis
redis-cpp is a C++17 library for executing Redis [commands](https://redis.io/commands) with support for pipelines and the publish / subscribe pattern. Moreover, you can extend the library with your own stream implementation to communicate with Redis. You can also use it like a RESP serializer (pure core). You need only know a couple of functions to start working with Redis.
// Connect to server
auto stream = rediscpp::make_stream("localhost", "6379");
// Execute command
std::cout << rediscpp::execute(*stream, "ping").as<std::string>() << std::endl;
And you may dive deeper if you feel the need.
If you need a C++11 version you could switch to c++11 branch and use that one.
# Version
# Features
- easy way to access Redis
- pipelines
- publish / subscribe
- pure core in C++ for the RESP
- extensible transport
- header-only library if it's necessary
- minimal dependencies
- various levels of usage
# License
Distributed under the MIT License
# Compiler and OS
This has compiled and tested within gcc 9.3 and clang 10.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.
You might try other compiler or OS.
All code is a cross-platform.
# Dependencies
- Boost (at least 1.71 only for using with built-in implementation of transport).
# Build and install
## Build library
git clone https://github.com/tdv/redis-cpp.git
cd redis-cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
You can use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to select the installation directory
Moreover, you can use cmake options to configure the library for header-only or pure core.
Instead of cmake options, you can define REDISCPP_HEADER_ONLY and use the library as header-only without any cmake file.
redis-cpp has two build options
- Pure core only
- Header-only
Use cmake -D with REDISCPP_HEADER_ONLY or REDISCPP_PURE_CORE. You can enable both options at the same time.
You can use your own transport with the 'pure core' option.
If you need to use the header-only library, you can copy the folder redis-cpp from *include/redis-cpp* in your project and define the macro REDISCPP_HEADER_ONLY before including the redis-cpp headers following the example code below:
#include <redis-cpp/stream.h>
#include <redis-cpp/execute.h>
// Include something else
## Build examples
cd examples/{example_project}
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# Examples
Look at the redis-docker folder to get all you need to start testing redis-cpp. There are files to build and run a Redis server in Docker.
## Ping
[Source code](https://github.com/tdv/redis-cpp/tree/master/examples/ping)
The "Ping" example demonstrates how to execute a Redis command.
// STD
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <redis-cpp/stream.h>
#include <redis-cpp/execute.h>
int main()
auto stream = rediscpp::make_stream("localhost", "6379");
auto response = rediscpp::execute(*stream, "ping");
std::cout << response.as<std::string>() << std::endl;
catch (std::exception const &e)
std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
## Set and Get data
[Source code](https://github.com/tdv/redis-cpp/tree/master/examples/setget)
The example demonstrates how to set and get a value.
// STD
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <redis-cpp/stream.h>
#include <redis-cpp/execute.h>
int main()
auto stream = rediscpp::make_stream("localhost", "6379");
auto const key = "my_key";
auto response = rediscpp::execute(*stream, "set",
key, "Some value for 'my_key'", "ex", "60");
std::cout << "Set key '" << key << "': " << response.as<std::string>() << std::endl;
response = rediscpp::execute(*stream, "get", key);
std::cout << "Get key '" << key << "': " << response.as<std::string>() << std::endl;
catch (std::exception const &e)
std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
## Pipeline
[Source code](https://github.com/tdv/redis-cpp/tree/master/examples/pipeline)
It's a more complicated example which demonstrates how to use a pipeline within Redis to achieve better performance.
// STD
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <redis-cpp/stream.h>
#include <redis-cpp/execute.h>
int main()
auto stream = rediscpp::make_stream("localhost", "6379");
int const N = 10;
auto const key_pref = "my_key_";
// Executing command 'SET' N times without getting any response
for (int i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i)
auto const item = std::to_string(i);
"set", key_pref + item, item , "ex", "60");
// Flush all
// Getting response for each sent 'SET' request
for (int i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i)
rediscpp::value value{*stream};
std::cout << "Set " << key_pref << i << ": "
<< value.as<std::string_view>() << std::endl;
// Executing command 'GET' N times without getting any response
for (int i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i)
rediscpp::execute_no_flush(*stream, "get",
key_pref + std::to_string(i));
// Flush all
// Getting response for each sent 'GET' request
for (int i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i)
rediscpp::value value{*stream};
std::cout << "Get " << key_pref << i << ": "
<< value.as<std::string_view>() << std::endl;
catch (std::exception const &e)
std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
## Resp
[Source code](https://github.com/tdv/redis-cpp/tree/master/examples/resp)
The "Resp" example demonstrates a basic RESP serialization within redis-cpp without communication with Redis server. It's meant to show you how to use RESP serialization with redis-cpp library.
// STD
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <redis-cpp/execute.h>
namespace resps = rediscpp::resp::serialization;
namespace respds = rediscpp::resp::deserialization;
auto make_sample_data()
std::ostringstream stream;
put(stream, resps::array{
resps::simple_string{"This is a simple string."},
resps::error_message{"This is an error message."},
resps::bulk_string{"This is a bulk string."},
resps::simple_string("This is a simple string in a nested array."),
resps::bulk_string("This is a bulk string in a nested array.")
return stream.str();
void print_value(respds::array::item_type const &value, std::ostream &stream)
[&stream] (respds::simple_string const &val)
{ stream << "Simple string: " << val.get() << std::endl; },
[&stream] (respds::error_message const &val)
{ stream << "Error message: " << val.get() << std::endl; },
[&stream] (respds::bulk_string const &val)
{ stream << "Bulk string: " << val.get() << std::endl; },
[&stream] (respds::integer const &val)
{ stream << "Integer: " << val.get() << std::endl; },
[&stream] (respds::array const &val)
stream << "----- Array -----" << std::endl;
for (auto
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