This volume is an instructor’s manual for the 5
edition of Database System Concepts
by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan. It contains answers to
the exercises at the end of each chapter of the book. Before providing answers to the
exercises for each chapter, we include a few remarks about the chapter. The nature of
these remarks vary. They include explanations of the inclusion or omission of certain
material, and remarks on how we teach the chapterinourowncourses.Theremarks
also include suggestions on material to skip if time is at a premium, and tips on
software and supplementary material that can be used for programming exercises.
The Web home page of the book, at,containsavariety
of useful information, including up-to-date errata, online appendices describing the
network data model, the hierarchical data model, and advanced relational database
design, and model course syllabi. We will periodically update the page with supple-
mentary material that may be of use to teachers and students.
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We would appreciate it if you would notify us of any errors or omissions in the
book, as well as in the instructor’s manual. Internet electronic mail should be ad-
dressed to Physical mail may be sent to Avi Silberschatz, Yale
University, 51 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT, 06520, USA.