%% Simulation Parameters
clear variables; % Clear the workspace.
%%% Parameters for channel modelling
Fc = 30e9; % Carrier frequency in Hz
WaveLength = physconst('LightSpeed')/Fc;
BS_height = 25; % BS antenna height (macro-cell scenario)
UE_height = 1.5; % UE antenna height (outdoor UEs)
Dis2D = 50:50:300; % Horizontal BS-UE distance in meters
Dis3D = sqrt((BS_height-UE_height)^2+Dis2D.^2); % Actual BS-UE distance
%%% Parameters for capacity calculation
BW = 0.005*Fc; % Bandwith in Hz
TX_power_mmWave = 35; % Transmit power in dBm, for mmWave frequencies
TX_power_Microwave = 49; % Transmit power in dBm, for microwave frequencies
Noise_power = -174; % dBm/Hz
Ns = 1; % Number of data streams
ITER = 1000; % Number of random channel realizations
%% Additional Channel Modelling Features
% Shadow fading
ShadowFadingFlag = 0; % 0 - not included, 1 - included
% Oxygen absorption
OxygenAbsorptionFlag = 0; % 0 - not included, 1 - included
%% CDL-A Channel Model
CDL_A = nrCDLChannel;
CDL_A.DelayProfile = 'CDL-A';
CDL_A.DelaySpread = 200*1e-9; % 200 ns
CDL_A.CarrierFrequency = Fc;
CDL_A.ChannelFiltering = false; % For extracting channel coefficients
CDL_A.TransmitAntennaArray.Size = [4 4 1 1 1]; % [M N P Mg Ng]
CDL_A.TransmitAntennaArray.PolarizationAngles = [0,0]; % Default: [45 -45], applies when P = 2
CDL_A.ReceiveAntennaArray.Size = [2 2 1 1 1]; % [M N P Mg Ng]
CDL_A.ReceiveAntennaArray.PolarizationAngles = [0,0]; % Default: [0 90], applies when P = 2
%% Channel Parameters Extraction
cdlinfo = info(CDL_A);
%%% Antenna configurations
% BS
Nt = cdlinfo.NumTransmitAntennas;
SizeBS = CDL_A.TransmitAntennaArray.Size; % Struct
ElementSpacingBS = CDL_A.TransmitAntennaArray.ElementSpacing; % [0.5 0.5 1 1]
% Obtain antenna position vectors using Phased Array System Toolbox
ArrayBS = phased.URA('Size',SizeBS(1:2),'ElementSpacing',ElementSpacingBS(1:2)*WaveLength);
ElePosBS = getElementPosition(ArrayBS); % 3 x (Nt/P), for one polarization only
ElePosBS = repelem(ElePosBS,1,SizeBS(3)); % 3 x Nt
% UE
Nr = cdlinfo.NumReceiveAntennas;
SizeUE = CDL_A.ReceiveAntennaArray.Size; % Struct
ElementSpacingUE = CDL_A.ReceiveAntennaArray.ElementSpacing; % [0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]
% Obtain antenna position vectors using Phased Array System Toolbox
ArrayUE = phased.URA('Size',SizeUE(1:2),'ElementSpacing',ElementSpacingUE(1:2)*WaveLength);
ElePosUE = getElementPosition(ArrayUE); % 3 x (Nr/P), for one polarization only
ElePosUE = repelem(ElePosUE,1,SizeUE(3)); % 3 x Nr
%%% Clustered angles (AOD,AOA,ZOD,ZOA)
NumCluster = length(cdlinfo.PathDelays); % N
% Cluster angles
ClusterAOD = cdlinfo.AnglesAoD; % 1 x N
ClusterAOA = cdlinfo.AnglesAoA;
ClusterZOD = cdlinfo.AnglesZoD;
ClusterZOA = cdlinfo.AnglesZoA;
% Subpath angles
RayOffset = [0.0447 0.1413 0.2492 0.3715 0.5129 0.6797 0.8844 1.1481 1.5195 2.1551];
RayOffset = [RayOffset;-RayOffset];
RayOffset = RayOffset(:);
NumSubPaths = length(RayOffset); % M
AngleSpreads = CDL_A.AngleSpreads;
C_ASD = AngleSpreads(1);
C_ASA = AngleSpreads(2);
C_ZSD = AngleSpreads(3);
C_ZSA = AngleSpreads(4);
% M x N
RayAOD = repmat(ClusterAOD,NumSubPaths,1)+C_ASD*repmat(RayOffset,1,NumCluster);
RayAOA = repmat(ClusterAOA,NumSubPaths,1)+C_ASA*repmat(RayOffset,1,NumCluster);
RayZOD = repmat(ClusterZOD,NumSubPaths,1)+C_ZSD*repmat(RayOffset,1,NumCluster);
RayZOA = repmat(ClusterZOA,NumSubPaths,1)+C_ZSA*repmat(RayOffset,1,NumCluster);
% Randomly couple the departure and arrival angles.
RayAOD = Coupling(RayAOD,NumSubPaths,NumCluster);
RayAOA = Coupling(RayAOA,NumSubPaths,NumCluster);
RayZOD = Coupling(RayZOD,NumSubPaths,NumCluster);
RayZOA = Coupling(RayZOA,NumSubPaths,NumCluster);
%%% Steering vectors of depature/arrival angles
[Ar,At] = getSteeringVector(RayAOD(:),RayAOA(:),RayZOD(:),RayZOA(:),ElePosBS,ElePosUE,WaveLength);
%% Capacity Estimation
% NLOS path loss model (optional model)
[PathLoss,ShaSTD] = getPathLossNLOS(Fc*1e-9,Dis3D); % dB, vector
if ShadowFadingFlag == 1
PathLoss = PathLoss+normrnd(0,ShaSTD);
Capacity = zeros(length(Dis2D),ITER);
for d = 1:length(Dis2D)
for i = 1:ITER
% Extract channel coefficients.
[PathGains,~] = CDL_A();
PathGains = squeeze(mean(PathGains,1)); % Averaging over channel snapshots
ChannelMatrix = permute(PathGains,[3,2,1]); % Nr x Nt x N
% Apply path loss.
ChannelMatrixPL = 1/sqrt(10^(PathLoss(d)/10))*ChannelMatrix;
% Oxygen absorption feature
if OxygenAbsorptionFlag == 1
OxygenLoss = Oxygen_Absorption(Fc); % dB/km
OxygenLoss = OxygenLoss*(Dis3D(d)/1000); % dB/m
ChannelMatrixFinal = 1/sqrt(10^(OxygenLoss/10))*ChannelMatrixPL;
ChannelMatrixFinal = ChannelMatrixPL;
% Capacity calculation (assuming narrowband channels)
NarrowbandChannels = sum(ChannelMatrixFinal,3);
if floor(Fc*1e-9) < 30 % Microwave frequencies
% MIMO multiplexing
Capacity(d,i) = MIMO_Multiplexing(NarrowbandChannels,Ns,Noise_power,BW,TX_power_Microwave); % bits/s
else % Millimeter wave frequencies
% Hybrid precoding
Capacity(d,i) = MIMO_HybridPrecoding(NarrowbandChannels,At,Ar,BW,TX_power_mmWave,Noise_power,Ns); % bits/s
AveCapacity = mean(Capacity,2)*1e-6; % Mbps
%% Capacity Plot
figure();title('Average Channel Capacity on CDL-A Model');
xlabel('BS-UE Horizontal Distance (meter)');
ylabel('Average Capacity (Mbps)');
grid on;