function [a, b] = HMM_Forward_Backward(a, b, V)
% Find the probability transition matrices a,b from sample data using the forward-backward algorithm
% Inputs:
% a - Initial estimate of the transition probability matrix
% b - Initial estimate of the output generator matrix
% V - Observed output sequence
% Output:
% a - Estimated transition probability matrix
% b - Estimated output generator matrix
old_a = randn(size(a));
old_b = randn(size(b));
initial_alpha = (ones(1,size(a,1))/size(a,1));
theta = 1e-6;
while (max(sum(sum(abs(a-old_a))),sum(sum(abs(b-old_b)))) > theta),
%Normalize a and b (for numeric reasons)
a = a ./ (sum(a')' * ones(1,size(a,2)));
b = b ./ (sum(b')' * ones(1,size(b,2)));
%Compute alpha and beta
[m, alpha] = HMM_Forward (a,b,initial_alpha.*b(:,V(1))',V);
[m, beta] = HMM_Backward(a,b,(ones(1,size(a,1))/size(a,1)).*b(:,V(end))',V);
%Compute Gamma (via Zeta)
for t = 1:length(V)-1,
mul = alpha(:,t) * (beta(:,t+1).*b(:,V(t+1)))' .* a;
if (sum(mul(:)) > 0),
Zeta(:,:,t) = mul./sum(mul(:));
Gamma(:,t) = sum(Zeta(:,:,t),2);
Gamma(:,length(V)) = zeros(size(a,1),1);
initial_alpha = Gamma(:,1)';
%Compute a_hat from a and b by Eq. 140 (DHS Chapter 3)
a_hat = sum(Zeta,3)./(sum(Gamma,2)*ones(1,size(a,2)));
%Compute b_hat from a and b by Eq. 141 (DHS Chapter 3)
b_hat = zeros(size(b));
for j = 1:size(b,1),
for k = 1:size(b,2),
%Save old a and b
old_a = a;
old_b = b;
%a_ij <- a_hat_ij, b_jk <- b_hat_jk
a = a_hat;
b = b_hat;