# Vue VSCode Snippets
## Description
These snippets were built to supercharge a workflow in the most seamless manner possible.
This repo was built particularly for real world use. It doesn't catalogue the API definitions, rather, it focuses on developer ergonomics from the point of Vue of real world use. Included are the pieces I personally get sick of typing, and boilerplate that is helpful to stub out quickly.
_Versions Supported: Vue 2 and Vue 3_
## Installation
- click the extensions button (lowest square icon in the editor), and type in Vue VSCode Snippets, select the one by sdras
- go here [vscode Extensions Marketplace](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=sdras.vue-vscode-snippets)
ext install Vue VSCode Snippets
You can enable tab completion (recommended) by opening `Code > Preferences > Settings` (on a Mac) and applying `"editor.tabCompletion": "onlySnippets"` to your personal settings
## Snippets
### Vue
These snippets are meant to provide a base scaffold for your single file components (SFC).
| Snippet | Purpose |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
| `vbase-3-ss` | SFC base with script setup |
| `vbase-3-ss-ts` | SFC base with script setup and TypeScript |
| `vbase` | SFC base with SCSS |
| `vbase-3` | SFC Composition API with SCSS |
| `vbase-3-setup` | SFC setup Composition API with SCSS |
| `vbase-3-setup` | SFC setup Composition API with SCSS |
| `vbase-3-reactive` | SFC Composition API with Reactive and SCSS |
| `vbase-css` | SFC base with CSS |
| `vbase-pcss` | SFC base with PostCSS |
| `vbase-styl` | SFC base with Stylus |
| `vbase-ts` | SFC base with Typescript |
| `vbase-ts-class` | SFC base with Typescript Class Format |
| `vbase-3-ts` | SFC Composition API with Typescript |
| `vbase-3-ts-setup` | SFC setup Composition API with Typescript |
| `vbase-ns` | SFC with no styles |
| `vbase-sass` | SFC base with SASS |
| `vbase-less` | SFC base with LESS |
### Template
| Snippet | Purpose |
| ----------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| `vfor` | v-for directive |
| `vmodel` | Semantic v-model directive |
| `vmodel-num` | Semantic v-model number directive |
| `von` | v-on click handler with arguments |
| `vslot-named` | Named slot |
| `vel-props` | Component element with props |
| `vsrc` | Image src binding |
| `vstyle` | Inline style binding |
| `vstyle-obj` | Inline style binding with objects |
| `vclass` | Class binding |
| `vclass-obj` | Class binding with objects |
| `vclass-obj-mult` | Multiple conditional class bindings |
| `vanim` | Transition component with JS hooks |
| `vnuxtl` | Nuxt Routing Link |
| `vroutename` | router-link Named Routing |
| `vroutenameparam` | router-link Named with Parameters |
| `vroutepath` | router-link Path Routing Link |
| `vemit-child` | Emit event from child component |
| `vemit-parent` | Emit event to parent component |
### Script
| Snippet | Purpose |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `vdata` | Component data as a function |
| `vmethod` | Vue method |
| `vcomputed` | Vue computed property |
| `vwatcher` | Vue watcher with new and old value args |
| `vbeforecreate` | beforeCreate lifecycle method |
| `vcreated` | created lifecycle method |
| `vbeforemount` | beforeMount lifecycle method |
| `vmounted` | vmounted lifecycle method |
| `vbeforeupdate` | beforeUpdate lifecycle method |
| `vupdated` | updated lifecycle method |
| `vbeforedestroy` | beforeDestroy lifecycle method |
| `vdestroyed` | destroyed lifecycle method |
| `vprops` | Props with type and default |
| `vimport` | Import one component into another |
| `vimport-dynamic` | Import one component that should be lazy loaded by webpack |
| `vcomponents` | Import one component into another within the export statement |
| `vimport-export` | Import one component into another and use it within the export statement |
| `vmapstate` | import mapState from Vuex into vue component component |
| `vmapgetters` | import mapGetters from Vuex into vue component component |
| `vmapmutations` | import mapMutations from Vuex into vue component component |
| `vmapactions` | import mapActions from Vuex into vue component component |
| `vfilter` | Vue filter |
| `vmixin` | Create a Vue Mixin |
| `vmixin-use` | Bring a mixin into a component to use |
| `vc-direct` | Vue create a custom directive |
| `vimport-lib` | Import a library |
| `vimport-gsap` | Import GreenSock |
| `vanimhook-js` | Using the Transition component JS hooks in methods |
| `vcommit` | Commit to Vuex store in methods for mutation |
| `vdispatch` | Dispatch to Vuex store in methods for action |
| `vtest` | A simple unit testing component |
### Vue Composition API
| Snippet | Purpose |
| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `v3reactive` | Vue Composition API - reactive |
| `v3reactive-setup` | Vue Composition API - reactive with setup boilerplate |
| `v3computed` | Vue Composition API - computed |
| `v3watch` | Vue Composition API - watcher single source |
| `v3watch-array` | Vue Composition API - watch as array |
| `v3watcheffect` | Vue Composition API - watchEffect |
| `v3ref` | Vue Ref |
| `v3onmounted` | Lifecycle hook - onMounted |
| `v3onbeforemount` | Lifecycle hook - onBeforeMount |
| `v3onbeforeupdate` | Lifecycle hook - onBeforeUpdat
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
Vue VSCode 代码片段描述这些片段是为了以最无缝的方式增强工作流程而构建的。此 repo 专为实际使用而构建。它不编目 API 定义,而是从 Vue 的实际使用角度着眼于开发人员的人体工程学。其中包括我个人厌倦输入的部分,以及有助于快速删除的样板。支持的版本Vue 2 和 Vue 3安装任何一个单击扩展按钮(编辑器中最下面的方形图标),然后输入 Vue VSCode Snippets,选择 sdras 的那个或者点击此处vscode 扩展市场ext install Vue VSCode SnippetsCode > Preferences > Settings您可以通过打开(在 Mac 上)并应用"editor.tabCompletion": "onlySnippets"到您的个人设置来启用制表符补全(推荐)片段Vue这些代码片段旨在为您的单文件组件(SFC)提供基础支架。片段 目的vbase-3-ss 带脚本设置的 SFC 基础vbase-3-ss-ts 带有脚本设置和 TypeScript 的 SFC 基础vba
这些片段是为了以最无缝的方式增强我的工作流程而构建的。.zip (24个子文件)
yarn.lock 86B
vue.json 6KB
vue-template.json 4KB
vue-script.json 12KB
nuxt-config.json 419B
vue-script-router.json 3KB
ignore.json 2KB
nuxt-script.json 2KB
vue-pug.json 3KB
vue-script-setup.json 899B
vue-script-vuex.json 2KB
extension.js 1KB
launch.json 378B
标签.txt 35B
package.json 2KB
资源内容.txt 1003B
.gitignore 1KB
vue-snippet-hero.gif 45KB
vue-logo.png 4KB
SnippetDemo.gif 769KB
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