// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: networking/v1alpha3/virtual_service.proto
package istio.networking.v1alpha3;
public final class VirtualServiceOuterClass {
private VirtualServiceOuterClass() {}
public static void registerAllExtensions(
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite registry) {
public static void registerAllExtensions(
com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistry registry) {
(com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite) registry);
public interface VirtualServiceOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:istio.networking.v1alpha3.VirtualService)
com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {
* <pre>
* The destination hosts to which traffic is being sent. Could
* be a DNS name with wildcard prefix or an IP address. Depending on the
* platform, short-names can also be used instead of a FQDN (i.e. has no
* dots in the name). In such a scenario, the FQDN of the host would be
* derived based on the underlying platform.
* A single VirtualService can be used to describe all the traffic
* properties of the corresponding hosts, including those for multiple
* HTTP and TCP ports. Alternatively, the traffic properties of a host
* can be defined using more than one VirtualService, with certain
* caveats. Refer to the
* [Operations Guide](https://istio.io/docs/ops/best-practices/traffic-management/#split-virtual-services)
* for details.
* *Note for Kubernetes users*: When short names are used (e.g. "reviews"
* instead of "reviews.default.svc.cluster.local"), Istio will interpret
* the short name based on the namespace of the rule, not the service. A
* rule in the "default" namespace containing a host "reviews" will be
* interpreted as "reviews.default.svc.cluster.local", irrespective of
* the actual namespace associated with the reviews service. _To avoid
* potential misconfigurations, it is recommended to always use fully
* qualified domain names over short names._
* The hosts field applies to both HTTP and TCP services. Service inside
* the mesh, i.e., those found in the service registry, must always be
* referred to using their alphanumeric names. IP addresses are allowed
* only for services defined via the Gateway.
* *Note*: It must be empty for a delegate VirtualService.
* </pre>
* <code>repeated string hosts = 1;</code>
* @return A list containing the hosts.
* <pre>
* The destination hosts to which traffic is being sent. Could
* be a DNS name with wildcard prefix or an IP address. Depending on the
* platform, short-names can also be used instead of a FQDN (i.e. has no
* dots in the name). In such a scenario, the FQDN of the host would be
* derived based on the underlying platform.
* A single VirtualService can be used to describe all the traffic
* properties of the corresponding hosts, including those for multiple
* HTTP and TCP ports. Alternatively, the traffic properties of a host
* can be defined using more than one VirtualService, with certain
* caveats. Refer to the
* [Operations Guide](https://istio.io/docs/ops/best-practices/traffic-management/#split-virtual-services)
* for details.
* *Note for Kubernetes users*: When short names are used (e.g. "reviews"
* instead of "reviews.default.svc.cluster.local"), Istio will interpret
* the short name based on the namespace of the rule, not the service. A
* rule in the "default" namespace containing a host "reviews" will be
* interpreted as "reviews.default.svc.cluster.local", irrespective of
* the actual namespace associated with the reviews service. _To avoid
* potential misconfigurations, it is recommended to always use fully
* qualified domain names over short names._
* The hosts field applies to both HTTP and TCP services. Service inside
* the mesh, i.e., those found in the service registry, must always be
* referred to using their alphanumeric names. IP addresses are allowed
* only for services defined via the Gateway.
* *Note*: It must be empty for a delegate VirtualService.
* </pre>
* <code>repeated string hosts = 1;</code>
* @return The count of hosts.
int getHostsCount();
* <pre>
* The destination hosts to which traffic is being sent. Could
* be a DNS name with wildcard prefix or an IP address. Depending on the
* platform, short-names can also be used instead of a FQDN (i.e. has no
* dots in the name). In such a scenario, the FQDN of the host would be
* derived based on the underlying platform.
* A single VirtualService can be used to describe all the traffic
* properties of the corresponding hosts, including those for multiple
* HTTP and TCP ports. Alternatively, the traffic properties of a host
* can be defined using more than one VirtualService, with certain
* caveats. Refer to the
* [Operations Guide](https://istio.io/docs/ops/best-practices/traffic-management/#split-virtual-services)
* for details.
* *Note for Kubernetes users*: When short names are used (e.g. "reviews"
* instead of "reviews.default.svc.cluster.local"), Istio will interpret
* the short name based on the namespace of the rule, not the service. A
* rule in the "default" namespace containing a host "reviews" will be
* interpreted as "reviews.default.svc.cluster.local", irrespective of
* the actual namespace associated with the reviews service. _To avoid
* potential misconfigurations, it is recommended to always use fully
* qualified domain names over short names._
* The hosts field applies to both HTTP and TCP services. Service inside
* the mesh, i.e., those found in the service registry, must always be
* referred to using their alphanumeric names. IP addresses are allowed
* only for services defined via the Gateway.
* *Note*: It must be empty for a delegate VirtualService.
* </pre>
* <code>repeated string hosts = 1;</code>
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The hosts at the given index.
java.lang.String getHosts(int index);
* <pre>
* The destination hosts to which traffic is being sent. Could
* be a DNS name with wildcard prefix or an IP address. Depending on the
* platform, short-names can also be used instead of a FQDN (i.e. has no
* dots in the name). In such a scenario, the FQDN of the host would be
* derived based on the underlying platform.
* A single VirtualService can be used to describe all the traffic
* properties of the corresponding hosts, including those for multiple
* HTTP and TCP ports. Alternatively, the traffic properties of a host
* can be defined using more than one VirtualService, with certain
* caveats. Refer to the
* [Operations Guide](https://istio.io/docs/ops/best-practices/traffic-management/#split-virtual-services)
* for details.
* *Note for Kubernetes users*: When short names are used (e.g. "reviews"
* instead of "reviews.default.svc.cluster.local"), Istio will interpret
* the short name based on the namespace of the rule, not the service. A
* rule in the "default" namespace containing a host "reviews" will be
* interpreted as "reviews.default.svc.cluster.local", irrespective of
* the actual namespace associated with the reviews service. _To avoid
* potential misconfigurations, it is recommended to always use fully
* qualified domain names over short names._
* The hosts field applies to both HTTP and TCP services. Service inside
* the mesh, i.e., those found