<p align="center">
<img width="1000" src="src/assets/new-banner.png?raw=true">
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<img width="250" src="src/assets/prevue-large-green-bottom.png">
<h1 align="center">PreVue </h1>
<h3 align="center">
All-in-One Prototyping Tool
For Vue Developers
<h4 align="center">
From Component Architecture to Code Exporting
<!-- <h4 align='center'>
</h4> -->
PreVue allows users to conceptualize and visualize component architecture by making it possible to :
- Build components, visualize UI and preview the associated code
- Set up different routes and views for each project
- Establish parent-child component relationships
- View application hierarchy in tree format
- Save and open projects that are currently in progress, ensuring that completed work is not lost and can be revisited at any time
- Export component architecture as a Vue application created with default Vite settings
Use PreVue to create projects in single sessions or sign in with GitHub to save projects and update them at your convenience!
<!-- <p align="center">
<img width="1000" src="src/assets/pvv.png?raw=true">
</p> -->
## Getting Started
### Adding Views
- Select an existing view from the View Creator dropdown, or enter a new view name, then select your custom view from the View Creator dropdown
- Any components created on a given view will be automatically saved to that specific view
- See your application’s hierarchy by clicking the ‘Tree’ icon in the navigation bar
<p align="center">
<img width ="300" src="src/assets/viewcreator.png?raw=true">
<h5 align="center">Tree View of Application Architecture</h5>
<p align="center">
<img width="300" src="src/assets/treeview.png?raw=true">
### Adding Components
- Enter a component name in the Component Creator field and select HTML elements
- Clicked elements will be shown in the right sidebar -- drag elements to change their order
- Once you're satisfied, click ‘add component’ button and it will show up in the working area -- resize and move components to fit the design you have in mind
<img width="1000" src="src/assets/prevue-recording.gif">
### Editing Components
- Double click elements to bring up the modal view
- Add additional elements to a component with a live preview of the component code
- Drag selected elements to the right to nest elements
- Establish parent-child component relationships via the dropdown menu when creating or editing components
<img width="1000" src="src/assets/modal-image.png?raw=true">
### Saving / Opening / Exporting Projects
- If you're signed in with GitHub, click the ‘Save Project’ icon to save it to PreVue’s database
- Click ‘Open Project’ to retrieve past projects
- Once you're satisfied, click the export project icon to export your awesome project as new Vue application
- Other users can use PreVue's playground to create and export projects in single sessions without signing in
<!-- <img width="1000" src="src/assets/export.gif">
<img width="1000" src="src/assets/export.png"> -->
### Code Exporting
Below is the generated directory structure of the Vue application that is created when you export your design.
<!-- ## Running your own local version
### Setup
Coming soon! -->
## Built With
- [Express](https://expressjs.com/)
- [Jest](https://jestjs.io/)
- [MongoDB](https://www.mongodb.com/)
- [Mongoose](https://mongoosejs.com/)
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en)
- [SuperTest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/supertest)
- [Vite](https://vitejs.dev/)
- [Vue Router](https://router.vuejs.org/guide/#html)
- [Vue Test Utils](https://test-utils.vuejs.org/)
- [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/)
- [Vuex](https://vuex.vuejs.org/)
- [Vuetify](https://vuetifyjs.com/)
## Changelog
PreVue 3.0 Updates:
- OAuth integration with GitHub for secure authentication
- Full CRUD functionality for prototype creation
- Implementation of appropriate hierarchical relationships reflected in UI
- Website and Homepage redesign for seamless user experience
- Realistic rendering of elements to Component Display
- Delete and Undo functionality for individual Components
- Project saving, loading & export ability
PreVue 2.0 Updates:
- Implementation of PreVue as a web application
- TypeScript integration
- Backend infrastructure built with Node/Express
- General UI/UX enhancements
- Testing with Vitest and Supertest (and Jest)
## Contributing to PreVue
We encourage you to submit issues for any bugs or ideas for enhancements. Please feel free to fork this repo and submit pull requests to contribute as well. Follow PreVue on [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/prevue-live/) for more updates.
Ideas for additional features include:
- Project livesharing for collaborative sessions (via Websockets)
- Migrate state management from Vuex to Pinia
- More thorough testing with Jest
- Ability to rename and add styling to individual components
- Containerization of PreVue App
- User Authentication updates via OAuth
## Authors
Prevue 3.0
- **April Sanders** [@algorithmrhythm](https://github.com/algorithmrhythm)
- **Cole Jaeger** [@colejaeger0](https://github.com/colejaeger0)
- **Ilay Eskinazi** [@Pixolino](https://github.com/Pixolino)
- **Nathan Bornstein** [@greenteaisgreat](https://github.com/greenteaisgreat)
PreVue 2.0
- **Jason Boo** [@jasonboo123](https://github.com/jasonboo123)
- **Robert Drake** [@rmdrake8](https://github.com/rmdrake8)
- **Sean Flynn** [@seanflynn5](http://github.com/seanflynn5)
- **Zach Pestaina** [@zachpestaina](https://github.com/zachpestaina)
PreVue 1.0
- **Hubert Lin** [@hubelin](https://github.com/hubelin)
- **Franklin Pinnock** [@pinnockf](https://github.com/pinnockf)
- **Annette Lin** [@al2613](https://github.com/al2613)
- **Daniel Shu** [@danshuu](https://github.com/danshuu)
## License
<p>This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details</p>
[![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg)](https://github.com/teamprevue/PreVue/pulls)
![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)
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面向 Vue 开发人员的一体化原型设计工具 .zip
0 下载量 194 浏览量
收藏 109.73MB ZIP 举报
预视面向 Vue 开发人员的一体化原型设计工具从组件架构到代码导出PreVue 允许用户通过以下方式概念化和可视化组件架构构建组件、可视化 UI 并预览相关代码为每个项目设置不同的路线和视图建立父子组件关系以树状格式查看应用程序层次结构保存并打开当前正在进行的项目,确保已完成的工作不会丢失并可随时重新查看将组件架构导出为使用默认 Vite 设置创建的 Vue 应用程序使用 PreVue 在单个会话中创建项目或使用 GitHub 登录以保存项目并在方便时更新它们!入门添加视图从“视图创建器”下拉菜单中选择一个现有视图,或输入一个新视图名称,然后从“视图创建器”下拉菜单中选择您的自定义视图在给定视图上创建的任何组件都将自动保存到该特定视图点击导航栏中的“树”图标查看应用程序的层次结构应用程序架构树状视图添加组件在组件创建器字段中输入组件名称并选择 HTML 元素点击的元素将显示在右侧边栏中 - 拖动元素可更改其顺序一旦您满意,请单击“添加组件”按钮,它将显示在工作区域中 - 调整大小并移动组件以适合您所想的设计编辑组件双击元素调出
面向 Vue 开发人员的一体化原型设计工具 .zip (127个子文件)
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server.js 2KB
App.spec.js 2KB
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accountRouter.js 2KB
authController.js 1KB
HomeSidebar.spec.js 1KB
Component.spec.js 1KB
ComponentDisplay.spec.js 1KB
Icons.spec.js 975B
projectRouter.js 943B
ChildrenMultiselect.spec.js 933B
RouteDisplay.spec.js 899B
TreeGraph.spec.js 830B
jest.config.js 634B
HomeQueue.spec.js 591B
.eslintrc.js 492B
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3.png 299KB
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vite.config.ts 564B
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index.ts 328B
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