# Official TinyMCE Vue component
## About
This package is a thin wrapper around [TinyMCE](https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce) to make it easier to use in a Vue application.
* If you need detailed documentation on TinyMCE, see: [TinyMCE Documentation](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/7/).
* For the TinyMCE Vue Quick Start, see: [TinyMCE Documentation - Vue Integration](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/7/vue-cloud).
* For the TinyMCE Vue Technical Reference, see: [TinyMCE Documentation - TinyMCE Vue Technical Reference](https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/7/vue-ref).
* For our quick demos, check out the TinyMCE Vue [Storybook](https://tinymce.github.io/tinymce-vue/).
### Support
Version 4.0 is intended to support Vue 3. For Vue 2.x and below please use previous versions of the wrapper.
### Issues
Have you found an issue with `tinymce-vue` or do you have a feature request? Open up an [issue](https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce-vue/issues) and let us know or submit a [pull request](https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce-vue/pulls). *Note: for issues related to TinyMCE please visit the [TinyMCE repository](https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce).*
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