# Documentation
Greetings! You've stumbled upon the documentation. These docs are in need of
dire help, so if you're looking to contribute to this library this would be a
wonderful start. The components documented are linked below and the undocumented
components are plain text.
Documenting components is as easy as looking at the code found [here](../src/components).
### Glossary
- [Components](#components)
- [Events](#events)
- [Slots](#slots)
## Components
- ds-gestures
- ds-day
- ds-day-row
- ds-days-view
- ds-day-times
- ds-day-picker
- ds-agenda
- ds-agenda-day
- ds-agenda-event
- ds-calendar
- ds-calendar-app
- ds-calendar-event
- ds-calendar-event-time
- ds-calendar-event-chip
- ds-calendar-event-popover
- ds-calendar-event-placeholder
- ds-calendar-event-create-popover
- ds-calendar-event-time-placeholder
- ds-event
- ds-event-dialog
- ds-schedule
- ds-schedule-span
- ds-schedule-type
- ds-schedule-time
- ds-schedule-times
- [ds-schedule-actions](ds-schedule-actions.md)
- ds-schedule-forecast
- ds-schedule-modifier
- ds-schedule-type-custom
- ds-schedule-type-custom-dialog
- ds-schedule-frequency
- ds-schedule-frequency-day
- ds-schedule-frequency-week
- ds-schedule-frequency-year
- ds-schedule-frequency-month
- ds-schedule-frequency-day-of-week
- ds-weeks-view
- ds-week-header
- ds-week-day-header
- ds-identifier-chip
## Events
This library has many layers of components, so you can use them at any level.
Events at the lowest level components generated are passed to the parents so you
can listen to nearly every event no matter what component you use.
This list states the event name, when it is triggered, what event data there is,
and which components generate it.
For more details on the events, there will be documentation on the components
which generate the events.
- *event-create*: When the user creates a new event on the calendar
- $event: [Event](dayspan.md#event)
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event, ds-event-dialog, ds-calendar-event-create-popover
- *event-update*: When the user updates an existing event on the calendar
- $event: [Event](dayspan.md#event)
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event, ds-event-dialog, ds-schedule-actions
- *event-remove*: When the user removes event from the calendar
- $event: [Event](dayspan.md#event)
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event, ds-event-dialog, ds-schedule-actions
- *change*: When the calendar type, span, or one of it's events changes.
- $event: [Calendar](dayspan.md#calendar)
- components: ds-calendar-app
- *add*: When the user clicks somewhere indicated they want to add an event on a given day.
- $event: [CalendarDay](dayspan.md#calendarday)
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-agenda, ds-agenda-day, ds-day, ds-day-row, ds-weeks-view, ds-week-day-header, ds-days-view
- *edit*: When the user wants to edit an event (clicks on the pencil if a popover is available, or just plain clicking on an event when there is no popover).
- $event: [CalendarEvent](dayspan.md#calendarevent)
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-agenda, ds-agenda-day, ds-agenda-event, ds-calendar-event, ds-calendar-event-time, ds-day, ds-day-row, ds-weeks-view, ds-day-times, ds-week-day-header, ds-days-view
- *create-edit*: When the user edits an un-saved event being added with the create popover.
- $event: { type, calendarEvent, calendar, close, details, handled, added, refresh, close, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar-event-create-popover
- *save*: When the user is editing an event in ds-event and is trying to save.
- $event: { type, day, schedule, target, details, targetDetails, calendar, calendarEvent, handled, refresh, create, added, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event, ds-event-dialog
- *saved*: When the user has saved an event in ds-event.
- $event: { type, day, schedule, target, details, targetDetails, calendar, calendarEvent, handled, refresh, create, added, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event
- *update*: When the user updates an existing event in ds-event.
- $event: { type, day, schedule, target, details, targetDetails, calendar, calendarEvent, handled, refresh, create, added, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event
- *create*: When the user creates a new event in ds-event.
- $event: { type, day, schedule, target, details, targetDetails, calendar, calendarEvent, handled, refresh, create, added, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event
- *actioned*: When an action has been performed in a calendar event instance or schedule
- $event:
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event, ds-event-dialog
- *cancel*: When the user cancels editing or creating an event in ds-event.
- $event: { type, day, schedule, target, details, targetDetails, calendar, calendarEvent, handled, refresh, create, added, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event, ds-event-dialog
- *open*: When the user requests to open the ds-event-dialog.
- $event: { type, day, schedule, calendar, calendarEvent, handled, open, $vm, $element}
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event-dialog
- *close*: When the user requests to close the ds-event-dialog.
- $event: { type, day, schedule, calendar, calendarEvent, handled, open, $vm, $element}
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-event-dialog
- *view-day*: When the user wants to view the events for a day (clicks on day of month link)
- $event [CalendarDay](dayspan.md#calendarday)
- components: ds-calendar-app, ds-agenda, ds-agenda-day, ds-agenda-event, ds-day, ds-week-day-header, ds-days-view
- *creating*: When the user hit save to create a new event. This can be intercepted and stopped from being created, added to the calendar, or resulting the create popover being closed.
- $event: { type, calendarEvent, calendar, close, details, handled, added, refresh, close, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar-event-create-popover
- *created*: When the user hit save to create a new event and it's been added to the calendar.
- $event: { type, calendarEvent, calendar, close, details, handled, added, refresh, close, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar-event-create-popover
- *adding*:
- $event: { placeholder, mouseEvent, }
- components: ds-calendar, ds-calendar-app
- *added*:
- $event: { span, placeholder, mouseEvent, }
- components: ds-calendar, ds-calendar-app
- *moving*:
- $event: { placeholder, calendarEvent, mouseEvent, }
- components: ds-calendar, ds-calendar-app
- *moved*:
- $event: { calendarEvent, target, mouseEvent, movingEvent, }
- components: ds-calendar, ds-calendar-app
- *remove*: When the "Remove this event" action is executed.
- $event:
- components: ds-schedule-actions
- *exclude*: When the "Remove this occurrence" action is executed.
- $event:
- components: ds-schedule-actions
- *cancel*: When the "Cancel this occurrence" action is executed.
- $event:
- components: ds-schedule-actions
- *uncancel*: When the "Undo cancellation" action is executed.
- $event:
- components: ds-schedule-actions
- *move*: When the "Move this occurrence" action is executed.
- $event:
- components: ds-schedule-actions
- *include*: When the "Add new occurrence" action is executed.
- $event:
- components: ds-schedule-actions
- *finish*: When an action is done being executed.
- $event:
- components: ds-schedule-actions
- *mouse-move-day*:
- $event: { type, day, calendar, left, right, handled, $event, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar, ds-calendar-app, ds-day, ds-day-row, ds-weeks-view, ds-week-day-header, ds-days-view
- *mouse-down-day*:
- $event: { type, day, calendar, left, right, handled, $event, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar, ds-calendar-app, ds-day, ds-day-row, ds-weeks-view, ds-week-day-header, ds-days-view
- *mouse-up-day*:
- $event: { type, day, calendar, left, right, handled, $event, $vm, $element }
- components: ds-calendar, ds-calendar-app, ds-day, ds-day-row, ds-weeks-view, ds-week-day-header
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使用 Vuetify 可视化 DaySpan 日历和时间表的组件集合dayspan-vuetify - 简体中文使用 Vuetify 的 DaySpan 中的时间表和日历组件集合此库致力于提供任何现代日历应用可以支持的所有功能,甚至更多。它不仅适用于日历应用,还适用于用户希望控制系统内事件发生时间的任何应用。单击此处查看完整的应用程序示例该库的每个功能都可以通过本地和全局设置切换,并且所有文本都可以本地化。地位这个库的功能已接近完工(每个组件、道具、事件、插槽、方法的文档都必须等待),但 API 仍然会偶尔发生微小的变化。当前文档注意这个库在一些地方使用了 v-html(例如显示事件详细信息),因此您必须清理自己的数据以防止 XSS 漏洞。用法安装npm install --save dayspan-vuetify此库与 Vuetify >= 1.1.9 配合使用效果最佳import DaySpanVuetify from 'dayspan-vuetify'Vue.use( DaySpanVuetify, { // option
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.editorconfig 147B
MaterialIcons-Regular.e79bfd8.eot 140KB
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es.js 12KB
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ca.js 12KB
pt_br.js 12KB
en.js 11KB
tr.js 11KB
webpack.prod.conf.js 4KB
functions.js 3KB
ScheduleFrequency.js 3KB
index.js 3KB
dev-server.js 2KB
webpack.lib.conf.js 2KB
utils.js 2KB
index.js 2KB
webpack.base.conf.js 1KB
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package.json 2KB
dayspan-vuetify.min.js.map 1.28MB
dayspan-vuetify.min.css.map 3KB
ds-schedule-actions.md 6KB
dayspan.md 515B
web.md 106B
vuetify.md 81B
vue.md 74B
lib.scss 2KB
app.scss 149B
lib.styl 0B
MaterialIcons-Regular.a37b0c0.ttf 125KB
资源内容.txt 1KB
标签.txt 3B
CalendarApp.vue 17KB
Event.vue 15KB
ScheduleActions.vue 11KB
Calendar.vue 11KB
CalendarEventCreatePopover.vue 11KB
app.vue 8KB
CalendarEventPopover.vue 7KB
CalendarEvent.vue 5KB
ScheduleTimes.vue 5KB
AgendaEvent.vue 5KB
CalendarEventTime.vue 5KB
DaysView.vue 5KB
Day.vue 4KB
WeekDayHeader.vue 4KB
DayTimes.vue 4KB
DayPicker.vue 4KB
ScheduleSpan.vue 4KB
EventDialog.vue 4KB
ScheduleTime.vue 3KB
ScheduleTypeCustomDialog.vue 3KB
ScheduleForecast.vue 3KB
ScheduleType.vue 3KB
Schedule.vue 3KB
Gestures.vue 2KB
ScheduleFrequencyYear.vue 2KB
ScheduleFrequencyDay.vue 2KB
ScheduleFrequencyDayOfWeek.vue 2KB
ScheduleFrequencyWeek.vue 2KB
CalendarEventPlaceholder.vue 2KB
CalendarEventTimePlaceholder.vue 2KB
AgendaDay.vue 2KB
WeeksView.vue 2KB
ScheduleFrequencyMonth.vue 2KB
ScheduleModifier.vue 2KB
CalendarEventChip.vue 1KB
Agenda.vue 1KB
WeekHeader.vue 1KB
ScheduleTypeCustom.vue 1KB
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