# UnityNormalMapInverter
Convert normal maps from DirectX (-y) to OpenGL (+y)
"Sky in your Eye? Flip your Y" - doctorpangloss
This is a simple tool for converting normal maps from DirectX style (-y) to OpenGL (+y). why are there 2 standards that contain the same information but have slightly different configuration? beats me. But ive seen too many people use the wrong type in the wrong engine, so I made this in-editor tool to fix it, which is much easier to use than opening gimp, decomposing the colors into the RGB components, inverting the G channel, recomposing, and overwriting.
A render engine will use either DirectX or OpenGL style normals. Some common examples include:
- Unity
- Blender
- Houdini
- Maya
- Zbrush
- IClone
- UE4/5
- Godot
- CryEngine
- Source Engine
- Substance Designer/painter
How do I know if my normal maps are fucked?
Cause they look like this:
1) Open the NormalFixer Tool (Tools/NormalMapCorrecter)
2) Drag the normal map into the only slot on the tool. Then press Invert Normal Map. (it might take a while to convert the map, depending on the size)
3) Set the desired file destination + name. Click “save”
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