# Example CASified Java Web Application
This is sample java web application that exercises the CAS protocol features via the Java CAS Client.
- Adjust the url endpoints of the CAS server and
the application server in the [`web.xml`](https://github.com/UniconLabs/cas-sample-java-webapp/blob/master/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml) file.
## Build
* Create a Java keystore at `/etc/cas/jetty/thekeystore` with the password `changeit`.
* Import your server certificate inside this keystore.
mvn clean package jetty:run-forked
The application will be available on:
## Testing High Availability
Assuming you have deployed CAS on two nodes, you can use the sample application to make sure all nodes are properly
sharing the ticket state. To do this, in the `web.xml` file ensure that:
- The `casServerLoginUrl` of the `CAS Authentication Filter` points to CAS node 1 (i.e `https://cas1.sso.edu:8443/cas/login`).
- The `casServerUrlPrefix` of the `CAS Validation Filter` points to CAS node 2 (i.e `https://cas2.sso.edu:8443/cas`)
- For both of the above filters, the `serverName` should always point to the location where *this sample application* is deployed.
Deploy the application and test. You may also want to reverse the order of CAS
nodes 1 and 2 in the above configuration, redeploy and test again.
> Alternatively, one could test distributed CAS nodes without any client application
set up using [this](https://github.com/UniconLabs/duct) small command line utility
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